
In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Liu Zhi was a famous general of the Kuomintang, who was once famous during the Republic of China and was known as a "tumbler" in the upper echelons of the Kuomintang military circles.

Among the "Eight Great Kongs" under Chiang Kai-shek, he was the one most trusted and relied upon by Chiang Kai-shek.

His life was filled with "tragedy" and "comedy".

After the Defeat of the Kuomintang in Taiwan, Liu Zhi did not follow Chiang Kai-shek, but secretly ran to the Bogor Chinese School in Indonesia to teach the sixth grade Chinese language and geography class, but no one around knew his identity.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Liu Zhi

Liu Zhi was once the commander-in-chief of hundreds of thousands of Nationalist troops, but he also had a comfortable life in an Indonesian primary school.

He was sleek in his life, and in just a few days he became the "child king" of the school, and the children loved to listen to his lectures. Even the school couldn't resist giving him a raise, hoping he would take a few more classes.

In fact, at the beginning, Liu Zhi was just ready to help his third aunt to take a few lessons, and he didn't think that the school was unwilling to let him go!

In August 1953, when Liu Zhi's work as a primary school teacher in Indonesia was exposed, Chiang Kai-shek was furious:

"Hurry back to Taiwan, don't lose any more people!"

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

The beginning of a tragic and joyful life

On June 30, 1892, a baby nicknamed Tianyue fell to the ground in Miaobei Village, Ji'an County, Jiangxi Province, and he was Liu Zhi.

"Loneliness and poverty are too cruel for me, which also makes me more tolerant and self-reliant."

In his later years, Liu Zhi wrote in his memoirs.

Liu Zhi should have had a happy childhood, his father was an honest and responsible peasant man, but in that stormy era, an honest person would have many kinds of "accidents" to die.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

His father was stalked by a bully from a neighboring village during a rice field release. His father argued and was beaten to death in the farmland by bullies. At this time, Liu Zhi was still in his infancy, not knowing that he had lost the opportunity to see his biological father forever.

His birth mother, Hu Shi, brought young Liu Zhi to work as a helper at a firecracker shop in Ji'an City. Later, he remarried to the owner of the shop.

A few days after the stable life, the owner of the shop fell ill and died. Liu Zhi lived a life of upheaval and displacement again.

A weak woman of the Hu clan could not wander with her children, and married a young officer, Huang Xiaoshan, as a young wife. Liu Zhi was also handed over by the young officer to his wife Tang Shi.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Tang Shi did not treat Liu Zhi well, and scolded him at every turn. But he has been staying up in the hard days since he was a child, and he only responded with a smile and giggle in the face of his adoptive mother's scolding.

People's hearts are all flesh long, looking at Liu Zhi, who was beaten and scolded, Tang Shi's heart softened, so she gave Liu Zhi the opportunity to read.

Liu Zhi entered a private school at the age of 7, because he was a foreigner, he could not avoid being insulted and bullied, but he always maintained an optimistic attitude and studied very hard.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Reading was a life-saving straw for him, a hope for him to change his destiny, which also made him like the private school teacher, who often "opened a small stove" for Liu Zhi


When Liu Zhi was fourteen years old, he was given a chance to travel to Japan with his adoptive father, Huang Xiaoshan.

Unfortunately, at that time, Sun Yat-sen was organizing an alliance association in Japan, and Japan was afraid that the students studying in Japan would participate in the anti-Japanese revolution, so they repatriated Liu Zhi, who had just enrolled in school.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Although he did not stay in Japan for long, Liu Zhi had a lot of knowledge. At the same time, he also became a revolutionary, and he talked about revolution in Ji'an, where there was no flame of revolution, and cut his hair for this, but unfortunately no one was willing to take care of him.

Liu Zhi understood that no one would stop and listen to a loser tell his "ideals".

Liu Zhi tossed the revolution and spent all the money, and decided to go to the "Changsha Army Primary School" because the primary school was paid a monthly allowance. He can juggle study and earn a living. With the knowledge reserve of careful study in the private school, he was lucky to be admitted.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Army Elementary School

Liu Zhi has seen all the warmth and coldness of human feelings at a young age, and he deeply knows that society is a wrestling field, and the losers have nothing, and they will not even have sympathetic eyes on you.

