
Use mental nutrition to raise healthy and happy children and yourself!


"Psychological nutrition is the basic background of a person's growth, and it is never too late to give it to children and themselves at any time." Mr. Lin often teaches us this in class. Five psychological nutrition: unconditional acceptance, attention, security, affirmation of praise and recognition, and learning cognitive models. When we learn these five psychological nutrients, we understand, and after we understand, we will do it, and when we do it, we will be effective tools. Psychological nutrition is the only magic weapon that can be used directly and can make us truly bloom from the bottom of the life force.

Use mental nutrition to raise healthy and happy children and yourself!


If the child's psychological nutrition in life is not enough, it is easy to have the following three problems. One is emotional instability. What is emotional instability? It means that a person cannot control his emotions. Maybe because of a small thing, it can cause him a lot of emotional ups and downs, and even easy to explode because of a small thing, which not only affects himself, but also affects the relationship with the people around him. Second, interpersonal relationships are easily hindered. Playing with your peers in kindergarten or elementary school is easy to get angry and then break up. When you go to junior high school, high school or college, you often find that you have few friends, and most people can't maintain a long-term relationship with themselves, and generally break up after a while. When you join the work, it is also easy to clash with colleagues. There are many judgments and standards for oneself and others, and there are more beliefs and rules within. When entering intimate relationships, it is also prone to frequent problems.

Use mental nutrition to raise healthy and happy children and yourself!


Children's psychological nutrition is not enough, and the third is that it is easy to produce biased behavior. It is easy to hurt oneself and others in behavior and language. Especially when children reach adolescence, when there are more internally suppressed emotions and cannot be reasonably released, they are prone to similar deviations. We think that children are fragile inside, but in fact, the psychological nutrition given by parents during the process of growing up is not enough. Just as a plant needs soil, water, and air, our children need nothing but basic physical needs.

Use mental nutrition to raise healthy and happy children and yourself!


Teacher Lin often teaches us in the classroom that when children have a lot of emotions, when children's interpersonal relationships are blocked, when children have deviant behavior, what we parents can do is "three do not do, only do one." "Three don't do: One is not to say something that hurts the child's self-esteem. Any personal qualities in a child belong to the child's self-esteem. When parents say that their children are lazy, stupid or ugly, and irresponsible, they hurt their children's self-esteem. So what if your child is doing something wrong? Directly tell the child what you have done wrong, discuss with the child how to correct it, only talk about things, and still affirm the child in his heart. The second is not to say insulting words to children. Don't criticize and educate your children in front of outsiders, which will make children feel very faceless. Parents must remember: "Children want face." Especially adolescent children need their parents and teachers to give him face. ”

Use mental nutrition to raise healthy and happy children and yourself!


Three do not do one of them", the third is that parents should not have anxious emotions. "This is something that parents can hardly do. But no matter how difficult it is, we need to have a stable mood for the sake of our children. Anxiety is a concern about uncertainty about the future. What if I can't do it? Then take a look at the emotion management article I wrote earlier, which has many ways to tell you how to release emotions. When parents are anxious, the child's direct feeling is that they are not good enough. The more reassuring and letting go of their children, the more they let them take responsibility for their own lives, but let the children's nature be free to bloom and develop. Only do one, that is, only do Teacher Lin's "psychological nutrition!" ”。

Use mental nutrition to raise healthy and happy children and yourself!


Teacher Lin often teaches us that psychological nutrition should be done on ourselves first, and only when the psychological nutrition of our parents is enough, they can give it. That is, as the saying goes: "Parents themselves do not have, how can you give it?" "The reason is very simple, but to really implement and practice, it takes a long way to go, we have to do it slowly, not overnight." I believe that through a certain period of time, you will be able to raise healthy and happy children and yourself. Take the psychological nutrition of "valuing" as an example, we can pay attention to ourselves every day from now on, give ourselves a word of praise, and give ourselves 10-20 minutes of exclusive personal time, which we can do immediately, and it is not difficult to do, so little by little to do it on ourselves. Just like me, every morning I will spend an hour reading, this time is not disturbed by anyone, this is to give myself "attention". I believe that reading this article, you can also use the psychological nutrition I shared, first nourish yourself, and slowly you will see that it can nourish your lover and children, and even your parents! I use my articles to learn and grow with you! Bless you!

Use mental nutrition to raise healthy and happy children and yourself!

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