
See universities and majors through the school! The winter vacation topic of "Old Xu Talk High Moves" was reopened

author:Qilu one point

Because of focus, so professional.

I am Xu Yuqin, an education reporter of Qilu Evening News and Qilu One Point, and "Old Xu" in the mouth of the parents of Shandong college entrance examination students.

See universities and majors through the school! The winter vacation topic of "Old Xu Talk High Moves" was reopened

What is it like for girls to study engineering?

What is the end of the pharmacy profession?

Boys study nursing and graduate school, what will be the way out in the future?

Studying medicine is very hard, why should they still insist?

Is biochemical ring material the four major "sinkholes"?

The winter vacation is coming, and the "old Xu talk high tricks" winter vacation topic is opened again, taking you through the experience of learning to bully, and understand the university and major from another angle.

See universities and majors through the school! The winter vacation topic of "Old Xu Talk High Moves" was reopened
See universities and majors through the school! The winter vacation topic of "Old Xu Talk High Moves" was reopened

Song Bingrong, a 2020 undergraduate student in the small satellite class of the School of Astronautics of Harbin Institute of Technology, is currently a member of the class learning committee. At present, the credit score is 96.4, ranking second in the comprehensive test, and has won the special prize of the Chinese University Physics Academic Competition, the second prize of the national level of the Mathematical Modeling Competition, and the bronze medal of the "Internet +" school competition. He has won the honorary titles of Top Ten Academic Helper Volunteers, Top Ten Learning Star Nominations, etc., with a total volunteer time of 120 hours. He has won national scholarships and many people's scholarships.

See universities and majors through the school! The winter vacation topic of "Old Xu Talk High Moves" was reopened

Tao Liang is a 2019 doctoral candidate in the School of Pharmacy, Shandong University. In September 2013, he was admitted to the School of Pharmacy of Shandong University, and published an SCI paper as an independent author during his undergraduate degree. In September 2017, Bao was sent to the School of Pharmacy of Shandong University for master's and doctoral studies, and up to now, as an independent work, he has published 5 SCI papers in top journals in the field of medicinal chemistry and applied for three patents. He has won many national scholarships, first-class scholarships for graduate students of Shandong University, and outstanding graduate students of Shandong University.

See universities and majors through the school! The winter vacation topic of "Old Xu Talk High Moves" was reopened

Sun Lu is a 2018 doctoral candidate at the School of Clinical Medicine of Shandong University, under the tutelage of Professor Hou Ming. At the doctoral stage, he engaged in the research on the tolerance mechanism and treatment mechanism of primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), and innovatively proposed the treatment plan of hormone combined with oseltamivir, which significantly improved the initial response rate and sustained response rate of ITP patients, and optimized the first-line treatment plan of ITP. As the first author, he published a paper in the Lancet Haematology Journal (Lancet Haematology, a top journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, impact factor 18.959). He has won the President's Award of Shandong University, the National Scholarship, the First Prize of Excellent Academic Achievements, the "May Fourth" Youth Science Award, and the Second Prize of Shandong Province Excellent Academic Achievements.

See universities and majors through the school! The winter vacation topic of "Old Xu Talk High Moves" was reopened

Yi Mo, 2019 master's student of the School of Nursing and Rehabilitation, Shandong University, studied under Associate Professor Chen Ou. During his master's studies, he devoted himself to pulmonary rehabilitation and evidence-based medicine research for respiratory diseases. Through systematic evaluation and meta methods, it provides important guidance for clinical pulmonary rehabilitation interventions and doctor-patient sharing decisions. In addition, the study provides new ideas for implementing a family symptom management model for children with asthma during COVID-19 and improving the practice environment for primary healthcare workers. At present, a total of 8 papers have been published, of which 4 papers have been published in Chinese and English as the first author, and 3 papers are to be published. He has won the Shandong University President's Award, National Scholarship, Outstanding Graduate Pacesetter, Campus Culture Advanced Individual and other honors.

See universities and majors through the school! The winter vacation topic of "Old Xu Talk High Moves" was reopened

Su Yanmin, a 2019 doctoral candidate in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Shandong University, studied under Professor Sun Wei, mainly engaged in the synthesis and properties of silver-sulfur clusters with polyhedra characteristics. For the first time, the heteroanion template method is used to artificially synthesize incompatible symmetrical nested silver clusters, which provides an example for the Kepler Universe model and provides a new strategy for the structure and growth of controlled synthetic silver clusters. During his Doctoral studies, he was first authored in J. Am. Chem. Soc. and Nat. Commun. He has published 6 high-quality papers in other journals. He has won the President's Award of Shandong University, the National Scholarship, the Third Prize of the Graduate Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, and the Outstanding Graduate Pacesetter.


Do you want to know about these school bullies?

At 10:00 on January 22, the winter vacation topic of "Old Xu Dialect High Moves" will be reopened, and students of different majors and different academic levels will be invited to be guests of "Old Xu Words High Moves".

Through dialogue with Xueba, we will dig out the stories behind their growth and learning experiences, and understand their experience in choosing universities and majors, and understanding the majors they have studied, so that more students can learn from them.

"Old Xu Talk High Moves" is a brand live broadcast column of Qilu Evening News. Planner and host Xu Yuqin (hi, is the old Xu Benxu) since November 2003 began to focus on college entrance examination news reports and college entrance examination volunteer guidance, eighteen years has always adhered to the front line, accumulated a lot of professional experience.

The column directly hits the hot spots of education, dialogues with authoritative experts, invites university presidents, recruitment directors, college deans, career planning experts, psychological experts, academics, alumni, etc. to be guests in the live broadcast room, or walk into the university to comprehensively introduce universities and majors for candidates and parents, interpret the new college entrance examination policies, and effectively guide volunteers to fill in.

As of 17:00 on July 30, 2021, "Old Xu Talk High Moves" has launched a total of 226 live broadcast programs, and the total number of views of Qilu OnePoint clients alone has reached 32.59 million.

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