
The little boy did this, it was so beautiful

author:China Youth Network

Recently, Shi Huabo, the class teacher of class 404 of Qiu'ai Town Center Primary School in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, was busy with the work at hand and planned to brush the video to relax. "Huh? Isn't this the Dong Qirui of our class! Come and see, the students in our class are on fire! A video with more than 6 million views caught his attention.

It turned out that one night the other day, when Dong Qirui and his family were walking on Baizhang East Road in Yinzhou District, they suddenly found that the fire hydrants on the side of the road were constantly bubbling out of the water, causing water to accumulate on the nearby roads. "Isn't the water resources lost in vain, and there will not be enough water when there is a fire?" Moreover, pedestrians passing by are also prone to slipping. Dong Qirui immediately made a decision, borrowed a mobile phone from his parents, first called "119", and then contacted the water supply company under the guidance of the staff to describe the specific positioning and scene to the emergency repair personnel. After the emergency repair personnel arrived and solved the problem of water leakage in the fire hydrant, he left with peace of mind.

In the video, Dong Qirui is always very polite and does not forget to take care of his younger brother on the side. This made netizens very moved, and they left messages below the video.

The little boy did this, it was so beautiful

Shi Huabo told reporters that Dong Qirui has always been a "little man" with love and responsibility, often taking the initiative to help students in difficulty, and enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings. On July 24, Dong Qirui also donated the pocket money he had accumulated to the victims of the rainstorm in Henan through public welfare channels, setting a good example for the students in the class.

Dong Qirui's mother said: "I originally just thought that this matter made me quite moved, casually sent to the short video platform, did not expect to receive so much attention and praise, thank you, but also thank you to the school and teachers for the education of children!" ”

Source: People's Daily News

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