So he seized every opportunity, in the face of the ridicule and bullying of his classmates in the academy, he chose to be patient and put all his energy into learning.

Liu Zhi was desperate to get rid of the hardships brought to him by his birth with an urgent mood, and he wanted to become an adult.

In 1919, Liu Zhi, who had graduated from a military academy with a small reputation, defected to the commander-in-chief of the Cantonese Army, Xu Chongzhi, and was appointed as a major aide-de-camp, and Chiang Kai-shek, a nobleman of Liu Zhi's life, was Xu Chongzhi's chief of staff.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Xu Chongzhi

Liu Zhi and Chiang Kai-shek became superiors and subordinates, and this was their origin.

He was introduced by He Yingqin, chief instructor of the Whampoa Military Academy, to the Whampoa Military Academy as a tactical instructor, and was soon promoted to section chief of the General Staff Office. Life has improved.

Liu Zhi participated in the Eastern Expedition twice, and both established military achievements. Coupled with being kind and good at patting the chief on the ass, Chiang Kai-shek was deeply impressed by him.

Chiang Kai-shek became another straw for Liu Zhi.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Call "yes" to generals

Because Liu Zhi only made promises to Chiang Kai-shek and obeyed his orders. It is called "Yes" General.

When Chiang Kai-shek talked to him, no matter how long he talked, he always stood up straight, listened attentively, and gave Chiang Kai-shek full respect.

If he made a mistake, Chiang Kai-shek scolded him, and Liu Zhi repeatedly said "yes."

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Liu Zhi served as a garrison commander in Chongqing. Coinciding with the bombing of Japanese aircraft, many people in the air raid shelter were suffocated, and he was most responsible for this matter, plus he was reported to Chiang Kai-shek by his colleagues in his daily life of stealing and slipping.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

During the War of Resistance

Chiang Kai-shek called Liu Zhi to him again, and he stood respectfully as usual, and every time Chiang Kai-shek scolded him, he nodded his head and said "yes." Chiang Kai-shek scolded for half an hour, and he kept "being" non-stop.

Chiang Kai-shek suddenly turned his head:

"You've been fooling around like this, do you think I'm a fool?"

Without thinking, a "yes" word popped out.

Chiang Kai-shek's expression was ugly, and he was about to get angry again, but thinking that Liu Zhi had always been like this ghost, he couldn't help but laugh at him. He could only wave his hand to let Liu Zhi hurry up and get out of the egg, and his eyes were not clear.

When the story came out, the joke of saying "yes" to the general spread.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Chiang Kai-shek

In March 1926, Chiang Kai-shek created the "Zhongshan Incident", which was intended to frame and kill communists. Liu Zhi followed Chiang Kai-shek's orders one by one.

First, the Communists in the Second Division and the Navy were detained. The list of Communists to be arrested was then read out. Monk Bao Hui was very puzzled and shouted:

"Why are you doing this?"

Liu Zhi replied unashamedly:

"I don't know! I will listen to whatever the principal says, and I will do whatever the principal asks me to do! ”

Chiang Kai-shek valued Liu Zhi's honesty and obedience, so he repeatedly tolerated Liu Zhi, who made mistakes.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

In fact, Liu Zhi is not an honest person, but his experience as a child allowed him to swallow Chiang Kai-shek's scolding, just to grasp Chiang Kai-shek's life-saving straw.

In the War of Liberation, Liu Zhi was repeatedly defeated and defeated, and was repeatedly dismissed from his official post by Chiang Kai-shek and reappointed, but he could not do a single reliable thing. Even Song Meiling couldn't see it.

"There's a lot of gossip outside, this Liu Zhi, don't command the battle anymore, right?"

Chiang Kai-shek did not take Soong Mei-ling's suggestion to heart, but replied:

"It's true that Liu Zhi can't fight, but no one among the generals is more obedient than him, right?"

Obedience is the reason why Liu Zhi can leave a place in Chiang Kai-shek's heart. But it also laid the groundwork for the great defeat in the Battle of Huaihai.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

In 1948, the War of Liberation entered the final period of the Great Armageddon, in order to meet the needs of key defense, the Kuomintang set up the "General Headquarters for Suppression of Bandits" in the northeast and north China, referred to as the "Suppression of Bandits".

