
Glory of Kings: Dispensable hero with an appearance rate of less than 3% and banned in almost every game

Thousands of rivers and mountains are always affectionate, a little attention to support! Hello everyone, I'm Junxun.

King Glory has a history of 6 years so far, and I have been witnessing its development from the king internal test to the present, from the initial dozen heroes, the skin is very few now the number of heroes is 108, the number of skins is almost 400, and the game mode has become rich and diverse. But in the midst of all this, there are always creative stains. Among the 108 heroes, not every hero's design is very popular with everyone, including several heroes, basically he can rarely be seen in the game, because his appearance rate is less than 3%.

First place: Master Lu Ban

Glory of Kings: Dispensable hero with an appearance rate of less than 3% and banned in almost every game

Luban master this hero is launched at the end of 19 years, as a god craftsman who created Luban seven, Luban master with Luban seven can be described as a match made in heaven, Luban master one skill jump forward, hit the enemy within range, two skills can create a link with a teammate, after teammate confirmation, you can move to the side of Luban master, the three skills are to launch up to 6 mechanical arms in the fan area to link the enemy, 1 second later pull to their side. Master Luban's set of consecutive moves plus two skills to cooperate with teammates can be described as extremely disgusting, and even the current yo-yo combination is the same, so Master Luban's current playing rate is only 8.6%, and the ban rate is 48.73%.

Second place: Agudo

Glory of Kings: Dispensable hero with an appearance rate of less than 3% and banned in almost every game

Agudo this hero at the beginning of the line after a period of strength, was found weakness, targeted restraint, the playing rate is not very high, but the recent meat knife to fight the wild + blood hand outfit once again made Agudo become more disgusting, so the recent ranking or peak game in the Agudo ban probability is also getting higher and higher, mainly because after the development of Agudo, the group is a "churning stick", although the outbreak damage is not high, but the continuous output ability is very strong, so the current Agudo's playing rate is only 7.4% , the ban rate is 58.1%.

Third place: 暃

Glory of Kings: Dispensable hero with an appearance rate of less than 3% and banned in almost every game

As we all know, after the new hero is online, there will always be a strong period, especially this hero still belongs to the assassin hero, so that some crispy back row is not standing at all, the second skill of the sun can make him flexible on the canyon wall jumping back and forth, the big move to kill the line is also a headache for many heroes, so since the launch, many games are disabled, the current rate of his play is 16%, the ban rate is 60.48%.

Fourth place: Eastern Emperor Taiyi

Glory of Kings: Dispensable hero with an appearance rate of less than 3% and banned in almost every game

The hero of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi should be familiar to everyone, he was on the line at the beginning of 17 years, the most disgusting thing about this hero is his big move, after the big move sucks the enemy, it is to exchange blood for blood, so the core equipment of the Eastern Emperor is the overlord reloaded, mainly for the purpose of heaping blood. The eastern emperor Taiyi is also very disgusting in the early stage, a skill three magic balls around themselves, into the opposite field area, no 3 people basically can not kill him, so the Eastern Emperor has always been one of the preferred heroes of the ban, the current appearance rate of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is 10%, the ban rate is 71.15%.

Fifth place: Shield Mountain

Glory of Kings: Dispensable hero with an appearance rate of less than 3% and banned in almost every game

Shield Mountain this hero is also the same as the Eastern Emperor, since the launch, is every game must be disabled hero, otherwise if it is obtained by the opposite side, this can win even if it is very difficult to win, because Shield Mountain's one skill and big move can block all flying attacks, the second skill is more able to cooperate with the flash ultra-long-distance group, leaving the enemy behind, which is also the hero with the highest ban rate at present, with a ban rate of up to 87.2% and an appearance rate of only 2.8%.

Although the skills of each hero in the Glory of kings are different, but this disgusting hero I will disable in the BP link, like Shield Mountain and Donghuang Taiyi are in my must ban quota, which of your must ban heroes are? Welcome to discuss in the comments section.

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