
Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

author:Blue and white

"I think if I could use that kind of bragging energy to learn a little more realistically, wouldn't I get more?" A hundred years ago, Mr. Lu Xun was not accustomed to the ugly state of the villains bragging, and issued such an exclamation.

To this day, there are still many self-aggrandizing people who have to blow cowhide to the sky, and the level of madness is jaw-dropping.

There is a 23-year-old brother in Hangzhou named Wu Chengyin, who claims to be a French returnee with an annual income of 300,000 yuan in the blind date program, and also said that he is an alumnus of Marie Curie.

The program team visited the field, but found that this bombastic Little Wu was not worthy of the name, he only ate 3 steamed buns a day, and there was no exit record on his passport. In the face of ironclad evidence, he was so angry that he angrily rebuked the program group in person that "he will not be a man."

What a ridiculous farce has this strange blind date man staged?

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

Blind date show surprises "high-quality men"

Seven or eight years ago, TV programs with the theme of blind dates and marriages were all over the Internet, and the people were quite curious about such programs that filled the world after tea and dinner. Major television stations have followed suit and set up different forms of blind date variety shows.

In 2012, Hangzhou TV had a program called "Blind Date Will Win", which was responsible for matchmaking single men and women in Hangzhou.

The organizers' purpose was originally for young men and women of the working class, who had thought that one day, a "sparkling" returnee man would contact them.

On the phone, the director listened to the voice and tone of the other party, and judged that he should not be more than 25 years old, a young man who had just entered the society. But the tone of the other party is not small, and a series of titles that make the well-informed director listen to a circle.

The young man named Wu Chengyin, a high-caliber graduate of the self-proclaimed "University of Paris I", has been living in France before and recently returned to China to live temporarily because of business.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

Seeing that the director was incredulous, Wu Chengyin added in a huff: "Yes, it is Marie Curie's school."

"Blind Date Will Win" has been broadcast for a few years, and the biggest name of the guests in the show is only senior white-collar workers such as company managers.

Upon hearing that the new guest was Marie Curie's alumnus, the director's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly arranged for the choreographer to register and focus on care, how could he not miss this outstanding young man.

Subsequently, the director asked for some basic personal information, and Wu Chengyin on the other side of the phone was more and more outrageous, and the entire program team was dumbfounded and had to look at each other.

Xiao Wu said that his father worked in the wine business in France, owned a private winery, and the specific annual income needed to be kept secret.

The choreographer reminds him that he must say an approximate number, otherwise he will not be able to match the girl he likes. Xiao Wu blurted out: "My personal income is about 300,000." ”

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

The tone of confidence seemed unmistakable. At that time, an annual income of 300,000 was almost unimaginable.

Asked what hobbies he usually has, Xiao Wu pondered for a moment and once again said something amazing: "I usually like to ski and play ice hockey." However, recently returned to China to handle business, it was shelved. ”

Such a high-level interest in ice hockey is quite in line with his elite identity, and the program team will be suspicious, they feel that they dare to come to the TV blind date, and they will not lie, right?

They combed through a series of information about Xiao Wu and posted them to the blind date group to find the girl they liked. In just two hours, 5 good-looking, decent-looking Hangzhou girls have left contact information.

They couldn't believe that they could meet such an outstanding single man on this small show.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

It is no exaggeration to describe Xiao Wu as the most popular hot stem of the moment - a high-quality male of human beings. The program team is looking forward to the early start of recording and the ratings are bursting, and the girls are more looking forward to a vigorous and sweet encounter with the return of this elite sea.

A farce of lies that can be broken at the touch of a button

Lies are like a mirage and colorful foam, broken without a trace with a single blow and a single pick.

Through the phone, Wu Chengyin can still package himself as a glittering elite, but once he returns to reality, everything he has woven will be broken at a touch.

The TV station sent two gold medal choreographers and a top team of senior cameramen to Xiao Wu's home for an interview, it seems that their movements are too fast, and Xiao Wu is obviously a little caught off guard when they open the door.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

In front of the camera, this outstanding young man who claimed to earn 300,000 yuan a year was wearing a cheap black shirt, and his hairstyle was the most popular hair salon at that time. Rather than being a high-caliber French student, the program team would rather believe that he is a social youth who mixes on the street.

