
How much can a baby's "appetite" hold? After reading the comparison chart, you will know, parents don't feed blindly

In the process of feeding newborns, for new parents:

★ "If you want to judge whether your child is full, how to add complementary foods? How many complementary foods to add? ”

It's actually a very difficult thing.

How much can a baby's "appetite" hold? After reading the comparison chart, you will know, parents don't feed blindly

The day before yesterday, I went to visit my girlfriend, she is a new mother, the baby is more than half a year old, originally I thought she would be busy, did not think to see the baby eat white and fat, the home is also cleaned up, which makes me can't believe it.

So I asked her curiously, "When I used to take dabao, I was too busy to do complementary food, I didn't have time to clean up the housework, and I didn't do it anywhere." How did you manage to keep your baby so strong and healthy? ”

Girlfriend laughed: I didn't know how to raise a baby at the beginning, but in the past six months, every day I will open a variety of parenting videos to see what is said inside, and there are sisters who share parenting experience, learning experience, and slowly it will be handy.

★ How much can a baby's "appetite" hold? After reading the comparison chart, you will know

I believe that many novice parents will have such troubles, how much can the baby eat at a time? Is it appropriate to breastfeed for a few hours? How to proceed with complementary foods?

How much can a baby's "appetite" hold? After reading the comparison chart, you will know, parents don't feed blindly

These problems are directly related to whether the baby can develop perfectly and whether it can be white, fat and strong. As can be seen from this comparison chart, the baby's "appetite" and "capacity" continue to grow with age. Don't be in a hurry, let alone feed the baby too much at one time, otherwise it is easy to accumulate food and play a counterproductive role.

Because although babies need very abundant nutrients, their small bodies cannot eat a lot of food at one time, and if they consume a large amount of food at a time, it will bring a great burden to their stomachs, so mothers must not increase the amount of feeding on their own initiative.

● At 1 week, their stomach capacity is like a small strawberry.

The number of feedings can be 10-12 times, and the daily milk intake is about 100-400ml.

● When babies are 6 months old, their stomach capacity is like the size of a peach.

The number of feedings can be 6-8 times, and the daily milk intake is about 700-900ml. At this time, you can appropriately add complementary foods, because just drinking milk cannot meet the daily nutritional needs of the baby.

How much can a baby's "appetite" hold? After reading the comparison chart, you will know, parents don't feed blindly

● When babies are 1 year old, their stomach capacity is like the size of a grapefruit.

The number of feedings can be 4-6 times, the daily milk amount is about 500-700ml, and the baby at this stage can add a small amount of yogurt that does not contain sugar, and the food should be diversified.

★ How to judge whether your baby has eaten enough? The following points are very important

Look at the rate at which their bodies grow and develop

The speed of growth and development of the baby's body is directly related to the capacity of the digestive organs, and the speed of their growth and development is also carried out according to certain laws.

From the perspective of the speed of weight gain, their growth rate needs to conform to the most basic developmental laws:

● If there is no abnormality, then it means that the amount and method of feeding is in line with the development of your baby;

If there are some deviations, parents need to improve their feeding methods in time.

How much can a baby's "appetite" hold? After reading the comparison chart, you will know, parents don't feed blindly

Look at how much they excrete

If each feeding allows them to consume enough nutrients, then the digestion of their food will be directly proportional to their excretion.

● The amount of bowel movements has a certain regularity and is normal, and it can also be seen whether the baby has perfect digestion and whether the diet is sufficient.

Take a look at their eating status

Children in a state of hunger make a pronounced plea for help, and this sound is made because they are very eager to eat.

● If parents can hear them making a very loud sound when feeding, this means that they need to increase their food intake with each meal;

● If the baby's sound is not obvious or there is play after eating a certain amount, it means that they are full and do not need to be fed too much.

After a period of parenting, parents will also conclude that it is in line with their baby's dietary rules, although the process of parenting is difficult, but it is also full of fun and a sense of achievement, seeing the baby is taken care of white and fat, strong, but also the mothers most want to see.

How much can a baby's "appetite" hold? After reading the comparison chart, you will know, parents don't feed blindly

Spicy Mom Quotes:

When parents feed their children, if they do not understand what aspects, they must consult professionals more and do not judge themselves to avoid mistakes in their busyness.

Finally, I hope that every mother can easily cope with every stage, make herself more beautiful, and her baby develop more healthily.

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