
3 "wonderful" coincidences in history make people deeply doubt, is the world really a reincarnation?

China's history has a long history, in the more than two thousand years of feudal history, countless dynasties were born, there are many amazing coincidences in history, recorded in the history books, so that posterity is amazing.

During the feudal period, people were conservative in their thinking, and due to the underdevelopment of science and technology, people firmly believed that there was such a saying as ghost theology, the ancients believed in gods, and the emperor claimed to be the true dragon tianzi.

As the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang's life can be described as full of mythology, including a history of his slaying of white snakes, which proves how honorable his status is.

3 "wonderful" coincidences in history make people deeply doubt, is the world really a reincarnation?

This matter should start from when Liu Bang was the chief of the pavilion, once on the way to escort the peasants into the city, he let go of some people due to work negligence, at that time the qin dynasty laws were very strict, when encountering this kind of thing Liu Bang could not go back to the errand, it was certainly inevitable to be punished, so he thought about it, simply let everyone go, and ran away himself.

On the way to escape, a white snake stopped Liu Bang, Liu Bang was afraid that the pursuing soldiers behind him would catch up with him, so he drank some liquor on the road to strengthen his courage, took a knife in his hand and beheaded the white snake, and finally flew away.

A peasant followed Liu Bang, on the way saw a crying grandmother, everyone was puzzled, went forward to inquire, the grandmother said that her son was killed, he was the son of the White Emperor, just when he changed back to his real body to block the Red Emperor, the result was beheaded by the Red Emperor.

3 "wonderful" coincidences in history make people deeply doubt, is the world really a reincarnation?

Everyone listened to it with a look of disbelief, and then the grandmother caught up with Liu Bang and told him about it, and Liu Bang was happy after listening to it because he felt that he was the Red Emperor that the grandmother said.

This also changed Liu Bang's life, he rebelled with faith, and then destroyed Chu, and finally founded the Han Dynasty.

About 200 years later, the Great Han Dynasty was finally defeated by Wang Mang, and the ancient "Mang" had the meaning of "python", which was also the meaning of snake.

3 "wonderful" coincidences in history make people deeply doubt, is the world really a reincarnation?

Therefore, there is a saying that Liu Bang cut off the white snake 200 years ago, and the white snake came back 200 years later to take revenge, Mang is the embodiment of the white snake, and it is he who ended the Han Dynasty.

Qin Shi Huang unified the six kingdoms and established a great cause, becoming the first person in history to call himself an emperor and the first dynasty to implement absolute monarchy.

Qin Shi Huang's influence on future generations was very great, it was he who changed the system of sub-feudalism with a history of hundreds of years, and in order to better unify the world, he even implemented major decisions such as the same book, the same track, the same wheel, the unified script, and the unified currency.

3 "wonderful" coincidences in history make people deeply doubt, is the world really a reincarnation?

It is known by posterity as a well-deserved "emperor of thousands of years", which shows the influence of Qin Shi Huang on Chinese history, of course, the unified dynasty of Qin Shi Huang is absolutely mixed with his own selfishness.

He hoped that the Qin Dynasty would continue forever, let his children and grandchildren inherit this great cause, and build an immortal dynasty, so he took the idea of the Legalist as the core and used harsh government to oppress the peasants, so that the subjects did not dare to have any resistance.

After his death, Li Si and Zhao Gao conspired to tamper with the Holy Will, killing Fu Su, the eldest son of the original heir, the Emperor, and then letting Qin II Hu Hai ascend the throne.

3 "wonderful" coincidences in history make people deeply doubt, is the world really a reincarnation?

Hu Hai was an emperor who had brought calamity to the country and the people, the typical loser did not do the right thing, he could not see his father's figure in him at all, nor did he understand what the art of the emperor was, and finally a good Great Qin Dynasty was folded in his hands, and qin shi huang's dream was shattered.

After 802, the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, had an immortal battle record, and ended the three-hundred-year division system and established the Sui Dynasty, which inherited the north and south and went down to the Tang Dynasty.

Yang Jian was also an extraordinary ruler, and under his leadership the country gradually became prosperous and stable, and he wanted his descendants to inherit the foundation he had laid forever.

3 "wonderful" coincidences in history make people deeply doubt, is the world really a reincarnation?

In his later years, he chose his eldest son Yang Yong as his heir, and this news was learned by the second son Yang Guang, so he joined forces with his subordinates to imprison the general and kill his brother Yang Yong, just like Hu Hai in those days, so the Sui Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty did not last long after they collapsed.

History's evaluation of Zhao Kuangyin, the grandfather of the Song Dynasty, is mixed, some people say that he is a good emperor with a kind heart, and he is kind and good to get along with, while others say that he is down-to-earth and quite a loyal and treacherous person in the appearance of the city government.

These evaluations are all from his performance, giving people this feeling, there are different Zhao Kuangyin in different periods, such as the evaluation of good and bad, but whether it is good or bad, this is him.

3 "wonderful" coincidences in history make people deeply doubt, is the world really a reincarnation?

At the beginning, Zhao Kuangyin was not a benevolent emperor, if he was really benevolent, the throne would definitely not be his turn to sit.

After the death of Zhou Shizong, the seven-year-old Emperor Gong of Zhou needed a capable courtier to support him on the throne, otherwise the imperial court would be worried about internal troubles outside the court, and it would be easy to go to the point of subjugation.

At this time, Zhao Kuangyin, whom Zhou Shizong trusted, plotted with his accomplices to usurp the throne and ousted the prince, who had no power to bind the chicken.

But what is interesting is that when Kublai Khan attacked the Song Dynasty later, the scene faced was the same as that of Emperor Gong of Zhou, when the little emperor was also only seven years old and an orphan and widow, and finally he was replaced and went to the situation of the fall of the country.

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