
Holidays| Parents' attitude after returning home from vacation: day one vs day N

Everyone has been home for many days on vacation

Have you ever felt the fear of being dominated by your parents?

From the first day home to the Nth day

You can clearly feel the change in your parents' attitude

From the beginning of the booing and greeting, to the various "dislikes" in the back

Let's take a look at the small recesses

The "Seventy-Two Changes" of Parents Returning Home from Vacation

Holidays| Parents' attitude after returning home from vacation: day one vs day N

A journey of 360° great change in parental attitudes

Absolutely true!

The first day of the holiday

"The exam has just ended, combining work and leisure,

Relax and relax! ”

"Rest at home when you're off."

"What the baby wants to eat, mom goes to buy."

Let us can't help but sigh, Mom is so sweet.

Holidays| Parents' attitude after returning home from vacation: day one vs day N

When we first arrived home, our parents were extremely fond of us and cared about us in every way. Even if we lie in bed all day and do nothing, our parents will not have too many words, and usually bring us a plate of fruit to "enjoy". Lying in bed in the morning and not getting up, my parents will try to let us sleep as much as possible. When we go to bed late at night, our parents are not too nagging, they will only ask us what we want to eat tomorrow, and remind us that it is time to sleep.

Take a vacation for a while

"Hurry up and eat"

"It's time to go to bed so late,

Don't play with your phone anymore. ”

"Lying in bed all day playing with your phone,

If you don't have anything to do, go and help with some chores. ”

At this time, my parents didn't seem to be as gentle as they were at the beginning

Holidays| Parents' attitude after returning home from vacation: day one vs day N

At this time, our parents' patience with us is coming to an end, they are on the verge of an outbreak, and they may explode at any time. When we go to bed late and wake up late, and lie on the couch all day playing with our mobile phones, they will remind us from time to time to adjust our lifestyle habits. When they come back from work and see our not-so-clean home and idle us, they will start to instruct us in our daily chores.

Day N of the holiday

"Every day I know to play with my phone,

I haven't seen you write a word in a few days since I came back. ”

"All day long I know that I am paralyzed there,

There is no right shape, and the right thing is not done. ”

"What time is it, and I can't get up yet."

At this time, we dare not speak out.

Holidays| Parents' attitude after returning home from vacation: day one vs day N

On day N, our VIP Experience Card expires. At this time, we ushered in the endless nagging of our parents. When we lie in bed, they are going to start talking, not going to bed early at night, not getting up in the morning. When we are not up, parents will start to "do" to lift your quilt to make you up. When you play with your phone, your parents have to say: all day long you know to hold a mobile phone, you don't know how to do housework...

The change in parents' attitudes is summed up in this way

Holidays| Parents' attitude after returning home from vacation: day one vs day N
Holidays| Parents' attitude after returning home from vacation: day one vs day N

So how do we spend this holiday with our parents happily?

Xiao Concave summarized the following points for everyone to learn

(The pro test is effective!) )



During the school period, every day is to go to bed early and get up early, and when you are at home during the holidays, you can try to go to bed early and get up early as you did when you went to school.


Take the initiative to do housework

Parents are usually tired at work, and sometimes they don't want to move at home after work, so we can take a handle, such as saying to my parents that I will help you.


Play less with your phone

Now the rise of electronic products, work, games, online chat, many people are gradually inseparable from the mobile phone, but at home we try to play less mobile phones, more with the family, so that the family can feel your warmth.


Watch TV with your parents

In fact, this is a way to accompany your parents, not really watching what the content is on TV, the most important thing is to chat with your parents.


Occasional cooking

We can cook a few dishes for our parents to eat or play for them in the kitchen, but the main thing is to see if you have the heart to help your parents.

Holidays| Parents' attitude after returning home from vacation: day one vs day N

Everyone has learned the above methods

You can also make your own vacation plans at home

Spend a fulfilling holiday

Finally, Xiao Ou is here to wish everyone a happy holiday

Usher in a new self in the new year

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