
Flowering steamed bun is not easy to do, but the flowering cake is super simple, simple 6 steps to do well, I will teach you flowering cake: the method is simple, a look will be!

author:Xu Ge cuisine

A few days ago, I shared with you the specific steps of making flowering steamed buns, and many fans and friends said that flowering steamed buns are not easy to do, which is too much trouble.

If you think that the flowering steamed bun is not easy to do, today I will introduce you to a flowering cake method, this flowering cake is simpler than the flowering steamed bun method, simple 5 steps to do it! I'll leave it to you.

As long as you look at the proportion of ingredients I said, you are guaranteed to be successful once!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > flowering cake: simple to make, you will see it! </h1>

Required ingredients

5 eggs, 90 grams of low gluten flour, 40 grams of corn starch, 100 grams of pure milk, 35 grams of corn oil, 40 grams of sugar (I don't like to eat sweet, so I only put 40 grams of sugar, many people put 60 to 70 grams, this can be put according to personal preferences. )

Pigment to taste

Production steps

1) Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks and place the egg whites in an anhydrous and oilless basin for later.

Flowering steamed bun is not easy to do, but the flowering cake is super simple, simple 6 steps to do well, I will teach you flowering cake: the method is simple, a look will be!

2) Put the egg yolks in any pot, after the yolks are put away, pour all the milk vegetable oil into the pot where the yolks are placed, and then stir them well. After stirring, mix the flour and corn starch and sift it into the egg mixture, and use a blender to mix it evenly, be sure to make it non-granular.

3) After stirring, you can filter it with a flour sieve to make the resulting egg paste smoother. After filtering, add corn oil and stir well to set aside.

Flowering steamed bun is not easy to do, but the flowering cake is super simple, simple 6 steps to do well, I will teach you flowering cake: the method is simple, a look will be!

4: Next start beating the egg whites. When beating the egg whites, pour the sugar into the egg whites 3 times and beat them well until the egg whites are buttoned down and the egg whites do not fall.

Flowering steamed bun is not easy to do, but the flowering cake is super simple, simple 6 steps to do well, I will teach you flowering cake: the method is simple, a look will be!

5: Then pour the beaten egg whites into the stirred paste, use the mixing method from bottom to top, stir the egg mixture evenly, do not stir clockwise, be sure to mix up and down, so as not to defoam.

Flowering steamed bun is not easy to do, but the flowering cake is super simple, simple 6 steps to do well, I will teach you flowering cake: the method is simple, a look will be!

6: Pour the mixture into a paper cup, add the right amount of pigment, and put it in the oven to bake. You can also put it in the steamer basket to steam, you can, preheat the oven for 170 degrees, bake for 25 minutes, if steamed, steam for 10 minutes after opening the pot.

Flowering steamed bun is not easy to do, but the flowering cake is super simple, simple 6 steps to do well, I will teach you flowering cake: the method is simple, a look will be!

This is the freshly made blossom cake. The blossom cake that comes out of this is very tasty. It's easier than flowering steamed buns, and the taste is better, so take a bite full of egg flavor. If it is baked, the top layer is still crispy, and if the steamed taste is more tender, it is really delicious.

Flowering steamed bun is not easy to do, but the flowering cake is super simple, simple 6 steps to do well, I will teach you flowering cake: the method is simple, a look will be!
Flowering steamed bun is not easy to do, but the flowering cake is super simple, simple 6 steps to do well, I will teach you flowering cake: the method is simple, a look will be!

Well, the above is the way to make the flower cake, when making the flower cake, put the right amount of food coloring, will make the flower cake more beautiful.

If you like to make cakes and other delicacies with low gluten flour, you can take a look at this low gluten flour below, and now in the special offer, 19.8 buy 5 pounds. Click "Take a Look" below to get a 10 yuan fan coupon and you can place an order! The event is only 2 days!

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