
A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

author:Shen Shen 坔坔
A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Miss Nunon

Anne of Longclo

First, a boyfriend's relationship time is generally not more than three months;

But a period is a boyfriend

Second, once the breakup, the man must leave immediately and cannot be entangled;

When you are tired, you will be told frankly that you are happy to break up

3. Do not accept any gifts from your boyfriend;

To fall in love is to maintain financial and personal independence

Faced with such conditions, would you like to talk to Miss Ninon about a three-month relationship with a kidney and a heart?


"It's better to discuss moral issues with a group of philosophers than with a beautiful woman in Paris."

This quote comes from the famous thinker and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who said it when he complimented the beautiful hostess while attending the salon.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

From the 17th century onwards, the ladies and ladies of Paris carefully dressed up their living rooms, and only ladies who knew the fashion and had superb taste could make guests praise the decoration. Then invite famous philosophers, politicians, dramatists, novelists, poets, musicians, painters and others to their homes.

Literati can recite their new works in salons for others to comment on; painters can talk about the history of the development of art, or their own new works; musicians can play the piano or sing a song when they are interested; politicians exchange information with each other when philosophers expound their views tit-for-tat... These literati and inkers were like-minded, sipping drinks and talking for a long time. Of course, there will also be contradictions and conflicts, and when they blush and argue endlessly, the gentle and beautiful hostess will appear. They smile and ease the tension with gentle words, who can bear to embarrass a beautiful lady?

Therefore, in the salon culture, a beautiful and witty heroine is the core.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Salon culture in Paris

A good salon hostess must have the following characteristics: beautiful, intelligent, good at using "mannerist" language, knowledgeable and resourceful. They decorate themselves with jewelry and walk through the guest rooms with their superb social skills. They set the rules for their salons and threw out the topic of tonight. They must be exquisite in all aspects, and use elegant and beautiful language to say content that may not be so beautiful. Literature, politics, philosophy, fashion, news and current affairs, even gossip, they all have to know. When men have friction over endless arguments, they must also have the ability to eliminate the "war".

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

"Salon Hostess" Francis Weyhaus

The intertwining and collision of ideas and opinions at the salon has made it the birthplace of a new culture. Thinkers such as Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Voltaire were loyal fans of the Salon. And the salon also gave women who could not receive a college education the opportunity to grow their minds. For example, Madame de Pompadour perfected and spread the art of Rococo in the salon; Georges San opened her own intellectual enlightenment at the salon of her grandmother Madame Dupont; and our heroine, Miss Ninon, was one of the most important salon hostesses in Paris.


"A woman who has only loved one man cannot understand love"

Ninon, whose real name was Anne de L'Ãnclor, was born into a middle-class French family. Ninon's father, a musician and liberal, taught his daughter music while also rooting liberalism into the little girl's heart. Ninon's mother had three children, all of whom were well educated because of their family's well-off family. In addition to his native language, Ninon speaks Spanish and Italian. 、

She was very studious, interested in Michel de Montaigne's skepticism, and was also deeply influenced by Descartes' "general skepticism" proposition, "I think, therefore I am", which influenced Ninon's life.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

At the age of 12, Ninon's father was forced to flee France after he was involved in an illegal duel over the wives of others. We don't know what happened to this man, only that this man has never returned and never heard from again. This barely surviving middle-class family was completely defeated in 10 years because of the death of Ninon's mother due to illness.

There are three options in front of Ninon:

1. Go to the monastery to become a monk;

2. Bring a dowry to marry a man;

3. Become a social flower.

If it were you, which one would you choose?

Ninon chooses 3, when a "lowly" socialite.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

In English, there are many names for those who sell their flesh: prostitute, hooker, whore. For those high-class prostitutes, or courtesans, famous prostitutes are called: courtesan.

