
Founding General Zhu Liangcai, after the team was scattered, begged alone for 36 days, and was later rescued by a rabbit

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"Who's where?" Several Kuomintang soldiers looked at the ditch not far away and shouted loudly.

Seeing the grass by the river swaying in response to the sound, seeing the movement, several people were vigilant and clenched their guns and went forward. The grass shook a few more times, and suddenly a hare sprang out of it, and the crowd let their guard down. At this time, someone laughed and said, "It turned out to be a hare, just hit, it should be a meal!" The group chased the hare away.

But not long after they left, in the small ditch they thought was empty, a human head suddenly appeared.

Founding General Zhu Liangcai, after the team was scattered, begged alone for 36 days, and was later rescued by a rabbit

【Photo】 Founding General Zhu Liangcai

This person is Zhu Liangcai, who is absconding.

In 1936, Zhu Liangcai accompanied the Red Fourth Front on a western expedition. In several fierce battles, the troops were scattered more and more, and the number of troops was constantly decreasing. Zhu Liangcai was ordered to take advantage of the night and lead his men to continue to advance. I didn't want to think that at dawn, the troops were once again scattered. This time, Zhu Liangcai reorganized his troops, and there was only a squad of less than 20 people left around him.

Founding General Zhu Liangcai, after the team was scattered, begged alone for 36 days, and was later rescued by a rabbit

【Photo】Zhu Liangcai (middle)

Leading this squad, Zhu Liangcai launched a guerrilla war with the enemy at Qilian Mountain. However, the environment on the mountain is really harsh, the materials are scarce, and the climate is still very cold. The squad could only eat the war horses when they were hungry, and when they were thirsty, they grabbed a handful of snow to eat. Zhu Liang knew that in the long run, even if he was not caught by the enemy, he would inevitably starve to death and freeze to death on the mountain.

So Zhu Liangcai decided to lead his men and horses down the mountain, but once again met the Kuomintang troops at the mountain pass. The crowd rushed to hide, but in the quiet of the mountain, there was a sudden "popping" of gunshots, and the location was instantly exposed. Everyone fled in all directions, the mountain road was rough, and soon Zhu Liang was left alone.

Founding General Zhu Liangcai, after the team was scattered, begged alone for 36 days, and was later rescued by a rabbit

【Photo】 Zhu Liangcai and his wife

Zhu Liangcai, who was walking in the snow and wind, decided to return to northern Shaanxi. He fumbled along the path, and on the way he met a kind coal digger who was willing to give him a suit of clothes, which, though worn, were much safer than military uniforms. He dressed himself up and pretended to be a beggar before he hit the road again.

The next day, Zhu Liangcai passed through a village, and he had just entered the village when the enemy soldiers came in from the other end of the village. Zhu Liangcai hurriedly ran away, seeing that he was about to walk out of the encirclement, but he found a group of enemy soldiers in front of him. In a hurry, he immediately "poofed" and jumped into a small ditch nearby. There is the scene mentioned earlier. After that, after several crises, After 36 days, Zhu Liangcai finally returned to Yan'an. In retrospect, Zhu Liangcai was also full of emotions and said, "Heaven will not destroy my Red Army!" If I hadn't had that rabbit, I wouldn't have seen you today!" ”

Founding General Zhu Liangcai, after the team was scattered, begged alone for 36 days, and was later rescued by a rabbit

Since then, Zhu Liangcai has continued to devote himself to the revolution, and he is one of the few generals in the army who is both literate and martial, not only commanding battles is a good hand, but also the classic stories that everyone has heard, such as "Zhu De's Flat Burden" and "The Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain", are all written by Zhu Liangcai. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Liangcai was awarded the title of founding general, and became the first person among the founding generals to take the initiative to "resign", leaving us with a good story that was popular among the population.

Text | Green Oak

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Dongcheng First Shi Jun & Jiang Yuan said history, original article, infringement must be investigated!

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