
The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

When it comes to the anti-Japanese drama, everyone can think of hand tearing devils, talking about hand tearing devils, from Wang Xinjun's "Anti-Japanese Strange Hero" and... A series of divine dramas, but at the end of 2019, this one directed and starred in the main drama "River Mountain", of course, not a divine drama, nor a divine work, although there are shortcomings, but there is also considerable progress.


In the play, there are forces from all sides of the War of Resistance, including the Kuomintang Central Army, the Northeast Army, the Shaanxi Army, the Jin Army, and the Sichuan Army. The Eighth Route Army, the militia, and the Women's Rescue Association also all appeared.

The Central Army wears German-style steel helmets and wears a yellow-green military uniform.

The Shaanxi and Jin armies wore gray military uniforms and British Tony steel helmets.

Chuanjun wears straw shoes.

All staff officers wear the rank on the right and the staff badge with the bamboo knots crossed on the left.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

Staff officer collar

Civilian military personnel (known to the Kuomintang as military dependents) wear civilian uniforms.

The militia in the Anti-Japanese Base Area of the Eighth Route Army held up earthen guns and used message trees to report the news.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

Message tree

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

Militia's homegrown guns

All of the early assault rifles of the war were the Bergman submachine gun (German-made MP18/28), not the American M3 butter submachine gun

On the side of the Japanese puppet army.

Before 1938, the Japanese army wore the Shōgoku-style uniform, and officers of the rank of general did not wear the class collar badge.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

Shōgo-style military uniform

After 1938, the Japanese army wore the 98-type uniform and wore the M-type class badge.

The North China Public Security Army wore distinctive suits and wore large-brimmed hats.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

North China Security Army

It seems that the crew has consulted the historical data.

However, if you watch the drama carefully, you can still see some shortcomings:

In January 1936, Kuomintang military personnel changed the uniform style, changing the hat style from a top hat to a large brim hat style, and adding a round collar badge to the neckline. The story of "River Mountain" began on the eve of the Xi'an Incident, after the dressing was completed, but the old-fashioned uniforms that appeared in the TV series from beginning to end were old-fashioned uniforms.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

Changes in civilian uniforms

In the Xi'an Incident, the protagonist's troops were contacted by wireless telephone, and although the telephone was wrapped in canvas, it could be seen that it was the American SCR300, which was developed by the United States in 1940 and was used later than the play.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency


In the play, the nationalist army headquarters has a slogan of "one inch of mountains and rivers and one inch of blood, one hundred thousand young people and one hundred thousand troops", but this sentence is a slogan put forward on September 16, 1944, far later than the time of the plot.

In the play, there is a traitor undercover national army, who is appointed as the deputy platoon leader, but his collar badge has always been a private.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

Wrong collar

In the play, several generals do not have badges on their uniforms, such as commander Wei (the prototype is suspected wei Lihuang), Jian Xiuzhang (the prototype suspected He Yingqin) who succeeds him, and Qiu Yuangu (the prototype suspected Song Liang). It is estimated that the crew originally wanted to use the original name of the historical figure, but the drama had more fictional plots, and later changed the name, and the badge was written on the original name, so the badge had to be erased in the post-editing.

The biggest problem in terms of props is in terms of the makeup of the main female characters, the makeup of the heroines Jiang Yazhen and Cuigu is very modern, and Qin Hailu, who plays Jiang Yazhen, is actually not suitable for playing young women, but the role setting is a young underground party member, the cover identity is a military command agent, and the character even wears a bare-legged artifact in the winter scene, which makes people can't help but be funny. If this role and Wei Dahe, played by Wang Xinjun, were changed to thirty or forty years old, widowed at july 7 or 918, perhaps more naturally.

