
It's Kore-eda and Deneuve: he has great respect for her, like a little boy waiting for his goddess More wonderful reports can be found in this issue of the new issue "Re-viewing Intimate Relationships: Us Changed by the Epidemic", click on the commodity card below to buy

author:Triad Life Weekly

This article was published in the "Sanlian Life Weekly" No. 15, 2020, the original title of the "Catherine Deneuve's Mirror", it is strictly forbidden to reprint privately, infringement will be investigated

Female celebrities are usually reluctant to face their own aging. The Japanese director is Hirokazu Kore-eda's new film The Truth, a gentle mirror he has prepared for catherine Deneuve, a 76-year-old goddess of French film history.

Reporter/Zhang Xingyun

It's Kore-eda and Deneuve: he has great respect for her, like a little boy waiting for his goddess More wonderful reports can be found in this issue of the new issue "Re-viewing Intimate Relationships: Us Changed by the Epidemic", click on the commodity card below to buy

In 1968, Catherine Deneuve, the goddess of French film history, starred in the film "Hot Love"

A film superstar entering his later years

French actress Juliette Binoche has always been a fan of Hirokazu Kore-eda. "To me, he's like the contemporary Chekov, telling true family stories in the most subtle way possible, and under his lens, people's relationships are warm and cruel, but you will still fall in love with these stories." 」

At a film festival a few years ago, Binoche approached Kore-eda and said he should make a movie together. It was Kore-eda who began to prepare the script, which is still the theme of his previous films: family, the relationship between two generations. The first time he showed Binoche a script, he had already decided to ask the 76-year-old legendary French actress Catherine Deneuve to play Binoche's mother. So under Binoche's arrangement, it was Kore-eda who met with Deneuve.

At this time, Kore-eda had a lot of production, 5 films in 5 years, and with "Thief Family" winning the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 2018, he also became completely famous in Europe. But when they met, Binoche realized deneuve's place in Kore-eda's heart. "He had great respect for her, like a little boy waiting for his goddess to come to the set."

The scene was adapted by Kore-eda into the opening scene of the film: in the living room of a sun-drenched villa in Paris, Deneuve plays a film superstar who has entered his old age idly smoking a cigarette, and the reporter across the coffee table nervously flips through a small book. "I have already answered this question, please read the interview with me in The Liberation Daily." The superstar leaned up, smiled and peeked into the reporter's little book, "Another question of yours is the last question you had in the interview with me by The Screen Actors Guild before, do you have any questions?" The overwhelmed reporter continued the interview with a straight face, "Do you think who among the younger generation of actresses has inherited your acting genes?" "I don't think so in France." Kore-eda later recalled that the last question and answer really happened when he first met and chatted with Deneuve.

The first time we met, the script had not yet been fully written, and it was Kore-eda who was afraid that Deneuve would reject him. However, the latter made two requests after reading the script, which made Kore-eda completely relieved. "The script is really interesting, but you may also need to revise this part and that part. ...... The film will be shot in Paris, right? You know I can't leave Paris. ”

It's Kore-eda and Deneuve: he has great respect for her, like a little boy waiting for his goddess More wonderful reports can be found in this issue of the new issue "Re-viewing Intimate Relationships: Us Changed by the Epidemic", click on the commodity card below to buy

The Japanese director is Hirokazu Kore-eda

Thus came Kore-eda's first foreign language film, The Truth. Although many people worried that Kore-eda would be dissatisfied with making a film in France, it turned out that the language and many details in the film still had a strong imprint on him. Filmed entirely in Paris, Kore-eda deliberately avoided exteriors such as the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysées, and like his previous films, focused the main scenes indoors, he found a villa with a garden in the Montparnasse district, with quiet sunlight and fallen leaves, which was close to Deneuve's real home.

The story takes place in the home of a famous French actress in her later years, the film legend Evergreen, played by Deneuve, has just published an autobiographical memoir, and juliet Binoche, the daughter of a screenwriter who lives in New York, comes to Paris with her son-in-law and young granddaughter to reunite with her mother and participate in the release of the latter's new book. At this point, kore-eda's film material is in place— the elderly, middle-aged people, children, and the family are in the same room, but the tonkatsu and miso soup at the family dinner in Kore-eda and Japanese movies are now replaced by pasta and cake.

In a few days of family reunion, the daughter found that the star mother, who has always been cold, did not tell the truth in her memoirs, neither talking about the lack of maternal love in her childhood due to her mother's dedication to acting, nor mentioning the sister who died early of her mother, who was also an actor, and even "writing to death" her divorced husband. The reunion of the mother and daughter soon turned into mutual accusations, and the resentment accumulated in this villa, which is the origin of the film's name "The Truth".

