
The last demon monk of Tsarist Russia: Eat poison and drink poison and wine are not afraid, and it is strange that he was shot several times before he fell

The last demon monk of Tsarist Russia: Drinking poisonous wine and eating poison does not die, and if you are shot, you can still escape, powerful!

The last demon monk of Tsarist Russia: Eat poison and drink poisonous wine are not afraid, and they are shot several times before they fall, which is very strange!

"When the kingdom is about to perish, there will be demons." In the last years of Tsarist Russia, a peculiar figure appeared, the demon monk Rasputin. At one point in history, he played a pivotal role. Born in the remote Siberian countryside, Rasputin grew up poor and received only a few years of education. As an adult, he made a career in farming, grew tall and strong, often engaged in horse theft, and was caught and beaten to death several times, which honed his cunning and tenacious character. Poor rural settlement did not attract him, and soon he left his hometown for the monastery. He had a superhuman memory, quickly memorized certain chapters of the Bible and some religious aphorisms, and on the surface showed attentive piety everywhere, winning the favor of a bishop who took him to Petersburg, the capital of Russia at the time. What actually fascinated him was the sorcery of mysticism.

The last demon monk of Tsarist Russia: Eat poison and drink poison and wine are not afraid, and it is strange that he was shot several times before he fell

This rough outsider, in the guise of a "prophet and elder," was very active in the Petersburg social scene, gaining the admiration of some female believers. He was recommended to the palace, and he was soon favored by the empress. The empress gave birth to the crown prince after giving birth to four daughters, and the only son suffered from incurable hemophilia, a family disease of the mother, which was passed down from generation to generation to man. The queen felt deeply guilty and very bitter. Rasputin boasted that he could cure all diseases, convincing the empress that only he could cure the crown prince's illness. And as soon as he leaves, the crown prince will be uncomfortable. Rasputin brought some herbs, pretended to be a ghost, and engaged in some massage hypnosis to treat the crown prince.

The last demon monk of Tsarist Russia: Eat poison and drink poison and wine are not afraid, and it is strange that he was shot several times before he fell

The Empress trusted Rasputin feverishly, and the last Tsar, Nicholas II, was a weak man by nature, and everything was at the empress's disposal. Raspoutin was hired by the royal family as a supreme advisor and gradually manipulated Russian government through the empress for several years. During the First World War, the Tsar informed the Empress by telephone of important matters on the front line at his base camp, and she consulted with Rasputin before making a decision. Once, in a night's dream that there was a harbinger of victory, Rasputin asked the empress to call the Tsar to order the Russian army on the front line to attack, resulting in the defeat of the battle.

The last demon monk of Tsarist Russia: Eat poison and drink poison and wine are not afraid, and it is strange that he was shot several times before he fell

The appointment of any minister must be approved by Rasputin, or he would have to resign and flee. He also accepted a lot of money from others, lived a debauched life, and drank behind people's backs for pleasure. Officials of the Ministry of the Interior sent for a secret photo of him drinking indiscriminately in a hotel, and despite the overwhelming evidence, the Empress did not believe it and ordered an immediate investigation to find someone dressed as Rasputin to discredit him. He was also lustful and lustful, and often told female believers that it was not sinful to have a relationship with him. Raspoutin's power has darkened Russian politics. Some Russian nobles could not tolerate his stubbornness, and tried to save the dynasty from the crisis, considering how to get rid of the demon monk and arrange the murder plan.

The tsar's niece and son-in-law, the young Duke Yusupov, was the protagonist of the plot. His former girlfriend was a loyal disciple of Rasputin, and used this relationship to meet Rasputin at his girlfriend's house, and gained trust, visiting Rasputin's house several times. Yusupov also found a few friends as helpers and made careful planning. One day Rasputin received a call from Yusupov asking him to be a guest, and Rasputin agreed.

The last demon monk of Tsarist Russia: Eat poison and drink poison and wine are not afraid, and it is strange that he was shot several times before he fell

On the evening of December 6, 1916, Rasputin came to Yusupov's house alone by car and was led to the basement dining room, where yusupov's three helpers were ready to cooperate. Yusupov entertained him with chocolate trap cakes and wine mixed with the highly toxic drug potassium cyanide, which was many times more potent than the lethal dose. Rasputin stuttered up the poison pie. Taking potassium cyanide was supposed to be immediate, but Rasputin continued to chat. Yusupov was in a hurry, pouring out a cup of poisonous wine and delivering it, and Rasputin drank it slowly, taking a small sip and sipping it, like a wine connoisseur, but from time to time pressing his hand on his throat felt a little itchy. He gradually drank all three glasses of poisonous wine, but still did not see a reaction. Rasputin also asked Yusupov to play the guitar and listened intently, and more than two hours passed. The companions upstairs were anxious, and Yusupov went upstairs to tell everyone that Rasputin had eaten all the poison and was not dead. Everyone stared dumbfounded, and then yusupov was planned to kill Rasputin with a pistol.

The last demon monk of Tsarist Russia: Eat poison and drink poison and wine are not afraid, and it is strange that he was shot several times before he fell

Yusupov sat down next to Rasputin for a few minutes of silence. Rasputin's eyes were dull and rigid, saying that he was a little top-heavy and that his stomach hurt a little. After another glass of wine, Rasputin was refreshed and cheerful, and spoke of his views on the so-called spirit and body. Yusupov did not wait for him to finish speaking, and immediately drew his pistol. Facing the pistol, Rasputin did not panic and tilted his head without moving. After the gunshots rang out, Rasputin fell down with a frantic scream. The companion upstairs sniffed down. Rasputin was shot near the chest area, and everyone went upstairs to discuss what to do.

Yusupov always felt uneasy and went downstairs to the restaurant. He found that the body was still warm. Suddenly, Rasputin opened his eyes, stared at Yusupov deadly, slammed up, jumped up and stood, dragged his body that had been eroded by poison and pierced by bullets, stretched out his hands and clutched Yusupov's shoulders, and frantically whispered the other person's name. Yusupov was so terrified that he struggled with all his strength to break free. Raspoutin tore off an epaulette and fell to the ground. Yusupov, without a gun, hurried upstairs and called for a shot. At this time, Raspoutin was crawling from the basement with his hands and feet, and in a moment he reached the courtyard and disappeared into the darkness. The courtyard had three gates, only the middle door was unlocked, and Rasputin climbed towards it. A companion ran out with a gun and fired four shots in a row, and one bullet penetrated Rasputin's temple, and he fell on the snow pile with a shake, and there was no doubt that he was dead. Yusupov immediately fainted. That night, Rasputin's body was wrapped in tweed and thrown into the Neva River.

The last demon monk of Tsarist Russia: Eat poison and drink poison and wine are not afraid, and it is strange that he was shot several times before he fell

The murder of the demon monk Rasputin did not save the fate of the dying Russian Romanov dynasty. The people who murdered Rasputin were soon retaliated against by the grief-stricken queen and exiled far from the capital. A few months later, in the torrent of revolution, the Tsarist regime collapsed. Soon, both the cowardly Tsar and the foolish empress were sentenced to death in Siberia, Rasputin's hometown.

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