"I just came back from abroad..." Xiao Wu's tone was three points of panic, and the dodgy look showed that he didn't want the program team to enter the house very much. The camera big brother lens swept away, and the whole view of the whole house was unobstructed - an ordinary two-bedroom apartment.

The humble decoration made the choreographers curious, and they asked if they could visit the office of the wine business.

Xiao Wu hurriedly prevaricated: "At present, business is done abroad, and there is no office space in China." This contradicted what he said on the phone at the time, "returning to China to handle business."

Looking at the director's confused expression, Xiao Wu knew that it was his soulless appearance that missed the horse's foot, and he cleverly added: "I still have an annual income of 100,000 yuan now." ”

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

The choreographer couldn't help but smile and asked: "Didn't you say that the annual income is 300,000?" ”

Xiao Wu only then came back to taste, the lies he made up were too many flaws, and now the circle is not round. Stubborn self-esteem made him say urgently: "Average it!" As he spoke, he danced with his hands, afraid that others would not know that this was blind and talking nonsense.

The choreographers didn't quite understand what "average" meant, and they didn't want to delve into the boring topic. As soon as the conversation turned, several people talked about Xiao Wu's proud "a major undergraduate graduation in Paris".

Saying more and more leaks, Xiao Wu gushed endlessly, saying how good he was in studying in Paris, and the result was that even the most basic timeline could not match.

The choreographer questioned this, and he did not blush and his heart did not beat: "I read relatively early, I did not read in the sixth grade of primary school and the third grade of junior high school, and I am more intelligent." ”

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

The taciturn camera brother could not listen to it anymore, and he offered to see the long insight of the graduation certificate of the university in Paris. Xiao Wu said "next time", because the graduation certificate was at home. The crowd was dumbfounded, aren't you in his house at the moment?

Xiao Wu changed his speech and said that "the graduation certificate is lost, and the French passport is also lost." It was hard to show the Chinese passport to the choreographers, but the pages of the exit record were empty, and there was no record of having been to France.

The evidence was overwhelming, and the choreographer was convinced that Wu Chengyin had never been abroad, let alone studied at the University of Paris I. However, this made Xiao Wu anxious, and he patted his chest and said, "Don't be blind, I really have been in France for a long time, believe it or not!" ”

In desperation, the choreographer had to retreat to the second place, hoping that Xiao Wu would show the souvenirs or specialties brought back from France. Just now patting his chest, he immediately panicked, entered the room to turn left and right, and finally pointed to a tattered mural on the living room wall.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

What prompted Wu Chengyin to break down his lies and lose face was an old aunt who returned from buying vegetables. Xiao Wu insisted that this was the nanny who took care of his living, but the camera swept to his aunt's vegetable basket and found that there were only some green vegetables inside, and there was no half a shadow of meat and fish.

A handwritten menu on the dinner table was quite eye-catching, and the choreographer picked it up and read it carefully, and as a result, he was refreshed again - the menu recorded Wu Chengyin's specific meals seven days a week, stir-fried vegetables almost no meat, and his staple food was only a meal and a steamed bun.

Even for ordinary working families, they also pay attention to meat and vegetarian collocation and nutritional balance when eating on weekdays, not to mention occasionally buying some fish, shrimp and crab to improve their diet. Xiao Wu eats three steamed buns a day, and no one believes that he is a gold medal returnee with an annual salary of 300,000.

Xiao Wu was thinking about how to round the lie, and in a hurry, he knocked off a small box on the coffee table.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

The camera brother slowly pushed the camera past, only to see that the box was impressively written "Wheat Dihuang Oral Liquid", and there were funny words such as "tonify the kidney and aphrodisiac, revitalize the male wind" in the lower medicinal effect column.

