
The "most immoral" weapons of the Japanese invention were specially used on women, and even the Japanese could not bear to use them

The "most immoral" weapon of the Japanese invention was specially used on women to take down the enemy army, and even the brutal Japanese Kou could not bear to use it in the early days of invention! So what kind of weapon can make the Japanese Kou unbearable to use? Or even feel ashamed? Later, which enemy forces did this weapon use against by the Japanese? In addition, what other immoral weapons did the Japanese invent? Today we are going to talk about these things together!

The "most immoral" weapons of the Japanese invention were specially used on women, and even the Japanese could not bear to use them

Whenever we mention the second world war in the world, the first thing we think of is the brutality of the Japanese army, when during the Second World War, the Japanese army did a lot of inhumane things, they invented a lot of immoral weapons in order to make our people lose their resistance, and used them one by one on the people of our country! A 14-year-long War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression has made us see the brutality of the Japanese army and the perversion of the Japanese army, they have done no evil in the land of China, bullying men and women all day, burning and looting, and there is no grass where they go! However, among the many immoral weapons, there is even one weapon that they can't bear to use, and they feel ashamed! Such operations instantly put a veil of mystery over this weapon! Let's take a look at what this weapon is!

In 1931, the September 18 Incident broke out, and since then the gunshots of the Japanese army invading our country have officially started, and it is also at this time that the Japanese army has frantically marched into the three northeastern provinces of our country! In the face of the Japanese army's attack, Chiang Kai-shek unexpectedly adopted a policy of non-resistance, and without Chiang Kai-shek's help, our army soon could not hold on, and could only watch as the Japanese Kwantung Army occupied the three northeastern provinces at the fastest speed! The arrival of the Japanese army made the people of the northeast feel what is called the depths of the water, they lived in a nightmare every day, and the Japanese army that occupied the three eastern provinces also became more and more brutal, doing no evil to the local people, in the eyes of the Japanese army, the lives of the local people were not worth mentioning, or in the eyes of the Japanese at that time, the lives of the local people were the source of their happiness! This is not unfounded! At that time, after the Japanese army occupied the three northeastern provinces, the soldiers in the three northeastern provinces were brutally treated at the first time!

They buried the captured Chinese soldiers alive in Changchun, and about 200 anti-Japanese fighters were brutally buried alive by this group of Japanese soldiers! No one dares to imagine what kind of fear they experienced before they died! The only thing we can imagine is that all 200 soldiers were pushed into the pit and watched the loess bury themselves little by little, although their hearts were very desperate, but that patriotic feeling did not allow them to have a trace of fear! Their sacrifice is admirable! Maybe in an instant they had thought about asking for forgiveness, but the military uniforms on their bodies did not allow them to do so, even if they were buried alive, they had to be buried alive with dignity, and they could not embarrass Chinese! And the facts have also proved that they have not disgraced China! However, the brutality of the Japanese army did not end there! After burying 200 Chinese prisoners alive, they revealed their even more brutal side! In November of the same year, the Japanese captured hundreds of people in Qiqihar, but the words they said to the outside world at that time were "hunt and kill"! Seeing this word, I believe that everyone is very angry at this time! Because this word means that in the eyes of the Japanese at that time, the life of our compatriots could not be regarded as a human life at all! It is precisely because of their atrocities that we are still educating future generations not to forget the national shame and revitalize China! Because we are not qualified to forgive any of our sacrificed ancestors, and certainly they do not deserve our forgiveness! However, the crimes of the Japanese Kou are far from over, so let's continue to talk!

In 1940, when Germany, Japan, Italy, and the three countries signed the Three-Power Pact in Berlin, it meant that they were formally allied, and Japan at that time wanted to use an excuse to "save us" to be the arrogant intention of invading the whole world now, and thus the Second World War began! When it comes to the Second World War, the huge scale is absolutely unprecedented, there are more than 60 countries involved in the event alone, although there are large and small, but this number is enough to explain how chaotic the Second World War was at that time! Since then, 2 billion people have been forced to participate in this war, and they do not want their original peaceful lives to be broken, but the war has come quietly! Because of the outbreak of the Second World War, countless people died in the war, and countless families were separated in this war!

