
The 6 heroes of the glory of kings Miyamoto Musashi redoed and weakened Her model is not as big as before

Miyamoto Musashi: Weakened again

The 6 heroes of the glory of kings Miyamoto Musashi redoed and weakened Her model is not as big as before

To tell you a few of the glory of the king, relatively tragic heroes, the first should be Miyamoto Musashi, we know that in the test suit, the redone version of this hero came out again, so do you know what a feeling this hero gave me after the redo? Feeling that this hero has been weakened again, I originally thought that it should be a hero who will become stronger, but unfortunately, from the perspective of skill data, it is not as powerful as Miyamoto Musashi in the current official service, and the current version of Miyamoto Musashi should be the second generation version, which is much weaker than the first generation version.

Fire Dance: Not as big as before

The 6 heroes of the glory of kings Miyamoto Musashi redoed and weakened Her model is not as big as before

Seeing that the model is not as big as before, I believe that many humble gentlemen already know which hero I am talking about, that is, I don't know the hero of the fire dance, to show you what the old version looks like? Many players should know why this hero is miserable. Especially after standing with Luban No. 7, do you feel that this gap is more obvious? By the way, I don't know if the hero strength of the fire dance is still OK, you can still play Miyamoto Musashi to be a little stronger, but the ability to push the line in the early stage is slightly worse.

Lü Bu: The shield feels too rubbish

The 6 heroes of the glory of kings Miyamoto Musashi redoed and weakened Her model is not as big as before

Lü Bu, the hero, do you feel it? This hero's shield skill is now a bit rubbish, how to say it? Tank flow routine, now should be basically unable to play, now if you want to play Lü Bu, it should be an attack speed critical hit stream, this kind of gameplay fault tolerance rate is relatively low, but the ability of the second person will be a little higher, just look at your own preferences, anyway, now choose Lü Bu, basically let go of a fight. I hope that I can directly give the other person a second, there is no way, as before, rely on the shield to exchange blood with the other person.

Luban No. 7: The fastest way to recognize full skills

The 6 heroes of the glory of kings Miyamoto Musashi redoed and weakened Her model is not as big as before

Why is the hero of Luban No. 7 miserable? First of all, this hero's model is so cute that a player wants to beat him. So a lot of players say that when you play Luban Seven, you can quickly recognize all the hero's skills. I still agree with this statement, because after you see the other person coming, if there is no way to identify the other party's skills, this time is relatively miserable. After all, many heroes, if you can second people, the first wave of damage must all be thrown to Luban Seven, this time by the second, must be able to remember deeply.

Shield Mountain: Big moves weak

The 6 heroes of the glory of kings Miyamoto Musashi redoed and weakened Her model is not as big as before

Shield Mountain this hero, I personally feel is also very miserable, because at the beginning of the design, in fact, it was a big move for this hero, spent a lot of thought, but unfortunately this big move feels a little weak, now basically no use, especially for some old players, such a hero, many players should give up, right? By the way, from the line point of view, I think the hero of Shield Mountain is also very miserable, because his lines are very few, and it can even be said that the player can't understand what this hero is saying.

Yao: Very strong, but called a jerk

The 6 heroes of the glory of kings Miyamoto Musashi redoed and weakened Her model is not as big as before

Princess Yaoyao, I personally feel very miserable about this hero, mainly because this hero should be very strong in theory, but the feeling given to the player's family is that this hero is very weak. You know, for most people, as long as you see that you have chosen Princess Yaoyao, you will feel that you are a bastard, but after this hero plays well, it is really very powerful, and I don't know why, now most players say that she is a bastard, in fact, play well can not mix at all, and even say that you can take your teammates to victory.

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