
Can women with congenital ovarian dysplasia do IVF fertility?

Some women with congenital ovarian dysplasia can give birth naturally, but this is only a small part of it, and in general, most women's natural pregnancies will be affected; This is because the ovaries are mainly the places where eggs are produced, and only if the ovaries are healthy can they release more high-quality eggs and improve the fertility rate. The ovaries are really too important for women, not every woman in life can have a healthy and sound ovaries, of which congenital ovarian hypoplasia is one of the diseases that have a more adverse impact on women's fertility.

Clinical manifestations of congenital ovarian hypoplasia: short stature, underdevelopment of genital and secondary sexual characteristics, and abnormal development of a group of bodies. Height is generally less than 150 cm. Female vulva, naïve development, vagina, small or absent uterus. The body is characterized by multiple moles, droopy eyelids, low large ears, high palate arches, low posterior hairline, short and wide neck, and so on.

Can women with congenital ovarian dysplasia do IVF fertility?

Women who do IVF can at least get their follicles after super-ovulation induction

One of the conditions for IVF is to obtain mature eggs for use in IVF, and high-quality sperm eggs are one of the key factors in the formation of high-quality gametes. This shows the importance of women's ovaries, before the test tube will be done ultrasound, Amh examination to assess the ovarian reserve. Female patients with congenital ovarian hypoplasia need to be determined after a comprehensive evaluation by a doctor, and there is hope as long as eggs are still available.

In addition, the uterus is also one of the key conditions that affect the good pregnancy of the test tube

The woman's uterus is the implantation place of the embryo after IVF, and the embryo must rely on the tolerance of the endometrium if the embryo wants to implant smoothly, and the endometrium below 7mm is not suitable for conception.

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