
Happy Things: Do You Know What a "Dangerous 14" is?

Boys and girls will encounter ah, British psychologists once did a study, respectively, 9 to 35 years old people were tested, found that 14 years old is the most prone to fight, rebellious, bad learning of a age, this age is a mutation period of children, but also a dangerous stage of adolescence, they begin to perceive rich emotions, but the prefrontal cortex development of the brain is not yet mature, so there is no way to have adult control, so impulsive, sensitive, willful, vulnerable, rebellious, poor self-control, Then this period is a real test for our parents. Can't be tough, too extreme is likely to become a tragedy,

Happy Things: Do You Know What a "Dangerous 14" is?

I give you three pieces of advice,

First, less cross-border, more respect, so as to truly respect the privacy of children,

Many parents have a misunderstanding that I do not turn over the child's chat history, I do not turn over his school bag, even if it is to respect the child's privacy, no. The essence of privacy is that the child thinks that he already has a boundary with you, there is a sense of boundary, parents do not always surround the child's side, it is easy for the child to feel suffocated, learn to avoid appropriately, do not always become the background sound around the child,

Happy Things: Do You Know What a "Dangerous 14" is?

Second, less criticism and more encouragement.

Tagore said, "Wise people know how to educate, and foolish people know how to strike."

Children at this stage need their parents to help them establish the belief that "I can, I can do it", and if they criticize, they will just point to the end. Don't say it one by one, let them feel that their parents are caring for and helping him, and will never give up on him, so as to weaken their rebellious psychology, promote their transformation, and replace the simple and rough education method with positive encouragement education.

Happy Things: Do You Know What a "Dangerous 14" is?

Third, look less at the score, look more at the quality,

For children of this age, parents should not always stare at the score, but like a treasure hunt, they should constantly discover the good qualities in their children. Friendly, brave, honest, responsible, etc., adolescent children are mature, he has been able to fully understand the meaning of these qualities, parents must continue to motivate good qualities, will let children go astray, towards the right direction of growth, praise collection.

Happy Things: Do You Know What a "Dangerous 14" is?

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