
Stalin's lifelong enemy: not Hitler, his whole family was killed by Stalin after his exile

The road of history is not a sidewalk on Nevsky Prospekt, it marches entirely in the fields, sometimes through dust, sometimes through mud, sometimes across swamps, sometimes through jungles. ———— Chernyshevsky

Who is the most iron-blooded world leader of the last century? It is estimated that everyone will put Stalin in the first place. Although Hitler was also very strong, he was not Stalin's opponent after all. But an iron-blooded man like Stalin was so afraid of a guy that he was Trotsky. Today we will talk about Trotsky's historical past.

Unlike ordinary revolutionary leaders, who had a poor background, Trotsky's family was a rich man. His parents were a large Jewish kulak with three hundred acres of land, so Trotsky revolutionized not because he was poor, but because of his ideals.

Stalin's lifelong enemy: not Hitler, his whole family was killed by Stalin after his exile

After Trotsky went to university in 1896, he began to engage in the workers' movement and to carry out propaganda among the workers against the tsarist autocracy. Two years later, Trotsky was arrested and sentenced to four years of exile in Siberia. It was during these four years that Trotsky came into contact with Marxist doctrine and systematically read Lenin's writings.

In 1902, Trotsky decided to flee Siberia in search of a revolutionary organization, and soon he came to Samara, a famous Industrial City in Russia at that time, to participate in the "Martian Newspaper" sponsored by Lenin. Soon, Trotsky gained Lenin's admiration for his quick thinking and beautiful writing, and Trotsky also admired Lenin so much that he was given the title of "Lenin's stick".

In 1905, Trotsky was arrested during a meeting in Petrograd. Thus began a second prison life. In prison, he studied the history of social relations in Russia. More importantly, the imprisoned Trotsky began to brew his ideas of "permanent revolution", which later developed into "Trotskyism" with theoretical doctrines.

Stalin's lifelong enemy: not Hitler, his whole family was killed by Stalin after his exile

In 1906 Trotsky was sentenced to lifelong exile in Siberia, but he managed to escape from exile the following year and began a decade-long exile. After the success of the February Revolution in Russia in 1917, the Tsarist government was overthrown and the Russian bourgeois government came to power. Having received the news, Trotsky returned to Russia and rose to prominence in the revolutionary movement. It is said that Trotsky's prestige at that time was slightly inferior to lenin's.

The October Revolution in Russia followed, and Trotsky's credit was second to none in this revolution. For even his lifelong enemy, Stalin, wrote at this time: "All the practical organization of the uprising was carried out under the direct command of Comrade Trotsky, Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet. We can say with certainty that the speed with which the garrison came to the side of the Soviets and that the work of the Revolutionary Military Committee was so good is due, in the first place, to Comrade Trotsky. Later historians also said: "Trotsky was the dominant position in the October Uprising, the iron soul of the uprising." ”

Lenin died in 1924, and after that, Zinoviev, Kamenev, and Stalin came to power at three heads, conspiring to oust Trotsky. In January 1925, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bulgaria criticized Trotsky's words and deeds, dismissed him from his post as chairman of the Revolutionary Military Commission, and gave him the sternest warning. In 1928 Trotsky was exiled to Almaty. He was expelled from the country by Stalin on February 12, 1929. In 1932 he was stripped of his Soviet citizenship.

Stalin's lifelong enemy: not Hitler, his whole family was killed by Stalin after his exile

After his expulsion, Trotsky was assassinated several times, and his eldest son, Lev Sedov, was his main aid in exile, and died suspiciously in a paris hospital in 1938. Her daughter, Zina, committed suicide in Berlin, while her youngest son, Sergei, who remained in the Soviet Union to work in science and technology, was arrested by Stalin and eventually died in a concentration camp. In 1940, a KGB agent named Ramon Mercad entered Trotsky's house and hit Trotsky in the head with an ice axe, who was mortally wounded and died on August 21.

With the disclosure of the archives, it was proved that Stalin was responsible for the assassination. At stalin's behest and at the behest of Stalin, the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs set up a special group for the assassination of Trotsky from 1931 onwards.

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