And because the main battlefield at that time was in Europe and Asia, the population lost in Europe and Asia was unimaginable in other places! Although this war ended in the defeat of fascism, it also left a lot of shadows on other defeated countries, if nothing else, post-war psychological construction and post-war reconstruction alone is a huge trouble, but all this is something that everyone must face! Then we turn our attention back to China and Japan! At that time, Japan's economy ushered in rapid progress through the Meiji Restoration, and it was also because of this progress that Japan felt that they could become stronger! However, it did not take long for the world to erupt into a serious economic crisis, and Japan was naturally not spared! The critical blow of this economic crisis has once again hit Japan's economy, which has just developed somewhat, and it is a bit of a return to the pre-liberation overnight! So after that, in order to solve the harm caused by the economic crisis as soon as possible, they decided to launch a war abroad to find a glimmer of life for themselves!

The "most immoral" weapons of the Japanese invention were specially used on women, and even the Japanese could not bear to use them

It was also in this situation that they set their sights on us in China! First, because China is close to them, and second, because we are rich in land and wealth, once they take over their position in the world and the economy, there will inevitably be a qualitative leap! After the idea of Japan invading China came into being, it coincided with the period of the rule of the Beiyang warlords, and in the face of such a strong enemy, the Japanese army had no intention of retreating, and still insisted on going its own way! Imagine if they knew they would lose so badly in the end, would they still invade our country? The answer is obvious! But after all, they did not have the ability to predict the future, so at that time they formulated a mainland policy without hesitation, in order to take us down in one fell swoop! In order to quickly achieve its own goals, Japan has also prepared two means for itself, one is aid and the other is coercion, and it wants to use these two means to force us to accept their unreasonable conditions, so as to take China effortlessly! Obviously, the Japanese Kou thought of China too simply! In the face of our strength, the Japanese army did not restrain its arrogance in the slightest!

After this, Japan carried out a brutal burning and looting of northeast China, and established the puppet Manchurian Empire after taking the three northeastern provinces! In order to further control the three northeastern provinces, they even used various sugar-coated shells to trick the Japanese into immigrating to northeast China in order to increase their population share in the three northeastern provinces. But in the eyes of Riko, as long as you can win, you don't have to care about the process! In order to show their strength, they did not let go of any grass everywhere they went, whether they were men, women, young or old, weak, sick and disabled! Then the first massacre in our country was created! This happened near Lushun in the northeast, when the Japanese Kou, who had taken the three northeastern provinces, felt that the victory had been decided, became mad, and was bent on destroying all the Chinese people, so he carried out a brutal massacre of the people in a village near Lushun! After a massacre, only one of the original 3,000 people in the village survived, so the tragic situation in our country still dare not think back, no one dares to think about what kind of torture these villagers suffered at that time!

And chilling! At that time, Chiang Kai-shek, in the face of such a brutal Japanese Kou, actually directly issued a policy of non-resistance, which made countless Chinese people hate Chiang Kai-shek! Fortunately, later, with the efforts of our army, Chiang Kai-shek agreed to fight side by side with our army and drive the Japanese out of China together, which made the world's hatred for Chiang Kai-shek a little less! However, the Japanese did not stop their aggression against China, and later there was the Nanjing Massacre that our people remember to this day, and the reason why these animals did this was only to shock our people and thus bring them a little pleasure! At that time, this group of beasts slaughtered into Nanjing, and carried out a brutal massacre of all the people in the city, as long as the people they could see only died, even if they treated the old, weak, sick and disabled, there was no mercy at all! According to the memories of survivors at that time, when they fled at that time, they were completely stepping on the corpse to escape, the whole city of Nanjing did not have a foot, there were corpses everywhere, in the face of the death of relatives, you had no time to grieve, once you hesitated, the next death was you! It can be seen what kind of heinous crimes these beasts committed in Nanjing at that time! In this way, more than 300,000 Nanjing citizens died tragically at the hands of the Japanese Kou! For this hurt, we will not forget it until we die! However, it is ironic that Japan did not recognize this atrocity at all, erasing all the dirty things it had done in Japanese history, and even such shameful and hateful things as the forcible expropriation of comfort women were erased by them, and the countries of the world were dissatisfied with them! Fortunately, we have not forgotten it, and written it in the history textbook, so that the people of our country can see through the brutality of the Japanese Kou at that time when they are young, so that they can remember history and not forget the national shame!