As for the Cuigu played by Wang Wenqi, the makeup and the role setting of rural women are too inconsistent. Especially after the sacrifice of Gao Xiaoshan, a lover of the Eighth Route Army, many netizens believe that the meaning expressed in the play seems to be that Cuigu cut her hair and opened her face to commemorate the sacrifice according to the customs of marriage at that time. However, because the makeup is too thick, I can't really see it.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency


Combat design

The combat design in this play gives people both advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, the play finally restores the original face of the Japanese army, and their heavy weapons are more than the Chinese army.

Mortars, infantry artillery and mountain artillery are used in every battle. In episode 25, Type 97 tanks and Type 87 armored vehicles were dispatched. Some large-scale offensives also included indiscriminate bombardment by aviation.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

Japanese tanks

The play also shows that the Japanese army has used some real combat strategies in history, such as long-distance mobilization of troops to fight in different places, so that the Chinese army with limited communication conditions cannot transmit intelligence in time.

For example, frequent roundabout tactics are used to find out the weakness of the defensive line and encircle the Chinese army.

There are also some real reactions in combat, such as people with no combat experience, experiencing mass shelling for the first time, which really scares the urine.

The phenomenon of tinnitus in a chaotic battlefield.

Throw grenades en masse before charging. (Of course, these two points seem to be a tribute to "Saving Private Ryan" and "Company of Brothers")

But some of the combat designs are clearly sloppy:

In many battles, the main characters in the play hold light machine guns or personally manipulate heavy machine guns to shoot in conspicuous positions.

Perhaps this is a useful approach when armies with weak firepower engage. However, for the Japanese army equipped with many artillery and grenadiers, when the machine guns were found, they could organize firepower to shoot them down at the first time, which made the Chinese army suffer a lot of losses.

Therefore, it is the right thing to hide the position of the machine gun, shoot from the flank, and frequently shift the position.

The real combat formation may be really too loose in the camera lens, but for the sake of visual effect, it is not crowded with people in the camera. It is a pity that "River Mountain" simply follows the battle formation of "crowds and seas", and if it is like some excellent war films, it can use a compromise approach to achieve a balance between authenticity and visual effects.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

Dense formations

In episode 9, the Shaanxi army launched a charge against the Japanese army, using the charge score of the Eighth Route Army, but as early as the agrarian revolution, the Red Army wrote another set of trumpets, so the two must be different.

In episode 32, there is a battle in which the Chinese army captures a Japanese stronghold and then changes into Japanese clothes, and a Japanese army that returns to the stronghold does not know what the plan is, enters the stronghold, and is then surrounded and annihilated by the Chinese army.

This battle looked ingenious, but in fact it was unlikely, and the attack on the stronghold left so many traces of the battle, could the later Japanese army not see it?

In episode 49, there is a scene in which officers of the North China Security Army ride horses and infantry march on foot to escort the car reinforcements. spectator:? It's not as good as using a mule-and-horse heavy team.

In episode 12, there is a scene where the colonel of the Sichuan Army first salutes the lieutenant colonel of the Jin Army, and one sits hunched over, and there is no plot before and after to explain why the high rank salutes the low rank, and the military appearance is so untidy.

Story structure

The main story of "Heshan" is the story of a mixed guerrilla column behind enemy lines from the Xi'an Incident to the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain, which was composed of a regiment of the Central Army, the Jin Army, the Sichuan Army, the Shaanxi Army and the Eighth Route Army.

Such a complex mixed formation has indeed appeared in history, such as the Battle of Niangziguan, where various factions of the Nationalist Army plus the Eighth Route Army had a total of more than twenty brigades mixed to carry out frontal combat. However, the effect was not good, and the battle was finally lost.

As for the formation of guerrilla columns, the Nationalist army has really organized a lot, and at present I have not found any historical data to indicate it

There were guerrilla columns of the Kuomintang and the Communists

。 Many of the guerrilla columns of the Nationalist army could not hold out at all behind the enemy lines and either perished or defected to the enemy.