The "Suppression General" only obeyed the orders of the Kuomintang military authorities, and also had the power to command all military and political units in their jurisdiction.

Xuzhou is a very important place, but xuzhou's "general commander-in-chief" still lacks a candidate for commander-in-chief after reorganization.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

General Headquarters of Bandits

The Kuomintang cadres speculated one after another about who Chiang Kai-shek would choose to command Xuzhou, a military stronghold, and the result was so surprising that Chiang Kai-shek actually sent Liu Zhi to defend Xuzhou.

When a Kuomintang cadre heard this, he sighed:

"Xuzhou is the gate of Nanjing, it is best to send a tiger general, and then send a dog to guard, but it is a 'pig head' general who can be sent!"

Chiang Kai-shek naturally understood that Liu Zhi was useless, but Xuzhou he was only willing to hand over to obedient people.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

After Liu Zhi took office in Xuzhou, he still lost many battles, and the cowhide blew loudly, saying that he wanted to recover Jinan, and the next moment he wanted to give up Xuzhou to cut off Liu Deng's army and Chen Su's army, but unfortunately nothing was accomplished.

At this time, Jinzhou was besieged by the Northeast People's Liberation Army, and Chiang Kai-shek hurriedly called Du Yuming, asking Du Yuming to go to the northeast to suppress the Communists.

Du Yuming was gone, Liu Zhiliu had no master, he was anxious like an ant on a hot pot every day, he didn't have the ability to guard Xuzhou, and he was all counting on Du Yuming.

"Hikari is gone, how is it good?" Who can decide when going north? ”

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Du Yuming

Sure enough, in the Battle of Huaihai, Liu Zhi fought and retreated. First of all, he gave up support for Haizhou, causing Li Yannian to complain that "the move is uncertain, and the march of the country is destroyed." Again, he took it upon himself to strengthen Xuzhou's defenses.

What is even more interesting is that since Liu Zhi took office in Xuzhou, no matter how big or small things are, he has to call Chiang Kai-shek for instructions, and even if he took a plane to inspect the air above the front line, he also had to report to Chiang Kai-shek in every detail.

This also led Kuomintang cadres to jokingly call Liu Zhi a "two-plane commander-in-chief" composed of telephones and aircraft.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Battle of Huaihai

Liu Zhi repeatedly made stupid mistakes in Xuzhou, and Chiang Kai-shek was so angry with him that he was blue in the face, and he had to help him wipe his ass and transferred Du Yuming back to Xuzhou.

Seeing that Du Yuming had returned to Xuzhou, Liu Zhi was overjoyed and hurriedly handed over all the command to Du Yuming, and Liu Zhi did not want to stay in Xuzhou, a city that could be captured by the Communists at any time, and quickly found a reason to run to Bengbu to avoid the battle.

In January 1949, the Battle of Huaihai ended, and the People's Liberation Army annihilated Huang Wei and Du Yuming's clique. The Kuomintang troops under Liu Zhi were also annihilated by the Platon Army by more than 560,000 people.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Du Yuming and Liu Zhi

Liu Zhi knew that he was finished, he had repeatedly made mistakes in the Battle of Huaihai, and he had no resistance to the attack of the People's Liberation Army, and Chiang Kai-shek would not let himself go.

Liu Zhi was right, and Chiang Kai-shek regretted sending him to Xuzhou.

Chiang Kai-shek already knew that Liu Zhi was incompetent, so how could he be entrusted with a heavy responsibility because he obeyed him? But it was too late to regret it.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

On January 20, Chiang Kai-shek removed Liu Zhi from his post and investigated him, and the next day he himself flew away from Nanjing.

Liu Zhi was in trouble and was investigated for his official duties, so naturally he did not dare to see Chiang Kai-shek, but he wrote to Chiang Kai-shek many times, saying that he had "shaved his head and cleared his mind" and "will destroy the Communist Party."

Unfortunately, when Chiang Kai-shek saw the letter, he remembered his stupidity and was unwilling to give him another chance. Liu Zhi thus ended his military career.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

"Stop losing people!"

Liu Zhi also began to think about his future. It is certainly not possible to defect to Chiang Kai-shek, and now Chiang Kai-shek has not forgiven him, and if he goes to him, will he not be eaten alive and stripped alive?

