
The stone stele unearthed during the Kangxi Dynasty hides a mysterious opportunity, and Zhuge Liang's thousand-year prophecy is even in a word

The stone stele unearthed during the Kangxi Dynasty hides a mysterious opportunity, and Zhuge Liang's thousand-year prophecy is even in a word

During the Kangxi Dynasty, some of the buildings in Chengdu began to collapse because of the long construction time, and the Wuhou Ancestral Hall was dedicated to Zhuge Liang and his monarch Liu Bei, and they were very popular with the local people. Therefore, after the building collapsed, the local official Song Ke ordered the workers to repair it.

Unexpectedly, the workers dug up a stone in a nearby pond, and the shape of the stone was very regular, and it turned out to be a square stone stele. Curiously, people found four sentences engraved in the middle of the stone stele: "Water Moon Lord, Geng is not big, cover eighteen, dragon reclining." There is also a bright word engraved on the back of the sentence, indicating that this is what Zhuge Liang said.

The stone stele unearthed during the Kangxi Dynasty hides a mysterious opportunity, and Zhuge Liang's thousand-year prophecy is even in a word

People have repeatedly studied the words on the stone tablet to understand the mystery: the first three words are the water moon lord, the water is the water word next to the yin, and the moon plus a lord is "qing", so the water moon lord is the Qing Dynasty. The last three characters are gengda, which refers to the addition of a small character under the geng character, that is, "kang", referring to the Kangxi Emperor. Gai Eighteen refers to a treasure head above, and the bottom eighteen is wood, that is, the word "Song", which represents the official Song Ke.

The stone stele unearthed during the Kangxi Dynasty hides a mysterious opportunity, and Zhuge Liang's thousand-year prophecy is even in a word

This shows that Zhuge Liang already knew that his temple would collapse during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, and this official named Song Ke would send someone to repair it. The last three words, "Dragon Reclining", mean that Zhuge Liang can re-inhabit here.

The stone stele unearthed during the Kangxi Dynasty hides a mysterious opportunity, and Zhuge Liang's thousand-year prophecy is even in a word

After Song Ke knew, he worshipped Zhuge Liang as a god, and he was able to predict what would happen after a thousand years. So people specially built a pavilion, put this stone in the pavilion and built it with bricks, and set up another monument next to it to record this matter.

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