He scratched his head in embarrassment, and then explained weakly, "Cold or something... Eat once in a while to replenish your body. The camera brother pointed out sharply: "This medicine is tonic for the kidneys, not what you should take at your age." Lad you have to exercise more! ”

Ashamed and embarrassed, Xiao Wu was eager to find a seam to drill into, and in order to find face for himself, he proposed to go to the community to ask the staff about their true identity, so as not to let the program team always talk nonsense. Seeing that things were getting more and more ridiculous, the choreographers were eager to laugh more, and immediately agreed to his request.

Xiao Wu transformed into a French racing driver

"Is it the Wenhua Community Neighborhood Committee in Xihu District, Hangzhou"? The program team repeatedly confirmed that this is a serious community office and not some other strange place.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

Xiao Wu strides in with a confident stride, and everyone follows closely behind him, wanting to see what tricks he wants to play again.

Surprisingly, an office aunt saw Xiao Wu get up and greet her warmly, and when she heard that there was a camera shooting, she cleared her throat and brewed emotions. The choreographer handed over the radio equipment, and the aunt began her "performance" in an exaggerated tone.

Oh, he's right, coming back from France... Racing masters. He used to play in formula competitions over there or something. This remark shocked the program team not lightly, is everything Xiao Wu said true?

The microphone passed to Xiao Wu's hand, and the choreographer asked him to talk in detail about his experience in participating in the racing race, and no one expected that this time he would shake his head and deny it, saying that he had not played racing.

Perhaps it was the embarrassment of boasting about Haikou before that had taught him a lesson, and he did not dare to easily admit a series of gimmicks made up by his mother.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

However, only a few minutes later, Xiao Wu took the initiative to find the camera to explain the original reason: "I have played racing before and broken my foot, you know, now my left foot is not very good, so I am not willing to mention it at all." ”

The choreographers felt that the young man was hopeless, and they decided to cure him with some fierce materials.

In the face of a series of questions from the program group, a sentence that Xiao Wu often hangs on his lips is: "My Chinese is not very good, we should communicate in French." The choreographer happened to have a friend who had learned French, so he dialed the phone and asked him to talk to Xiao Wu for a couple of words.

The friend on the other end of the phone was not polite at all, and came up with a series of authentic Parisian accents, which made Xiao Wu's scalp tingle and dumb. Seeing that he did not answer, the other party explained with Chinese: "I asked you what your name is and what is your name?" ”

Xiao Wu smiled awkwardly and said that he had heard it wrong. Friends asked him a series of questions, such as whether he was studying at a university in Lyon, and Xiao Wu would not even be able to make up a complete French vocabulary.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

He didn't know that the conversation was completely exposed.

He insisted that he had read "a big school in Paris", and now that he turned around and said that he was studying at the university in Lyon, the choreographer was very angry at his attitude of running trains with his mouth full of trains.

Xiao Wu, who had nothing to say, still insisted: "Believe it or not! I didn't believe calling and asking my dad. ”

The choreographer pushed the boat along the water and asked him to call now, and Xiao Wu prevaricated that his father was in seychelles because of the jet lag.

After being forced to make a call, a sarcastic voice came from the hands-free mobile phone: "Sorry, your number has not yet opened the international long-distance service..."

A whole day's work time is wasted on a liar, and the program team is inevitably angry and annoyed. Their duty is to broker marriages between single men and women, and now it has become a "crackdown on counterfeiting."

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

Just as they were about to return home, the girls they liked arrived at the scene, and an even more absurd farce began.

The original form is still unrepentant

The first girl to arrive at the appointment, Xiao Zhou, is engaged in the red wine sales industry, she looks quite sweet, and when she first heard that Xiao Wu's family was engaged in the red wine business, she became interested in meeting.

For the sake of the program effect, the program team did not tell her in advance that Xiao Wu was a liar, and let them chat freely.

