
From interest to burden, children almost gave up learning guzheng, because it was teachers and parents

"The most important thing is the teacher, whether you go in the professional direction or amateur ideas, the teacher is the most important."

I am a post-80s mother, the child is thirteen years old this year, more than seven years old began to learn guzheng has been six years, and other children than the start is late. At present, it has passed the ninth level of the Central Conservatory of Music.

At the ninth grade of the Central Conservatory of Music, the mothers of children who have learned kites should all understand.

From interest to burden, children almost gave up learning guzheng, because it was teachers and parents

Nowadays, guzheng has become a part of her life, thanks to her guzheng teacher who has made her truly love music and guzheng.

But no one knows that a few years ago, the guzheng that had been insisted on for nearly four years almost gave up.

Now, looking back, I found that the key factor is the teacher and the parent, the core is the strength of the teacher, and the parents do not realize that it is an obstacle.

01 Three years, from interest to burden

The child's learning of guzheng was completely proposed by herself, and I did not have the idea of letting my children learn guzheng at the beginning.

Because I don't know anything about guzheng, but the child is extremely interested in this toy.

One day, she told me very seriously that she wanted to learn guzheng, and I only confirmed it with her once, and after getting a more firm reply, I agreed.

At the beginning, I didn't think much, and the idea was still stuck in the basic idea that "a child to learn an art is very helpful for his future", and the requirements for him are not high, just like the ideas of many mothers, just like some mothers said, "I can stick to it, I can pop up and tune in, and I don't want to do professional." ”

So every time I hear that she can play some tunes, it's nice to hear that some of the details are correct or not.

From interest to burden, children almost gave up learning guzheng, because it was teachers and parents

This happiness did not last long, the child's examination of the third level began to the fourth and fifth levels, more and more unsuccessful, the child also felt more and more difficult, the interest was getting lower and lower, because the conflict between the practice of the kite broke out more and more.

This made me realize for the first time that whether I am a professional or amateur in the future, I need to change a teacher. In this way, only the burden is brought. Don't let learning guzheng become a burden.

02 Finally grasped the life-saving straw

Found the problem, we began to try to solve the problem, so we began to look for a teacher, but our parents do not understand the guzheng, do not know the level of the teacher, back and forth, the child is also annoyed, not to mention the root cause, the symptoms can not be cured.

In this way, the child stumbled and got stuck at the sixth level. During this period, four teachers were changed, and the children did not like it.

From interest to burden, children almost gave up learning guzheng, because it was teachers and parents

After the card level, the "examination level" became negative feedback, accumulating nearly two years of resentment and the age gap highlighted by the comparison with the younger siblings, so that the child became inferior and grumpy during that time, almost completely gave up on practicing the kite, and the daily communication with the child, mentioning the guzheng will inevitably break out of war.

This made it difficult for me to accept for a while, the original intention of that year was completely invisible, not only that, but even during that time, there was a great distortion of the child's personality, which had affected her growth.

Not only the children, but also the idea of giving up at one point. In the end, we made an agreement with the child to find the last teacher.

Fortunately, this "life-saving straw" was caught, and the child met the current teacher. The teacher graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, professional, rigorous, demanding, conscientious and responsible, and also very experienced.

My daughter made rapid progress under the strict requirements of the teacher, and in the process of communicating with the teacher, I realized what the problem was.

Practice that a good teacher pays attention to detail Frequent and deliberate practice is the root of progress, but wrong practice can only bring destruction.

03 Guzheng, no amateurs

Practice that a good teacher pays attention to detail Frequent and deliberate practice is the root of progress, but wrong practice can only bring destruction

Guzheng has no amateur, amateur learning guzheng is also very strict requirements for basic skills, the basic skills are not solid, even the techniques are wrong, once the acceleration, the child can only do his best, the sound that comes out is blurred, and even the rolling belt climbs over.

From interest to burden, children almost gave up learning guzheng, because it was teachers and parents

This will only make the child slowly feel that practicing the guzheng is becoming more and more difficult and less and less interested.

The teacher told me, "To learn the kite, three points depend on learning, and seven points depend on practice." Any learning outcome is positively correlated with the degree of practice, and the butterfly effect of wrong practice is devastating in the future. ”

The better the teacher, the more he understands the importance of the foundation. This was also confirmed by later exchanges with parents. In order to correct the child's mistakes in the basic skills, we paid a year.

Everything seems to be developing in a good direction, but last year, the teacher said that due to personal physical reasons, it is necessary to rest, and it may not be possible to take children for a period of time in the future.

This made me and the child panic, we already know the importance of a good teacher, but we don't know how to find the next suitable teacher to teach the child, and we are at a loss for a while.

04 Find a teacher and sister to accompany the training, save money and be efficient

In desperation, I chose to find the child's sister to teach her, with her to practice, did not expect that the child is still energetic, after all, the child's age gap is not large, good communication together, good communication. The child also let go of the psychological burden of attending classes with the teacher.

With the leadership of this example, children have more momentum to learn professionally.

It seems that letting the children learn together can really drive enthusiasm, no wonder Lang Lang's father always beckons many children to come to their house to fight the piano, which is really a good incentive.

As a parent, do you keep your child in a small room and force you to practice the piano, why not invite your friends to carry out a live piano fighting conference every time?

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