
Thousands of calls for "shi" not to come out! What should I do if I am constipated during pregnancy?

Just as the so-called "who is not confused during pregnancy", constipation is a small thing, but it often plagues you during pregnancy.

When constipation occurs during pregnancy, it is simply a dilemma to use drugs for fear of causing serious consequences such as miscarriage, and to fear of hurting the child and not to use drugs casually.

Thousands of calls for "shi" not to come out! What should I do if I am constipated during pregnancy?

But don't be afraid, you're not alone.

According to statistics, the prevalence of constipation during pregnancy is 11%-38%, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. And many pregnant women do not know how to deal with constipation when drinking honey? Eating bananas? With Kasseru?

Today Olive Tree Life Little Olive takes you to understand how to properly deal with constipation during pregnancy.

In general, how to count constipation?

Constipation refers to a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements (< 3 times a week), difficult to dry stool, or dry stool but difficult to defecate (laborious defecation, incomplete defecation, time-consuming defecation, and the need for manual assistance).

Thousands of calls for "shi" not to come out! What should I do if I am constipated during pregnancy?

Why is it easy to be constipated during pregnancy?

Physiological factors

During pregnancy, the increase in the secretion of progesterone and somatostatin in the body leads to slower intestinal peristalsis; coupled with the enlargement of the uterus, it leads to intestinal dyskinesia, which makes the bowel movement lack of motivation and easily leads to constipation.

Changes in diet

During pregnancy, pregnant women and their families are worried about insufficient nutritional intake, a large intake of high-protein, high-fat diet, and less vegetables and fruits in high-fiber foods, resulting in constipation.

Lack of exercise

Pregnant women with fetal protection needs to be bedridden, the amount of activity is reduced, and the intestinal peristalsis is slowed down, so it is easy to cause constipation.

Thousands of calls for "shi" not to come out! What should I do if I am constipated during pregnancy?

Due to the above reasons, the possibility of constipation during pregnancy is greatly increased. And the feelings brought about by constipation must be deeply experienced by pregnant mothers. In addition to this, constipation can have a range of serious consequences.

Constipation is small, and there are many hazards!

Affects mood

Feces stay in the intestine for a long time, and harmful substances will be absorbed into the blood by the intestinal wall, which may cause dizziness, fatigue, bad breath and other manifestations. In the long run, pregnant women's worries about constipation gradually increase, resulting in tension, anxiety and other emotions.

Induces more serious disease

Constipation can easily cause pain, and may even induce anorectal diseases such as hemorrhoids and fissures.

Increases the risk of miscarriage and preterm birth

In the case of constipation, pregnant women may have more force when defecating, and this situation will lead to uterine contractions, and in severe cases, it may cause miscarriage, premature delivery, and endanger the safety of the mother and baby.

In addition, some constipated pregnant women during childbirth, due to the long-term accumulation of feces in the intestinal tube, hindering the decline of the fetus, increasing the risk of unnecessary delivery.

Thousands of calls for "shi" not to come out! What should I do if I am constipated during pregnancy?

So, how to relieve constipation during pregnancy?

First, adjust the lifestyle

Improve eating habits

Eating more foods containing more fiber can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. For example, when cooking food, it is appropriate to put more vegetable oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, etc. to promote defecation, and appropriately eat more beans, cereals, brown rice, fresh fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and other foods.

Increase the intake of water, drink at least 1.5-2 L of water per day, you can add a small amount of honey, promote intestinal peristalsis.

You can also eat some probiotics such as yogurt, which help digest food and promote bowel movements.

Thousands of calls for "shi" not to come out! What should I do if I am constipated during pregnancy?

Exercise appropriately

Many pregnant mothers will worry that exercise is not good for the fetus, but in fact, moderate walking and moderate housework activities are not only harmless to the fetus, but also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, which has certain benefits for alleviating constipation.

Develop good bowel habits

Colon movement is most active in the morning awakening and after meals, so it is recommended that pregnant mothers try to defecate in the morning or within 2 hours after meals, concentrate their attention during defecation, and reduce the interference of external factors. It is not recommended to stay too long on the toilet (more than 10 minutes).

Relieves mental stress

Listen to soothing music, read light-hearted books, and relieve tension.

Thousands of calls for "shi" not to come out! What should I do if I am constipated during pregnancy?

However, when we are ineffective through lifestyle adjustments, laxatives can be used under the guidance of a doctor to reduce the occurrence of constipation, avoid inducing premature birth, intestinal obstruction, hemorrhoids and other anorectal diseases, etc., and improve the quality of life.

Second, the use of laxative drugs

For pregnant women, the preferred laxative "artifact" is lactulose, which is also the most commonly used laxative drug used in the treatment of constipation during pregnancy and childbirth in China, which is approved by the US FDA for the treatment of maternal laxative, and is a prebiotic recognized by the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO).

Of course, there are some other drugs in the clinic, and the following table lists the dosage, precautions and main adverse reactions of some commonly used laxative drugs.

Thousands of calls for "shi" not to come out! What should I do if I am constipated during pregnancy?

Pay special attention

It is forbidden to open the plug, castor oil, chinese medicine suppositories containing musk and creams.

Commonly used medications such as kaiseil and castor oil can stimulate uterine contractions.

Musk-containing Chinese medicine suppositories and creams can also stimulate the smooth muscles of the uterus, causing the uterus to continue to contract, resulting in miscarriage and premature delivery.

In the end, constipation is small, but there are many harms.

Therefore, pregnant mothers must remember to start from changing their living habits, eat more dietary fiber, exercise appropriately, and develop good bowel habits, so that these have been successful for a long time; if constipation still plagues you, it is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment, follow the doctor's advice, and take relevant drugs.

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