At this time, He Yingqin, who had once lost power, regained power again and was appointed by Chiang Kai-shek as the chief executive. Liu Zhi found the opportunity to pat himself on the horse at He Yingqin's sixtieth birthday banquet, and finally made He Yingqin promise to solve the "investigation" for himself.

It wasn't long before he was given the false post of strategic adviser to the Presidential Office.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

He Yingqin

At this time, the general trend of the Kuomintang had gone, and Liu Zhi began to consider his future. He first took his family back to his hometown in Jiangxi to pay one last ancestral worship, and then ran to Guangzhou to "express his loyalty" to Chiang Kai-shek for the last time.

Chiang Kai-shek had had enough of this fat-headed, big-eared and unable to accomplish anything, and ignored Liu Zhi.

On December 7, 1949, Liu Zhi decided to go to Hong Kong. Why not go to Taiwan?

First, Chiang Kai-shek hated him, and he expected that he would not be able to find an official position in Taiwan, but it would be better to go to Hong Kong with the family wealth accumulated over the years to enjoy.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Liu Zhi and Chiang Kai-shek

So Liu Zhi stayed in Hong Kong on the grounds of illness and took his third aunt to spend the day in Hong Kong.

Chiang Kai-shek was unhappy with Liu Zhi for a long time, and soon dismissed him from his strategic adviser post on the grounds of "staying in Hong Kong and not returning", so he once again became a commoner.

But Liu Zhi's mentality is very good, then be a Yugong in Hong Kong! With the wealth of the family can live very comfortable!

Liu Zhi spent a drunken fan's days in Hong Kong, going in and out of bars and dance halls every day.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and a group of "old Kuomintang cadres" who had fallen into disrepair found him.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Hong Kong

The gang went to Liu Zhi's house together and "took" most of his property.

Liu Zhike was frightened, he knew that this group of people dared to come for the first time and there would be a second time, and he hurriedly packed up his belongings and prepared to go to a place that no one knew to enjoy his old age.

On September 24, 1950, Liu Zhi and his family boarded a passenger ship bound for Singapore.

Unfortunately, Singapore is not safe, a group of robbers ambushed on the shore, and when Liu Zhi came ashore, he was robbed of more than half of the money. Frightened, he hurried back to the passenger ship and continued the voyage.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Finally, the passenger ship arrived in the capital of Indonesia. But Indonesia's customs is not easy to mess with, they see Liu Zhi's fat head and big ears, a look is a "big customer". Blackmailed him fiercely. In order to have a safe place, Liu Zhi had to hand over a large amount of "protection fees" to the customs.

In this way, Liu Zhi, who has a wealth of thousands of family fortunes in Hong Kong, "scattered his wealth" all the way, and finally settled in the Indonesian capital when he was left with only a small amount of money to barely make ends meet.

Liu Zhi was in trouble, what should I do with the life of a family of six?

Gritting his teeth, he took out all the little money he had left to do business, but unfortunately he had never done business, and it wasn't long before the last bit of money was lost.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone


Liu Zhi was so destitute that he had to leave the capital of Indonesia and go to Bogor on the west java island, where the standard of living was not high, and the family could barely survive.

But there is also good news, there are many overseas Chinese in Bogor, Liu Zhi's third aunt has successfully found a job in The Bogor Chinese School, and finally can maintain the family's food and drink.

The security of Bogor is very poor, and Liu Zhi has no money, he can only rent the cheapest room, and the security of the location is even worse, just liu Zhi has nothing to do all day, just at home to guard the door.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone


After two months, things changed, and the third aunt received a telegram from her family in Hong Kong and needed to return to Hong Kong.

The third aunt consulted with the principal of the Zhonghua School and asked Liu Zhi to substitute for the sixth grade Chinese and geography classes.

Because the third aunt had studied at the Normal University and had excellent teaching ability, the principal was unwilling to give up such a good teacher, so he agreed to the third aunt's request.

But what the principal did not expect was that Liu Zhi's class was extremely popular with the children!

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Chung Wah School

The reason is not difficult to explain, Liu Zhi has studied hard since childhood, although it has been abandoned for many years, but the foundation is still there. Moreover, he followed Chiang Kai-shek all his life and walked from place to place, and it was natural for primary school students to talk about geography.

