
What is the success rate of three generations of IVF? High?

No matter how many generations of IVF everyone does, the most concerned issue is definitely inseparable from the success rate. Everyone wants to be successfully pregnant with a single test tube. In fact, Hengjian Overseas is here to tell you that whether you are doing the first generation, the second generation, or the third generation of IVF, there is no way to guarantee a 100% success rate.

What is the success rate of three generations of IVF? High?

First, the success rate of the third generation of IVF

At present, the success rate of third-generation IVF is much higher than that of the previous two generations, reaching 60%-70%. This is because the third generation of IVF adds PGS/PGD screening diagnostic technology before embryo transfer. Be able to screen out the quality of the embryos and choose a high-quality embryo transfer, so that the chances of implantation of the embryos will increase, which in turn will improve the success rate of IVF. The first two generations of IVF did not have this technology, so the success rate was lower than that of the third generation of IVF, about 30%-50%.

Second, which factors affect the success rate of third-generation IVF

1. Age

This is an important factor in the success rate of IVF. The older you get, the fewer and the quality of your eggs, the lower you get, the lower your pregnancy rate. So we have repeatedly advised everyone that if you want to do IVF, you must do it as soon as possible. Between the ages of 25 and 35, the quality of the eggs and jing will be better, and the quality of the combined embryos will be higher. The success rate of IVF will also be higher.

What is the success rate of three generations of IVF? High?

2. Uterine environment

A good uterine environment makes it easier for the embryo to implant. If you have endometrial polyps, endometritis, etc., it will damage the endometrium, which in turn will affect the implantation of the embryo to a certain extent. Therefore, if you have uterine inflammation that affects the implantation of embryos, you must treat it first and then transfer it. Before transplantation, our specialists will check whether the uterus environment is in good condition and decide whether to transplant according to the results of the examination.

3. Doctor's technique

IVF is not a simple treatment process, it must go through ovulation promotion, egg retrieval, breeding, transplantation, these major steps can obtain the final good pregnancy results. Among them, ovulation induction should be based on physical conditions to develop an exclusive ovulation promotion program. In the process of promoting ovulation, the dose of ovulation inducer used can not be more or less, more is easy to cause ovarian stimulation syndrome, less follicles are not easy to mature. How to grasp it accurately is a very test of the technology and experience of experts.

What is the success rate of three generations of IVF? High?

4. Mood

A cycle of IVF takes about 2-3 months and requires several trips to the hospital. And families who choose to do IVF will definitely be under pressure from all sides of society, family, etc., and will worry about whether they can succeed once. If you are under this pressure for a long time, it will affect the endocrine and cause uterine muscle contraction disorders, resulting in the embryo unable to implant normally. Therefore, having a good attitude also plays a very important role in the success of IVF.

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