
Which invasion by a major power in modern times has made China the most uncomfortable?

In modern history, China has been invaded by Western powers, which great power country has been the most ruthless in its aggression against China, making China the most uncomfortable and causing greater harm to China?

Many people think it's Japan. In fact, the real situation may be different from what everyone thinks.

1. Russia.

Russia was one of the earliest powers that China came into contact with, and its aggression against China was mainly territorial.

Which invasion by a major power in modern times has made China the most uncomfortable?

Russia ceded more than 1.5 million square kilometers of territory, including the outer northeast and the outer northwest, and planned for the independence of Outer Mongolia, taking away the Tangnu Wuliang Sea, and causing China to lose more than 3 million square kilometers of territory, equivalent to more than 30 Jiangsu provinces.

In addition, Russia also sent more than 100,000 people to occupy the entire northeast in 1900, during the invasion of China by the Eight-Power Alliance. The Qing Dynasty was helpless. It was not until 1905 that Russia withdrew from the Northeast after its defeat in the Russo-Japanese War.

In 1929, the Warlords of the Bong Clan forcibly regained sovereignty over the Middle East Railway, triggering the Soviet Invasion of Northeast China. As a result, Feng Shi was defeated, not only did the railway rights and interests not be recovered, but also the black blind island was also occupied by the Soviet Union, and finally the black blind island was only returned to China half.

2. Japan.

In 1868, after the Meiji Restoration, Japan first took ryukyu, a vassal state of China, and then defeated the Qing Dynasty in the Sino-Japanese War, receiving 200 million taels of reparations, and ceding Taiwan to occupy China's vassal state of Korea.

In 1931, Japan launched the "918" Incident, invading and occupying the entire four northeastern provinces, causing China's greatest loss in modern times.

Since then, Japan's aggression against China has never stopped, first instigating the "autonomy" of the five provinces in North China, and then setting off an all-out invasion of China in 1937, occupying half of China's country and mountains, plundering countless properties from China, and causing tens of millions of casualties in China.

Which invasion by a major power in modern times has made China the most uncomfortable?

3. United Kingdom.

The first great power in modern times to defeat China on the battlefield was Britain. Britain cut off Hong Kong and Weihai, forcing China to open its treaty ports and keep China's customs in its own hands. For most of modern history, the number one Chinese customs officer was the British.

Britain's means of controlling China were numerous unequal treaties. As long as China recognized the unequal treaties it had with the Western powers, British control over China would always be effective.

The aggression of Russia, Japan, and Britain is particularly harmful to China, and judging from their feelings, many people will feel that Japan's aggression against China is the most ruthless and harmful. Russia was followed by Britain.

I used to think so too. Later, as my experience increased, I felt that Britain was the most harmful.


Although Russia has cut off a lot of territory and has not yet returned it, the loss of marginal territory will not destroy the country, and the country may still strive to rise strongly, especially for a territorial power like China.

The purpose of Japan's aggression against China is to annex all of China, and even to promote "imperial education" in a vain attempt to eliminate Chinese culture and replace it with Japanese culture. Japan occupied half of China, causing a large number of deaths in Chinese. But Japan's aggression only provoked a strong resistance from the Chinese and made the Chinese more united.

Japan's aggressive actions came and ended quickly, and it was difficult to achieve the goal of destroying China.

The UK is different. Britain's means were control of Chinese customs and extraterritorial jurisdiction. It has had a huge impact on China's national industry and commerce. If a country does not have customs autonomy and can set its own customs tariff rates, it will never be able to achieve industrialization. In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, foreign companies in China could not manage foreign companies even if they endangered China's national interests because they had extraterritorial jurisdiction.

Although there are many powers that have invaded China, they are all in the lead of Britain, and Britain can coordinate the aggression of the great powers against China, so that China will never turn over.

Britain also supports a large number of compradors in China, and compradors and foreign investors form a community of interests to jointly dominate China.

If China is compared to a prey, Russia cut a piece of meat from the prey, which is cruel, but does not hurt life. Japan wants to kill the prey, swallow it alone, and has great ambitions, but the prey will resist, and other hunters will not agree. The British negotiated with the prey, did not cut the flesh or killed, just inserted a few tubes in the prey, and sucked blood and bile from the prey every once in a while. The British not only did not want the prey to die, but also taught the prey to exercise. You must not die, die I suck whose blood?

Which invasion by a major power in modern times has made China the most uncomfortable?

Britain's means seem to be not very harmful, but in fact they are extremely harmful, and there are many tubes inserted in the body, and in any case, there is no day to turn over. If Britain is allowed to continue to play like this, China will only be reduced to Africa.

During World War II, Britain was no longer able to do so, the United States succeeded Britain as the ruler of China, and the helmsman of China's customs changed from British to American.

The United States originally became independent from Britain and was familiar with this set of British games. The Americans also intensified their efforts, not only to get the Nationalist government to recognize all previous treaties, but also to sign more treaties, such as the Sino-US Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation. The Nationalist government has sold all of China's rights and interests cleanly.

Among other things, during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, through unequal treaties, China's debt to the Western powers was not exhausted for 200 years. Tariffs cannot be autonomous and are forever locked in the stage of agricultural countries.

To sum up, in the more than one hundred years of modern history, the deepest aggression against China was actually Britain, which was "gentlemanly", and the most ruthless attack on China was actually the United States.

After World War II, the most incredible accident in human history occurred, and the great man descended from heaven in China, Chinese used his strength to abolish all unequal treaties imposed on China by the Western powers, pulled out all the "pipes" on his body, realized sovereign independence, and made the efforts of the great powers in China's modern century useless. This made the Anglo-American aggression against China appear less hateful than Japan's. Otherwise, Britain and the United States would have sucked blood until the sky was old.

A word of one family. You can tell us what you think.

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