
Your baby is full term and you are still anxious about giving birth? Five prenatal tips for you

At this time, your baby is full term, are you already anxious about a series of questions about childbirth? Today I will give you five prenatal advice to help you prepare well before birth and better welcome the arrival of your baby.

Your baby is full term and you are still anxious about giving birth? Five prenatal tips for you

First of all, the first prenatal advice, if there is no special situation, it is recommended to give priority to the way of vaginal delivery, under normal circumstances, doctors advocate a vaginal delivery. Neither the head nor the neck is a reason for a caesarean section. Some mothers hear that their fetal position is the posterior occipital position, thinking that the fetal position is not correct, they ask if they can give birth to themselves, in fact, the pillow position is still head down, but the face towards the mother-to-be belly is not the fetal position is not correct, which does not affect the smooth delivery.

Your baby is full term and you are still anxious about giving birth? Five prenatal tips for you

In addition to these, I have prepared three small reminders for you, one: during childbirth, dietary recommendations choose well-digested liquids. Don't eat too full, or eat foods that are not easy to digest; two: fully trust the doctor during the birth process and listen to the doctor's advice. For example, if the doctor recommends a metasection, do not hesitate too much, even if it is found after the birth, there may be another possibility, but it does not mean that the choice at that time was wrong. I believe that during childbirth, the doctor can give you the best judgment you can make in the situation. Don't regret not choosing another path; three: the process of childbirth may be very long, have confidence and patience, do not envy others to be born too quickly, after all, too fast to be born may not be good for the mother and baby.

Your baby is full term and you are still anxious about giving birth? Five prenatal tips for you

There are also many expectant mothers who want to choose caesarean section because they are afraid of pain, which I understand very well. But in fact, you can choose painless delivery, which can greatly reduce the pain during childbirth. It's no bragging to say that painless childbirth was one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century.

Many of the so-called harms of painless childbirth, such as the lack of oxygen in the baby and the waist pain of expectant mothers, are nonsense. Don't resist painless childbirth because of these rumors, if you have the conditions, these pains really don't need to be endured.

Your baby is full term and you are still anxious about giving birth? Five prenatal tips for you

How to do a painless birth? Generally speaking, puncturing and anesthetic on the spine of the waist sounds scary, but it is a very safe operation. Painless childbirth is neither harmful to the baby nor increases the likelihood of low back pain later in life for expectant mothers. Of course, for some places where there is really no painless delivery service, there are other ways to alleviate the pain of childbirth. Than the previous articles taught you the Ramazer breathing method, you can also understand in advance and practice in advance.

Your baby is full term and you are still anxious about giving birth? Five prenatal tips for you

The third point is to understand the situation in the delivery room in advance and be mentally prepared for the process you are about to face. For many expectant mothers. The delivery room is a place to look forward to and a little scary. What do I do after entering the delivery room? What is the process of giving birth to a baby? You may have inquired about these questions from people who came here, but they are still not very clear. When the expectant mother breaks the water or gives birth, she is sent to the delivery room. But it doesn't mean that if you send it in, you have to go up. In fact, the entire delivery process is divided into three stages. The first stage of labour is a contraction that begins every 5 to 6 minutes and lasts 30 seconds until the uterine opening is fully open. This is what everyone calls the beginning of the process. The second stage of labor is the process of expectant mothers to give birth to the baby. The third stage of labor is the process of placental delivery, and the examination and treatment of different medical staff in the delivery room and the precautions of expectant mothers are different. Fourth, the prenatal advice is to prepare the maternity package and familiarize the father-to-be with the admission process and route in advance.

Your baby is full term and you are still anxious about giving birth? Five prenatal tips for you

The maternity bag is briefly the preparation of three bags, namely a carry-on bag, an admission bag and a postpartum bag carried by the family after childbirth. Generally speaking, the maternity kit is the first two bags, and the principle of preparation is necessary, and it is not immediately available to take. For example, the clothes, cosmetics, etc. that are discharged from the hospital can be brought by the family after the baby is born, put in the third bag, and after the items are prepared, the father-to-be must clearly know where the maternity bag is placed, which hospital to go to, which building, how many floors, and what to do. The admission procedures had reached the understanding of the fathers, and most of them were still confused by the second monk at this time. So this step is quite necessary. The last prenatal advice is that the baby generally does not arrive on time according to the expected date of delivery, and it is very likely that it will be advanced or delayed, and it is best to be mentally prepared in advance.

Your baby is full term and you are still anxious about giving birth? Five prenatal tips for you

If the due date is overdue, unless the baby is deprived of oxygen, it is generally possible to wait an extra week. If after a week, if you do not start, continue to wait, may lead to the baby's lack of oxygen, or because the baby is too large and lead to difficulty in delivery, it is generally recommended to induce labor, so that the baby is born as soon as possible. The method of inducing labor is water bladder induction. Prostaglandin induction of labor is generally selected according to the actual choice of the hospital.

Well, today's article is shared here, I hope that we can have the opportunity to become a better self because of the arrival of our children, be better parents, learn to think, learn to judge, learn to analyze, and accompany our children to grow up with him.

This article is original by the little man at home, welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge!

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