Xiao Zhou's biggest concern is naturally red wine, and she asked straight away: "What kind of red wine business does my uncle do in France?" Xiao Wu scratched the bridge of his nose, his face was raised at a forty-five-degree angle, and he made up the answer on the spot: "I think there seems to be someone named Raphael, right?" ”

"You're not talking about Rafi, are you?" Well...... Rafi is the top of the list. The kind Xiao Zhou had not yet found out that the situation was wrong at the moment, and she took the initiative to help Xiao Wu play the round field.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

Who knew that the topic quickly deviated, and Xiao Wu began to nonsense such nonsense as "Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci are Italian".

The atmosphere fell into a suffocating anxiety, and the program team came forward to call Out Xiao Zhou and interview her evaluation of Xiao Wu's nonsense.

Xiao Zhou's answer made people can't help but sigh at her simple kindness: "Maybe the business is all his father's responsibility, so he doesn't know much about it." ”

At this time, the program team told the truth about the ins and outs of the matter, and Xiao Zhou was shocked and could not close his mouth, but he still wanted to talk to Xiao Wu for a few more words.

She criticized Xiao Wu for not being mature enough, and Xiao Wu, who was said to be impatient, immediately testified that he was "mature", and he said wildly: "There are many girls I have private contact with!" ”

There is a girlfriend who still wants to come to the blind date show, Xiao Zhou feels a great deception, and she immediately leaves the scene in anger. The program team also thinks that he has rebelled, and this matter must be explained clearly today, otherwise everyone will have no time to accompany him to continue to waste time.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

During the confrontation, the second favorite girl, Xiao Shi, quietly appeared, and she heard the questioning of Xiao Wu that the program team had just asked. The complicated situation made her full of doubts, xiao Wu is not a french high-achieving student? How can he now be judged like a prisoner with a weak heart?

After being swept away in front of the two beautiful women, Xiao Wu finally could not suppress the anger in his heart.

He slammed the table like crazy and yelled angrily at the camera: "You are such a big person, the first day to be a person?" The implication is that what makes him ugly is not his own lies, but the bad intentions of the program team.

This twist and turn, ironic recording has come to an unsatisfactory end. A few days later, the program was broadcast and caused a huge response, and Xiao Wu, who was full of lies, became famous overnight, and all walks of life criticized him continuously, hoping that he would sincerely repent and be an upright person.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

Xiao Wu disappeared, and for a while no one could hear from him. Just when everyone thought that he washed his hands in the golden basin and meditated on repentance, Xiao Wu transformed himself and appeared on another blind date variety show as a more illusory and exaggerated identity.

"Winner of the Top Ten Youth Awards in Paris", "A HighLy Qualified Student of Luxury Goods in Paris", "The Only Designated Heir of the Family Estate"...

Xiao Wu gave himself many glorious labels in his self-introduction, but several female guests were not fools, and their series of rhetorical questions made him appear in his original form.

A female guest who had traveled to Paris asked him to talk about the Eiffel Tower, and Xiao Wu's answer caused the recording scene to laugh: "The Eiffel Tower, it is not oblique at all, it is very straight." ”

It seems that he bragged on the show this time and did not make a draft, confusing the Eiffel Tower with the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

The following link is to talk about the past love experience, Xiao Wu told a novel-like story with great emotion: he and his ex-wife divorced after five years of marriage, and his two-year-old daughter was awarded to his ex-wife.

He performed his duties well as a father, giving the mother and daughter a monthly living expenses of 100,000 yuan.

As soon as the words fell, the unbearable female guests could not wait to extinguish the lights, and Xiao Wu faced being eliminated. According to the custom, the host has a chance to "resurrect" the male guest, and in the past he can always give it. This time, the host solemnly announced: "Good to go and not to send." ”

Lies are like Pandora's box, and opening them means endless disasters. To make up for a lie, the liar needs to concoct ten or even a hundred new lies.

People who live in lies live like a mask, they are the saddest clowns in the world.

Strange blind date man: The rich second generation who claims to have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan will eat steamed bread after "returning to China"

"The night of the cave flower candle, when the gold list is inscribed." These are two of the happiest moments of a man's life. But whether it is love or career, what is needed is honesty and trustworthiness, hard work and hard work. Xiao Wu, who is full of lies, will never reap true happiness.

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