Not only that, but the Japanese Kou also robbed tens of thousands of Cultural Treasures and Historical Relics in China and secretly sold them abroad, so that there are still many Chinese cultural relics that have not returned to our arms! At this point, you must think that the behavior of the Japanese Kou is already very heinous, but if you think so, you underestimate the Japanese Koo! Because the most heinous thing is actually the use of germ weapons and biological and chemical weapons against us in the war of aggression against China, which has led to the mass death of our people, and one of them is the most immoral weapon, and even they themselves cannot bear to use it! It is really difficult to imagine what kind of weapon it is, even the Japanese who have done bad things with their hands stained with blood can't bear to use it?

The "most immoral" weapons of the Japanese invention were specially used on women, and even the Japanese could not bear to use them

First of all, we must know that Japan developed a lot of bacteriological weapons and biological and chemical weapons in our country! And our countrymen have become their test products! In order to complete the experiment as soon as possible, the Japanese Kou will take the captured Chinese to Unit 731 for their inhuman experiments, through various human experiments to study the cruel virus, if nothing else, take the plague that spread wildly in Zhejiang at that time, this is the best proof of the Japanese Kou bacterial experiment! Countless people died because of this plague in that year, but fortunately, we found a solution in time to not let the tragedy continue to be staged! However, this is not the most deficient weapon in Japan! So let's move on!

At that time, in order to break through the resource restrictions imposed on him by the United States and other countries, Japan actually had the idea of attacking Pearl Harbor at night! So in order to prevent the Americans from resisting, they formulated the extremely sophisticated Golden Horse Plan, and this plan was the most immoral weapon of the Japanese Kou! At that time, the Japanese night attack on the US troops stationed in Pearl Harbor, because there was no warning before, the American soldiers were caught off guard, and in addition to heavy casualties, most of the warships were also lost! After that, the United States began to regard Japan as an enemy and joined the ranks of World War II! It is worth mentioning that before the entire Pearl Harbor incident, the Japanese army has been considering how to deal with the American soldiers who will counterattack at that time, after all, the actual military strength of the US military is also very jealous of Japan! In the face of extremely serious consequences, the Japanese army must do a good job of all kinds of strategies, it is also at this time that a famous human virology doctor in Japan stood up, this doctor is named Dr. Jinma, he is one hundred percent loyal to Japan, absolutely does not allow any anti-Japanese ideas to appear, and as a doctor of virology, he is very good at studying various viruses and bacteria, so he wants to use his strengths to resist the attack of the US army, so after this he put forward a very immoral plan for the body army! That's definitely not something normal people can come up with!

In the face of Dr. Kinma's plan, even the always brazen Japanese army could not bear to use it, and even directly refused, only treating it as a backup plan! And the content and ultimate purpose of this plan is also very simple! Due to the humid and hot climate in the Pacific Ocean, coupled with the fact that the local indigenous people do not have any culture, in order to make themselves feel cool, they often appear on the islands of the Pacific Ocean without clothes, men are fine, and women's clothes will naturally attract the covetousness of American soldiers! The American soldiers who have been stationed in the Pacific for a long time are extremely eager to be released, so the indigenous people on these islands will naturally have a different situation! And Dr. Jinma saw this and thought of spreading the virus to American soldiers through these women! In Dr. Kinma's plan, he will inject the bacterial virus he developed into local women, so that American soldiers will naturally be contaminated with this tropical virus called Yaws when they have sex with them, and the Japanese army can completely win without a fight! Because once contaminated with this virus, there is only one way to die, the whole body will rot and pus in the early stage, and eventually this person will die in endless pain! However, what is surprising is that in the face of such a lack of moral weapons, the Japanese army, which has always been fierce and fierce, cannot bear to do it, which shows its degree of cruelty! But the Japanese are the Japanese after all, and when the war is in a stalemate, they still choose to use the most immoral Golden Horse Plan in order to win!

The "most immoral" weapons of the Japanese invention were specially used on women, and even the Japanese could not bear to use them

But the United States is the United States after all, and even if Japan uses such a lack of german weapons, it will eventually lose to the United States with two atomic bombs! Finally, in August 1945, the unconditional surrender was announced! At this point, all kinds of immoral biological and chemical weapons such as Unit 731 and germ weapons have finally come to an end!

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