Socialites have a high status in this industry, they are celebrities in the social arena, and their every move will be noticed by newspapers and publications. But the quality required for social flowers is higher than that of prostitutes. Simply put, they sell not only their bodies, but also their talents and charm. If a woman only has beauty, it is impossible to become a social flower, she must be both talented and beautiful, and by the way, there is excellent emotional intelligence to become the darling of the social world. Although he wears gold and silver and lives a life of wine pond meat forest, he is precarious, and once he is old and decayed, he will fall to a very unbearable state. There are even special hobbies of some evil guests, so that they often become victims of violence.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Miss Ninon, who had a choice, eventually chose to become a "socialite" to live, which was considered an incredible thing at the time. Relatives and friends who knew her were ashamed of her and ordered their children to stay away from this depraved woman. And Ninon didn't care, or she had an opinion of her own. She believes that sex is a pleasure for both men and women and should not be considered a disgrace. At the same time, she openly advocated equality between men and women, saying that "women and men are essentially no different." " words.

And for love, Ninon also has his own opinion. She does not believe that love is a spiritual echo of this statement, she believes that love is a physical instinct that has nothing to do with reason. Love is blind, and it is always the body, not the spirit, that is pleasing, so it must be experienced for oneself to feel it.

Therefore, she actively accumulated personal experience in the matter of "love".


"Love is a passion that does not involve any moral obligation"

Ninon divides the men around him into three categories: taxpayers, martyrs, and darlings.

The taxpayer is the father of the gold lord, her adopter, the number and duration of time are unlimited;

Martyrs are desperate suitors, and not agreeing seems to be a bit faceless;

The darling is the boyfriend, no matter what his status is, even if it is the king of a country, she will never accept the boyfriend's financial gifts. But there is a problem, the golden father can exist for a long time, while the darling must be changed every three months, which is to keep the love fresh.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Of course, 3 months is the longest period, and once Ninon is tired of the lover in front of her, she will be very frank and say that she has a new love, and hopes that everyone will get together and disperse. But, once in her life she violated this rule, the Marquis de Vilasso attracted her like never before, and she lived with the Marquis for three years before leaving the man and returning to Paris. The man who felt that he had been abandoned for no reason chased him angrily to Paris, and Ninon confessed that he was tired of the relationship, then cut off his own hair and handed it to him, and the marquis of Qi returned to the family fiefdom. Unexpectedly, Lennon's move not only did not affect her style, but even short hair became a popular fashion in Paris.

The Marquis of Vilasso is an extreme case, because Ofon's reputation for breaking up in three months has spread out, and most of her lovers have a good time with her, and then they can visit as familiar friends.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Ninon, Queen Christina of Sweden and Descartes

Ninon believes that "love is a passion and does not involve any moral obligations", and her extremely open attitude to sex has earned her the friendship and admiration of some people. But she openly challenged the "social rules" of male superiority over female inferiority, which provoked attacks from conservative-dominated opposition forces. These "moralists" denounced Ninon as a typical example of moral corruption and self-depravity, and demanded that the French government punish this woman.

In 1656, Louis XIV's mother, Anne of Austria, imprisoned the 35-year-old Ninon at the Madronnet Abbey for "influencing the ethos". As a result, Ninon conquered the nuns with her witty conversation and profound knowledge, and she lived in the monastery very comfortably, and was deeply liked by the nuns. Queen Christina of Sweden also made a special trip to the monastery to visit Ninon and was shocked to learn that she was writing a book called "The Flirtation of Retaliation". Queen Christina interceded with the King of France on her behalf, and in the end, Ninon was acquitted.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Louis II, Prince of Grand Condé, de Bourbon

After The Release of Lenon, Queen Christina personally visited the legendary figure, and after some exchanges with Lenon, the Queen took what Ninon said about morality not depending on religious beliefs, and has since become a good friend of Ninon.

In fact, Ninon's life in the monastery was not sad, and the enlightened nobles were very sympathetic to her "arrest". Her suitor, Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Grand Condé, was also looking for an opportunity to rescue her. The powerful prince was captivated by Ninon's singing and dancing skills and clever words, and accompanied her for many years as a gold lord.


"She showed intelligence comparable to any woman and most men at the time."

U.S. Pulitzer Prize winner Will Durant said: "She showed intelligence comparable to any woman and most men at the time. Ninon's salon never prided itself on lavish decorations, and of course she was not short of money. In the salons of Ninon, there is no content of gambling, loud laughter, or passionate arguments. In this small, simple salon, like his own living room, philosophy, literature and art are discussed more.