More importantly, Liu Zhi is a sleek person, his speech is very pleasing, and the children in the school love to listen to his lessons.

When the principal learned of this unexpected surprise, he immediately made a plan to give Liu Zhi a salary increase, and also asked him to open three more courses: history, ruler, and composition. he was also hired as a full-fledged teacher.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Although Liu Zhi was once a general who commanded hundreds of thousands of troops, he could see it and was happy to be the "child king" in this exotic primary school.

So he agreed to the principal's request and began his life as a teacher.

Liu Zhi taught in anonymity in Indonesia, and although his life was a little tight, he was still relatively stable, and he still did not dare to show his face outside. Because he was a former Kuomintang officer, if he exposed his identity, it would definitely cause bad political impact.

Afraid of what's coming.

One day, Liu Zhi flipped through the newspaper and found that a person with the signature "Liu Zhi" in this newspaper had published an article scolding the Kuomintang, and this article made Liu Zhi sweat coldly!

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

"Which bastard is pretending to be me?"

This matter is not a joke, with Liu Zhi's understanding of Chiang Kai-shek, if he knew that he had published this article cursing the Kuomintang, he would definitely send someone to kill himself!

Debunk the rumors! The rumors must be debunked immediately! I am the real Liu Zhi!

Indignant, Liu Zhi found the local newspaper and immediately published a rumor-busting article, which roughly means:

"I am the real Liu Zhi!" Don't believe the fake article sent by the 'fake Liu Zhi' who killed a thousand knives! ”

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

This article was a sensation in Indonesia.

Liu Zhi was the "Five Tiger Generals" and "Eight King Kongs" around Chiang Kai-shek, but now he lives in the slums of Bogor, Indonesia, as a primary school teacher.

Who would have thought that the original Kuomintang general would fall into such a field as he is now?

The Indonesian Security Bureau was the most stimulated, and the director of the bureau quickly invited Liu Zhi to talk, and repeatedly instructed Liu Zhi, "Don't talk nonsense!" Be sure to follow the law! We in Indonesia have just made good friends with New China! ”

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Liu Zhi (second from right)

Liu Zhi's school is also very good at "rubbing hot spots" and arranging to hold Liu Zhi's 61st birthday celebration banquet, but the real purpose is to collect donations and accumulate wealth. Another middle school where he worked part-time also used Liu Zhi's name to collect donations.

For a time, the two Bogor schools were full of storms, and the birthday banquet was not completed, but the donations arrived first. Liu Zhi's topic was further hyped.

Indonesia's news media also began to hype up the "true and false Liu Zhi", and before long, strange reports about why Liu Zhi worked as a primary school teacher in Indonesia spread throughout Indonesia.

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Liu Zhi (second from left)

The noise was so loud that even Chiang Kai-shek, who was far away in Taiwan, knew the whereabouts and deeds of his former "pig-headed" general.

Chiang Kai-shek was angry!

At that time, Indonesia had just established diplomatic relations with the mainland, and Liu Zhi, the "pig-headed" general, made such a big news there, and Chiang Kai-shek was afraid that if he stayed there for a while, he would make more political jokes.

Liu Zhi was thick-skinned and not afraid, and he was too embarrassed by Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang.

Chiang Kai-shek immediately entrusted someone to send a letter to Liu Zhi:

"Hurry back to Taiwan!" Don't be ashamed anymore! ”

In 1952, the general of the Nationalist army appeared in Indonesia and became a primary school teacher, old Chiang: Quickly return to Taiwan, don't lose anyone

Although he was scolded by Chiang Kai-shek again, Liu Zhi was very happy because he could return to Taiwan.

In the first half of his life, Liu Zhi worked diligently and diligently, single-mindedly serving the country. Unfortunately, it gradually became sleek and sophisticated, no longer progressive, and became known as the "yes" general, the "pig head" general and the "double machine" commander-in-chief.

Lost in power and money, he continued to do things, and in the end he did not get any money and official positions. He had to live as a primary school teacher in Indonesia, and finally made a joke.

I don't know if Liu Zhi in his later years has ever regretted it. If you can start from scratch and become the teenager who talked about revolution in Ji'an again, will this life be different?

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