
Guarding the "sky blue, green earth, clear water" Sichuan Luzhou first "green bud" environmental protection volunteer service booth officially opened

author:Cover News

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Cover news reporter Jiang Yu-eun

Flocks of red-billed gulls play with people on the shores of the Yangtze River at the east gate of Luzhou, Sichuan Province, on Jan. 20, and "Green Bud" environmental volunteers feed them with special gull food. In order to better carry out environmental protection volunteer services and advocate the concept of ecological civilization, the first "Green Shoot" environmental protection volunteer service booth in Luzhou City, led by the Luzhou Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, was officially opened.

Guarding the "sky blue, green earth, clear water" Sichuan Luzhou first "green bud" environmental protection volunteer service booth officially opened

Luzhou "Green Shoot" environmental protection volunteer service team was established in 2018, there are currently more than 2,000 "green bud" environmental protection volunteers, they carry out red-billed gull protection actions along the Yangtze River, release rare fish in the Chishui River Basin, teach children environmental protection knowledge in the classroom, and publicize and guide in the streets and alleys...

Guarding the "sky blue, green earth, clear water" Sichuan Luzhou first "green bud" environmental protection volunteer service booth officially opened

It is understood that with the four themes of "volunteer service + green shoot", "volunteer service + party building", "volunteer service + college students" and "volunteer service + creative writing", the "green shoot" volunteer service team has planned and implemented 450 various environmental protection theme activities, serving more than 150,000 people, and the "green shoot" volunteer service project has also been rated as one of the top ten volunteer service projects in Sichuan Province and Luzhou City.

Luo Xia, a member of the "Green Bud" environmental protection volunteer service team, joined the volunteer service team in 2018, feeding customized gull food to red-billed gulls, cleaning up the feces of red-billed gulls and garbage on the site, and publicizing the knowledge of ecological environmental protection to the citizens, which are her current main work contents. "As an environmental volunteer, I hope that through my own efforts, I hope to bring more people to join the big family of ecological environmental protection, so that the sky is bluer, the water is clearer, and people and nature are more harmonious," Luo Xia said.

Guarding the "sky blue, green earth, clear water" Sichuan Luzhou first "green bud" environmental protection volunteer service booth officially opened

The "Green Shoot" environmental protection volunteer service booth was officially opened, and environmental protection services have a new position. Zhao Xiaoqiong, member of the party group and deputy director of the Luzhou Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, said: "By creating an environmental protection volunteer service position, we will expand the influence of environmental protection volunteer service and enhance the public's awareness of ecological environmental protection. In the future, based on the 'Green Shoot' environmental protection volunteer service team, we will promote the construction of volunteer service teams, cultivate and guide non-governmental volunteer service forces, and actively carry out environmental protection volunteer service activities. ”

Guarding the "sky blue, green earth, clear water" Sichuan Luzhou first "green bud" environmental protection volunteer service booth officially opened

"In the next step, the 'Green Shoots' environmental protection volunteer service team will successively carry out a series of volunteer service work such as wildlife protection, Chishui River protection, and public welfare publicity, and make its own contributions to Luzhou's 'sky blue, green earth, and clear water'." Volunteer Yang Chaojun said.

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