
When you have a child, do you have to give the best to the child? Don't think you've ruined your child anymore

While our colleagues are busy buying and buying for themselves, The Daelim online shopping records are all related to children, such as notebooks, mobile phones, iPads and even school supplies that children learn.

Some colleagues questioned: "Do you buy so much for your children, and do you still buy so expensive?" The child is currently mainly learning, first buy a little so that he can use it, do not have to buy him such a good. ”

Dalin listened to this suggestion from his colleagues, but said dismissively: "If I raise a child, I must give him the best, otherwise what is the purpose of my desperate work?" ”

Parents and friends, don't be self-righteous and good to your children! Give the best to the child, it is easy to raise the child badly!

When you have a child, do you have to give the best to the child? Don't think you've ruined your child anymore

First, this is to raise "self-centered" children.

In life, we often see parents who are reluctant to eat delicious food, leave what they think is delicious, and wait for their children to come back from school to eat.

We can all understand that this is the good intentions of parents, but if parents always let their children enjoy such privileges, it is easy to raise self-righteous, self-centered children.

Because in the child's concept, all the best can only be enjoyed by him, under this subtle education, the child will gradually ignore the feelings of others, it will become difficult to think about other people's ideas from a different perspective, and even in the end, the child will become self-centered.

When they leave school and their children step into society, it is naturally difficult to establish equal and friendly relations with others. This will affect their life, learning and social skills.

When you have a child, do you have to give the best to the child? Don't think you've ruined your child anymore

Second, spoiling makes children become powerful, and everything is evaluated and considered with money.

If the clothes children wear from an early age are the most expensive and the things they eat are the best, then the sense of superiority that has been formed for him for a long time will slowly breed distorted values.

As children grow up, their needs are also getting bigger and bigger, not only are they difficult to endure, but it is also difficult for parents to keep up with the soaring desires of their children.

However, if parents cannot meet the needs of their children, then the child's psychology will naturally have a gap. In this gap, the child will become only able to measure all feelings and things in terms of money and material things.

Gradually, children tend to become comparable to others, thus ignoring their inner and spiritual wealth and becoming a puppet who loves to compare. With such a concept of money, it is still easy for children to compromise their principles. And people who fall into the eyes of money like this naturally have a fragile relationship with each other.

When you have a child, do you have to give the best to the child? Don't think you've ruined your child anymore

Third, ignoring the spiritual and emotional abundance that should be there, the heart becomes particularly empty and lonely.

If a person pays special attention to material needs, then naturally the level of learning and feelings will be under money in their hearts. And the feelings faced by such people are also insincere, and they may be hurt because of this fragile relationship in the future.

Second, if there is a lack of spiritual pursuit, then one day the child will become confused because the material life can no longer satisfy himself. When they know that material things and money are empty, and that only feelings and knowledge can be eternal, they will surely regret it incomparably.

When you have a child, do you have to give the best to the child? Don't think you've ruined your child anymore

Therefore, instead of giving their children the best material life, parents should teach them how to be a spiritually rich person. Dear parents, what do you think of this view of "giving your best to your children"? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section.

Disclaimer: The pictures in the article are from ins, the blogger is @darling.children, if you also have your own unique insights in the process of educating and parenting, or encounter problems that confuse you, welcome to discuss yo ~ together

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