
Usually uncommon, but the New Year is a very common "thing", its heavy metal exceeds the standard do not give children to eat

author:Rice rice mom childcare

At the Time of the New Year, the usual "rare" things have become common, and many families will always prepare some "rare" things, such as ginseng bird's nest that is not often eaten, and supplements such as cordyceps that are not often bought, which may appear on the table.

However, although these things can be eaten by adults, but they are not suitable for children to eat, it is about to be the New Year, parents with children at home must pay attention, do not think that these things are nutritious, just rush to give the baby to eat.

Usually uncommon, but the New Year is a very common "thing", its heavy metal exceeds the standard do not give children to eat

Dongdong's father brought home a box of expensive supplements before the New Year, that is, cordyceps that was rumored to be a god, saying that the boss rewarded him with a year's excellent performance in order to reward him, and it is said that this box will be tens of thousands.

Dongdong's father was prepared to give it to his children because he had heard others say that this thing was a good thing before, and it would be very complementary to eat it. After all, as a parent, there are good things that naturally think of children first.

However, when Dongdong's mother knew, she said not to let her children eat Cordyceps sinensis, saying that this kind of thing is poisonous.

And Dongdong Dad did not believe it, after all, for many years, the efficacy of Cordyceps sinensis can be said to be well known, and the high price makes ordinary people prohibitive, if this thing is poisonous, those who eat it, are not all wronged?

Usually uncommon, but the New Year is a very common "thing", its heavy metal exceeds the standard do not give children to eat

However, when the mother showed the CFDA prompt, Dongdong Dad did not make a sound, because Dongdong Dad could clearly see that the arsenic contained in Cordyceps sinensis reached 4.4 mg/kg ~9.9mg/kg, that is, this thing is really toxic. Although the content is not large, if it is given to developing children, it is really inappropriate.

In fact, not only Cordyceps sinensis, in the New Year, some rare things that are usually not common will become very common, parents must pay attention, do not think stupidly, desperately give children to eat.

Usually uncommon, but the New Year is a very common "thing", its heavy metal exceeds the standard do not give children to eat

01 Usually uncommon, but the "rare things" that are common in the New Year

In the New Year, every family visits relatives and friends, naturally need to choose some high-quality gifts, so many people will choose expensive or relatively rare things as gifts. For example, Cordyceps sinensis, ginseng, American ginseng, bird's nest, Korean ginseng, sea cucumber, fish glue and other supplements.

These things are indeed not very common in life, but do they really complement them?

How much supplement is there?

Many people know that these things are very complementary, but few people can say how much they are supplemented, and no one can say why they are supplemented, which is worth pondering.

Usually uncommon, but the New Year is a very common "thing", its heavy metal exceeds the standard do not give children to eat

So, how much do they complement? Let's briefly look at a few examples:

(1) Ginseng: In the market, ginseng is a big tonic, almost an all-round tonic that cures all diseases and strengthens the body.

But in fact, the efficacy of ginseng is not as magical as people think, although in Chinese medicine can indeed cure some diseases, such as spleen deficiency, etc., but does not mean that this food is a "miracle medicine", it is essentially, just a taste of herbs.

(2) Sea cucumber: It is said that sea cucumber is nutritious, but is the nutrition of sea cucumber really high? Not. The main nutrient in sea cucumber is protein, but its protein content is actually very general, each 100 grams of sea cucumber contains about 16.5g of protein, in contrast, it is not as high as the common ingredients such as pork tenderloin and pork liver.

Usually uncommon, but the New Year is a very common "thing", its heavy metal exceeds the standard do not give children to eat

(3) Bird's nest: Bird's nest is something that many people can't accept, but there are also many people who think that it is very nutritious, because the sialic acid it contains can beautify the face, enhance resistance and so on.

It is true that the sialic acid in the organism itself does have this effect, but it is impossible to know whether eating bird's nest will make people beautiful and nourish their faces, and whether it will increase people's resistance.

Through these several common supplements, we can find that in fact, the so-called supplements themselves do have certain nutrients, but their nutrition is irreplaceable, and we can also have the same nutritional value by supplementing other foods.

Usually uncommon, but the New Year is a very common "thing", its heavy metal exceeds the standard do not give children to eat

02 The nutrition in the supplement may not be suitable for the child's body, and may also affect the child's health

Not to mention the nutritional level in the supplement, just to say that the nutritional structure of the supplement is actually not needed for the child's development. For example, people think that eating bird's nest is good for the skin, but does the child's skin still need the blessing of bird's nest?

The child's own skin is as smooth as gelatin, the skin color is like snow, and eating bird's nest will not affect the child's skin to a large extent.

For example, some supplements have anti-aging, anti-cancer and other gimmicks, do children need it? If the child begins to age at an early age, then it is not something that supplements can intervene in, but it is necessary to seek medical help.

In the process of children's growth, the nutritional structure required is certain, such as formula milk powder, the reason why formula milk powder is segmented, is because the nutritional structure required for children's physical development at different periods is different. Therefore, for children, tonics are not necessarily a curse or a blessing.

Usually uncommon, but the New Year is a very common "thing", its heavy metal exceeds the standard do not give children to eat

03 Supplements are likely to be "heavy metal exceeding the standard", don't give it to your child

For things like supplements, heavy metals exceeding the standard are actually more common things. For example, the Cordyceps health care pilot, which has been stopped by the CFDA, is because it contains too much arsenic. And ginseng and other supplements, because of the growth environment, growth methods and management factors, also face such "hidden dangers".

Therefore, the behavior of giving children to eat supplements, the high probability will not let children get the benefits of supplements, but it is very likely to cause children to have heavy metal poisoning, or some other bad situations, such as fire, affect appetite, etc., so parents must not think that the more expensive things are, the better, they are reluctant to eat, but also left for children to eat, but in the end it pits the child.

In addition to the physiological impact of supplements on the child, it may also have some psychological effects on the child.

For example, the child's comparison psychology, some children will eat their own supplements as a kind of talking point, resulting in wrong self-perception, which will affect the child's communicative behavior.

Usually uncommon, but the New Year is a very common "thing", its heavy metal exceeds the standard do not give children to eat

04 written at the end

Visiting relatives and friends to send supplements, this is a blessing and heart, but supplements can not be recommended for children to eat, after all, children "can't afford to consume", children or obediently develop a healthy eating habits, to ensure a balanced diet.

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