
The spy pretended to be a doctor and lurked in China, snatched the body of the Chinese, and transported it back to China to become a national treasure

In ancient China, many emperors had sought immortality, for which they had favored warlocks and refined elixirs. But unfortunately, no emperor can live forever. Therefore, many emperors began to seek another kind of immortality, that is, to build a huge and luxurious mausoleum for themselves, to seal a tight coffin, and to seek various ways to keep their corpses from decay. So is there really a way to keep a body from decaying for a long time? Of course.

In the 1970s, a female corpse was unearthed from the tomb of Mawangdui Han, which was the wife of a chancellor of the Han Dynasty, Lady Xin Chai. When someone opened the coffin of Mrs. Xin Chai, it was found that the body was not decomposing, which was a female corpse of the Han Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago, and it was a miracle that it did not decay. After her death, Mrs. Xin Chai was buried deep underground and isolated from the air to have the opportunity to be incorruptible for a thousand years, and the burial technology at that time was also very surprising.

The spy pretended to be a doctor and lurked in China, snatched the body of the Chinese, and transported it back to China to become a national treasure

Although science and technology were not developed enough in ancient times, people also knew that the better the sealing of corpses, the best antiseptic method was to isolate moisture and air. It is just that the tomb robbery industry in ancient China is very developed, and even the tombs of the emperors and generals are also places where tomb robbers often come and go, so it is difficult for their tombs to be airtight no matter how luxurious they are built. Then the natural climate becomes another way to protect the corpses in the mausoleum.

In the 1980s, archaeologists unearthed a corpse of a Loulan woman in the great desert of Xinjiang, and the arid climate of the desert steamed the water of the corpse, turning her into a dry corpse, but it did not decay. According to archaeologists, this female corpse comes from the ancient Loulan Kingdom, which has a history of more than 3,000 years. When the female corpse was excavated, it was found that the leather boots, felt hats, clothes, etc. worn by the female corpse were well preserved, did not decay, and even showed strong national characteristics. This is very helpful for studying the history of the ancient Loulan Kingdom.

The spy pretended to be a doctor and lurked in China, snatched the body of the Chinese, and transported it back to China to become a national treasure

In fact, not only in China there are good techniques to prevent corpses from decaying, but also abroad, the most famous of which should be the mummies of ancient Egypt. Mummies from thousands of years ago are still preserved in Egyptian museums today. The ancient Egyptians believed that the human body would die, but the soul would not. So they used some means to keep the corpse from decaying after death, so that the soul would be attached to the corpse. After the research of scientists, the ancient Egyptians applied some of the drugs they made to the corpse, which could keep the corpse from decaying.

Of course, the method of preserving the corpse with the configuration of drugs so that the corpse does not decay is not only in ancient Egypt, but also in ancient China. During the Tang Dynasty, the Yuanji Zen master was a high-ranking monk who lived to be more than ninety years old before he died. It is said that he insisted on drinking an herb before his death, and then the Yuan ji Zen master died, and the body did not decay even when exposed to the air. This incident caused a great sensation at that time, and people all believed that it was the immeasurable merit of the Yuanji Zen teacher before he had to go to heaven to protect the corpse after death. The surrounding people therefore built a temple for the dead Yuanji Zen master and burned incense to worship. For centuries to come, the temple was full of incense.

The spy pretended to be a doctor and lurked in China, snatched the body of the Chinese, and transported it back to China to become a national treasure

During the Republic of China, a Japanese spy named Watanabe Shiro was worried about the uncorrupted body of Zen Master Genji for a thousand years. So he quietly came to the monastery and killed the monks in the monastery, stealing the body of the Zen master Yuanji. Later, the Anti-Japanese War broke out, and the temple was destroyed in the war. At that time, people thought that the body of The Yuanji Zen Master was also destroyed, but they did not expect that it was stolen.

Towards the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Watanabe quietly transported the body of Zen Master Genji back to Japan, hiding it in a warehouse without mentioning it to anyone. It was not until after his death that his family discovered such a body. Later, the relevant staff in Japan examined the body that had been incorruptible for thousands of years. But it has always been a mystery that The Yuanji Zen Master was able to make the corpse decay for thousands of years because of what kind of medicine. The body of Zen master Genji has been enshrined by Japan as a national treasure and placed at Soshinji Temple in Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama.

The spy pretended to be a doctor and lurked in China, snatched the body of the Chinese, and transported it back to China to become a national treasure

The mystery of the fact that corpses do not decay is common around the world, and in the 1980s, an undefiltered male corpse was found in a swamp in northern Europe. And this male corpse turned out to be a Germanic man who lived more than two thousand years ago. Scientists quickly analyzed their surroundings and tried to find out why the body had not decayed for more than two thousand years. In a glass box in a museum in Europe is the body of a little girl who has not decayed. It is said that the little girl's mother injected a drug into her corpse after her death, so that the little girl's body was preserved for nearly a hundred years without decay.

Whether it is the remains of The Yuanji Zen Master more than a thousand years ago, or the remains of the modern little girl preserved in the museum, what kind of medicine they can not decay, even the current advanced science and technology has not been able to give an answer

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