It's Kore-eda and Deneuve: he has great respect for her, like a little boy waiting for his goddess More wonderful reports can be found in this issue of the new issue "Re-viewing Intimate Relationships: Us Changed by the Epidemic", click on the commodity card below to buy

French actress Juliet Binoche

"Play within a play"

Originally named Katherine for the heroine of the film, the legendary actress, Kore-eda was later changed to the latter's middle name, Fabiana, at Deneuve's suggestion. It's clearly a tribute to the film. The heroine is mysterious, beautiful, noble, with perfect long blonde hair, smoking a slender cigarette, wearing sunglasses, and wearing a fur coat, which have long been the symbols of Deneuve.

Deneuve was born into an acting family, and her sister Fran? oise Dorléac, who was a year older than Deneuve, started out in the film industry earlier than she did, and in the summer of the year when Deneuve was 13, her sister saw her staying at home doing nothing and took her to the film "Sunset Girl" in which she starred, which became Deneuve's first film. A two-time collaboration with New Wave director Jacques Demy in the '60s made Deneuve famous, but then her 24-year-old sister died in a car accident. Grief-stricken, she immersed herself entirely in filmmaking, taking on numerous films, with Luis Bu?uel winning the Venice Golden Lion for "Day beauty," Jacques Demi's "Donkey Skin Princess" becoming the hallmark of her acting career, and Fran?ois Truffaut's "The Last Subway" winning her a César Award for Best Actress.

In "The Truth", the heroine is also an actor who has devoted her life to her career, and she does not care about her relatives and friends around her, and she is accustomed to performing according to the script, even when facing her daughter who has been separated for a long time, she also needs to hide her true thoughts through "acting". It was Kore-eda who deliberately set up a "play-in-play" for "The Truth", where a busy mother, while receiving her daughter's family, also had to go to the studio to participate in the filming of a movie, and the script of that movie also revolved around the mother-daughter relationship. It was Kore-eda who confessed that this "play-in-the-play" was a special tribute to the "play-in-the-play" in Truffaut's "The Last Subway", and before the film began, he seriously re-watched Truffaut's two films", "Day and Night" and "The Last Subway". "Play within a play" allows the heroine to constantly mix real life with movie characters, and the boundary between real and fiction is no longer clear.

After winning the César Award for Best Actress, Deneuve ushered in her historic moment. In 1985, after a vote by the French public, she succeeded the French singer Mireille Mathieu as the prototype model for the sculpture of Marianne, the goddess of freedom and reason, the symbol of the French country, and the French regarded her as the perfect woman in their hearts.

But Deneuve never dwells on the glorious past, and the historical goddess of cinema who has played with marcello Mastroianni, Gérard Depardieu, Serge Gainsbourg, Yves Montand, Alain Delon and other male film stars has faced the constant blessing and aging of the body Instead of retreating like most actresses and leaving the most beautiful image on the screen, he chose to continue to make movies, and the roles in the movies also ranged from mother to grandmother, and so on until the age of 76.

It's Kore-eda and Deneuve: he has great respect for her, like a little boy waiting for his goddess More wonderful reports can be found in this issue of the new issue "Re-viewing Intimate Relationships: Us Changed by the Epidemic", click on the commodity card below to buy

In The Truth, Ethan Hawke plays son-in-law, Binoche plays daughter, and Deneuve plays mother (from left to right)

It is Kore-eda who even naturally compares Deneuve to the Japanese actress Kiki Kirin, whom he has worked with for many years. "When The Truth was filmed, I often had to change the script, and Deneuve usually came to the back of the set during the day to read the script while putting on makeup, and then gave me advice, just like Kiki Shirin." The latter, who has been playing the role of grandmother in the family in Kore-eda's films, died at the end of 2018 at the age of 75.

Like her mother in "The Truth," Deneuve has been busy enjoying her later years in recent years. Counting "The Truth", which was released at the beginning of this year, four films starring her have been released since last year.

But last November, while participating in a new film directed by Emmanuelle Bercot, "In His Life," Deneuve was hospitalized for a sudden stroke, and although her agent later stated that she had only had a mild stroke and her mobility was not affected, she is still recovering from her body, and the filming of the new film "In His Life" has been indefinitely delayed.

Watching "The Truth" now, I find that it is an extremely rare autobiographical film in Deneuve's 60-year career as an actor. It was Kore-eda who prepared a gentle mirror for her in his Japanese-style way. There's a scene in "The Truth" where, at night, the heroine played by Deneuve goes into the bed and asks her partner, "Do you say that my career as an actor has come to an end?" ...... Or don't answer, you'll tell the truth. ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > more wonderful reports can be found in this issue of the new issue "Re-looking at Intimate Relationships: Us Changed by the Epidemic", click on the product card below to buy</h1>

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