
When it is cold, you want to drink it, the uncle teaches you haggis soup, the soup is delicious, the aroma is fragrant, and the family likes it

author:Uncle went down to the kitchen

In the past, Nanyang people loved haggis, and at the door of the soup pot of more than ten square meters, adults and children sitting at the edge of the stall drinking soup could often be seen, drinking a bowl of haggis soup in the morning, and a bowl of haggis noodles at noon, and the day passed most of the time. As soon as the haggis noodles come up, the aroma is accompanied by hot air and pours into the face, and the haggis and noodles are stirred evenly with chopsticks and mixed together. Every bite has meat and noodles. On the weekends, I stewed soup for myself who had worked hard for a week and rewarded myself. If things go wrong in your work life, heal yourself with a bowl of soup you make.

When it is cold, you want to drink it, the uncle teaches you haggis soup, the soup is delicious, the aroma is fragrant, and the family likes it

Or get together with family and friends for the weekend to cook, and in the colder season, soup and pot are definitely an indispensable dish. Or work alone for a day physically and mentally exhausted, come home at night and don't want to cook, come to a bowl of fast haggis vermicelli soup sized tired for a day. But you can't cook but can't get started? Want to buy ingredients but can't? Or are the ingredients too heavy to take home? A steaming bowl of haggis soup, the soup is delicious, the meat is tender and delicious, without a hint of lamb! Match the fans of the strong road, and finally drizzle some oil and spicy seeds, not to mention more energetic! Without further ado, today the uncle went to the kitchen to teach you to make haggis soup, I hope you have a good time

When it is cold, you want to drink it, the uncle teaches you haggis soup, the soup is delicious, the aroma is fragrant, and the family likes it

1 ginger, haggis, lamb, 1 crucian carp, mushrooms, coriander, lard, salt

When it is cold, you want to drink it, the uncle teaches you haggis soup, the soup is delicious, the aroma is fragrant, and the family likes it

1, the first thing to buy is haggis, add about a pound of meat, haggis clean. Cut the lamb into thin slices, melt the lard, crush the haggis and ginger, pour it in and stir-fry for 3-4 minutes;

When it is cold, you want to drink it, the uncle teaches you haggis soup, the soup is delicious, the aroma is fragrant, and the family likes it

2, then add an appropriate amount of boiling water, cover the pot, high heat for 5 minutes, the soup in the pot is white, turn the heat to low, simmer for about an hour, start the pot and fry the crucian carp in lard. Then boil the underwater pot, heat for 5 minutes, wait for the soup milky white, even the fish with the soup, pour it into the pot of haggis soup together and boil;

When it is cold, you want to drink it, the uncle teaches you haggis soup, the soup is delicious, the aroma is fragrant, and the family likes it

3: Finally wash the mushrooms and coriander and set aside, add the mushrooms 15 minutes before cooking. At this time, the pot lid is not used, open to cook, when the pot is raised, sprinkle with coriander and an appropriate amount of salt, after the coriander into the pot, the milky white soup will slowly change color and can be eaten on the seat

When it is cold, you want to drink it, the uncle teaches you haggis soup, the soup is delicious, the aroma is fragrant, and the family likes it

Aromatic, warm stomach haggis soup is ready, if you like, you can try it yourself~

Uncle tips

1, a bowl of belly, all the internal organs are comforted, the body is slightly warm;

2, in order to look good, you can start the pot, sprinkle a few goji berries into the color.

There are many more delicacies waiting for you

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