Mr. Ninon invited writers, artists, musicians, politicians, soldiers, and even their wives to her salon, and she carefully selected the topics of each salon, a topic that was sensitive and relevant to the times for every participant to join. As the witty salon hostess, Ninon uses his rich knowledge to properly adjust the direction of the topic and let the relaxed atmosphere follow through.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Poet Scullon

The Salon of Ninon was famous, and Corneille, prince of The Grand Condé, Minister of State Rois, the poet Scullon, the poet Jean Racine, the composer Lully, and the playwright Molière were regular visitors to the salon. There is no distinction between the nobles and the poor, and everyone treats each other as equals and exchanges ideas. Many foreigners come to Paris to stay in paris, hoping to get an invitation letter from the Ninon Salon.

Women were also welcomed in Ninon's salons, with women writers such as Margaret de la Sablière and Henrit de Collini often attending her salons, and other women of renown taking pride in being invited guests.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Mrs. Mantenon

In her 40s, Ninon refused to continue hosting her guests, and she concentrated on running her own salon. The conservatives did not give up on attacking her, and they repeatedly reported to Louis XIV that Ninon had spread bad ideas in the salon. At this time Madame Mantenon stepped forward, and she did not defend Ninon before the king, but only suggested that Ninon be invited into the palace to hold a salon. Louis XIV agreed. At the salon, Louis XIV hid behind the screen to listen in person, listening to it and couldn't help but go out of the screen to introduce himself, hoping to join everyone's discussion.

After this, Louis XIV became friends with Ninon, and when he encountered some hesitation, he would ask Ninon: "If it were you, what would you decide?" ”

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Molière reads the script of The Hypocrite at the Ninon Salon

As for why Madame Mantenon spoke for Nynon, because her ex-husband, the poet Scullon, who died early, was a guest of Honor of Nynon, and Madame Mantenon, who had not yet entered the palace at that time, had also attended The Salon of Ninon several times. "To be a prostitute is to live freely", this kind of whimsy is bold and avant-garde, but it is so tempting. Shocking and envious, Madame Mantenon befriended the bold Ninon, despite her diametrically opposed personalities.


"It's a miracle to demand boldness from men and humility from women."

Ninon scoffed at intimacy, monogamy, and disagreed that moral standards should be linked to religion. But in her view, gender equality is the point that most outraged conservatives. Ninon believed that men should treat women as equals and give them respect.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Salon culture in Paris, France

After Ninon retired, she opened a college to teach the children of the nobility. Lessons include: how to attract the eyes of the girl you fall in love with; how to please your sweetheart; what kind of words are the best opening statement; how to end a wrong relationship; wife and lover, how to balance their relationship... Her courses were very attractive, and although they were expensive, many aristocrats came to study.

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Ninon did not take advantage of the opportunity to amass wealth, and she used the money she earned to open a women's college and provide free education for women. And spent a lot of money to fund the creation of artists. For example, during the ban on his comedy "The Hypocrite" in France, Ninon spoke out many times and mourned for Morie.

"I left 10 Eju for my funeral (1 Eju is equivalent to 5 francs at that time) so that the funeral could be as simple as possible. But I ask Monsieur Arué (The Legal Representative of The Nunon) to allow me to leave his son 1,000 francs to buy books, and please tell him that this is a gift from this old woman to him. ”

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century


It was The will of Ninon, and the lucky boy named François-Marie-Arué grew up giving himself a pen name: Voltaire.

Ninon was a strange woman, a philosopher among prostitutes, her thoughts were unbridled and avant-garde, never constrained by the times. Wayward self, but constantly pursuing. Even in her later years, she still has young lovers by her side. She lived to be 85 years old, almost longer than any of her friends. When she was old, she still loved beauty, and she wrote to a friend complaining: "If God can't give a woman wrinkles, he should at least put wrinkles on the soles of her feet."

A love affair of no more than 3 months, the avant-garde Miss Ninon, the most socializing flower of the 17th century

Ninon lived in one of the best of times, and the reign of the Sun King, Louis XIV, was the most prosperous and enlightened period in France. With her charm, Ninon attracted a large number of creators to gather around her. She uses beauty + wisdom to let men learn to talk elegantly and respect women. The early salons were too glamorous, and the late ones were radical. At this time, polite and restrained, pleasant and relaxed, elegant and friendly. At this time, French society was intelligent and intelligent, and there were more women with extraordinary insight than any previous era.

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