
60 years later, Yang Hucheng's grandson met Zhang Xueliang, and Zhang Xueliang said 4 words

Yang Han, the grandson of Yang Hucheng, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a patriotic general, is the president of the Xi'an Incident Research Association, and in his view, his grandfather is also the protagonist of his research. He said: "Loving the country and loving the people is the family style advocated by Yang Hucheng, which can be reflected in his name of Yang Zhengmin when he named my father. ”

Yang Han said that Grandpa Yang Hucheng's requirements for his family were to go to the soup for the people. During his tenure as chairman of Shaanxi Province, he personally explored water conservancy lines. In the photos taken back to my hometown and my hometown, there are bare-buttocked children. His father, Yang Zhengmin, once told Yang Han that Yang Hucheng has always asked his children to study seriously, love the country and the people, and be a sincere person, which is the basic family style. This family style also affected his father's education of him.

60 years later, Yang Hucheng's grandson met Zhang Xueliang, and Zhang Xueliang said 4 words

When it comes to Yang Hucheng, the topic that cannot be avoided is Zhang Xueliang. Yang Han recalled two meetings with Zhang Xueliang. Yang Han said that Zhang Yang and Zhang Yang once talked about everything, and when grandpa and Zhang Xueliang met, they often took their father with them. Zhang Xueliang is a joker, but his grandfather is a very serious person, and zhang Xueliang often tells stories to his father. Father Yang Zhengmin has always had a wish to meet his grandfather Yang Hucheng's family friends in his lifetime. In addition, my father was doing united front work at the time and always wanted to find out whether Zhang Xueliang wanted to come back.

After Zhang Xueliang was freed in 1994, Yang Han and his father planned to see Zhang Xueliang in 1996, but his father found out that he was ill before leaving, and planned this matter again in 1998.

60 years later, Yang Hucheng's grandson met Zhang Xueliang, and Zhang Xueliang said 4 words

Yang Han said that his meeting with Zhang Xueliang was to return his father's wish. On June 1, 1999, In Hawaii, Yang Han met Zhang Xueliang, who was 99 years old, in a church. To Yang Han's surprise, Zhang Xueliang's attitude was cold, and he almost didn't say a word. Both sides just politely said, "I've come to see you." Zhang Xueliang said, "Good, thank you." ”

"At that time, I thought it might be that he was old, and I was doing my best to come, and I didn't want anything." That time, Yang Han still had the opportunity to accompany Zhang Xueliang to take a walk at the beach, but Zhang Xueliang also did not say a word.

60 years later, Yang Hucheng's grandson met Zhang Xueliang, and Zhang Xueliang said 4 words

In 2000, Yang Han participated in Zhang Xueliang's 100th birthday celebration in Hawaii, Zhang Xueliang spoke very decently, said a lot of words of thanks to everyone, and did not give people the impression that he was too old to express. At that time, the two had no personal communication, only a group photo.

"I started thinking about it when I came back, and there should be a reason for the cold attitude towards me." Yang Han began to look for answers from the book. At that time, Song Ziwen's diary was published to the public, revealing that Zhang Yang and Zhang Yang had quarreled over the release of Chiang Kai-shek, and many views did not agree later. Yang Han seemed to understand the reason for Zhang Xueliang's cold attitude towards his grandfather's descendants.

Since then, Yang Han has begun to study the Xi'an Incident and constantly reveal the truth of history.

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