In terms of plot, "Rivers and Mountains" strives to reproduce how the Eighth Route Army developed the base area behind enemy lines:

The Eighth Route Army organized children's regiments and women's rescue associations behind enemy lines to integrate local human resources;

Assist local residents to develop production and ensure autumn harvest;

Organize a culture of learning and open up people's wisdom;

Recruit militia among local young adults, accumulate combat experience, and select the best to the main regiment;

Although there is not much ink, I believe that the audience has seen why it is very difficult for soldiers to survive behind enemy lines by relying on strong soldiers and supplies. The base areas of the New Fourth Army of the Eighth Route Army are getting bigger and bigger.

There are some plots in the play that may confuse some viewers:

For example, Ye Xianzhi, who was stationed in the guerrilla column by the military commander, saw that the methods of the Eighth Route Army were effective and followed suit, and felt resentful, and actually provided false information to mislead the guerrilla column, hoping to eliminate this unit by the hand of the Japanese army.

The reason given in the play is that Ye Xianzhi was captured by the Japanese army during an operation and then quickly defected.

But the reality is even more magical, it is the Jinxi Incident in December 1937 (December Incident), the Jin Dynasty Yan Xishan suddenly announced that the Kuomintang and the Communists cooperated in the formation of the Shanxi New Army, that is, the Shanxi Youth Anti-Japanese Death Squad, the Shanxi Sacrifice National Salvation League, the Workers' Self-Defense Force and other organizations as rebels, and then sent troops to encircle and suppress.

After that, there was a fantastic scene of the old army of Yan Xishan, the new army of Shanxi and the Japanese army. The Eighth Route Army and the Shanxi New Army cooperated with each other and eventually defeated the Japanese army, severely damaging the old army and ceased fire with it. Most of the forces of the Forces nouvelles were also drawn into the battle sequence of the Eighth Route Army.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

Death Squad armband

For another example, some viewers wonder why with the deepening of the War of Resistance, more and more national troops joined the underground party in the play.

Wei Dahe's close associate Wang Sanxi was an underground party, Jiang Yazhen was an underground party, Fu Yang (Wei Xiaobang) was an underground party, Xie Wentao in the puppet army was an underground party, and finally even Wei Dahe joined the party.

But even if you only look at the history of the Nakajō-san War of Resistance, you will find that history is really like this, just to give a few examples:

Wei Fenglou, commander of the 1st Guerrilla Column in the First Theater, belonged to the Northwest Army system and became a special party member after being hanged in the Chahar War of Resistance.

Yang Chunfu, director of the Propaganda Department, is an underground party member.

The head of the regiment, Peng Guozheng, is an underground party member.

The Kuomintang diehards in the play mock the 38th Army of the Shaanxi Army, which has simply become a "seven-and-a-half-way", is it to join the Communists?

Historically, the 38th Army of the Shaanxi Army did absorb many underground party members, and its military discipline and combat effectiveness were much higher than those of other units of the Shaanxi Army. Zhao Shoushan, who commanded this army, was praised by Wei Lihuang as the "iron pillar" of Zhongtiao Mountain, of course, in the play, the title of "iron pillar" was installed on the head of the protagonist Wei Dahe.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

The Shaanxi army wearing a flat-topped helmet

After the fall of Zhongtiao Mountain, Zhao Shoushan deeply felt that the different practices of the Kuomintang and the Communists had caused different anti-Japanese situations, and really defected to the Communists, while a unit of 2300 people of the 38th Army, in the winter of 1943, revolted and returned to the Liberated Areas.

The Shanxi New Army mentioned above was originally an army jointly formed by the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and most of them eventually surrendered to the Eighth Route Army, which shows that the people's hearts are turned against them.

In general, "River Mountain" is Wang Xinjun's anti-Japanese drama with a certain depth and influence since "The Sky of History" in 2004. Although there are some shortcomings, it is a matter of seeing progress.

The protagonist of the divine drama re-enacted the anti-Japanese drama "River Mountain": there is considerable progress in the deficiency

The sky of history

However, from the actual shooting effect of this drama, it can also be seen how difficult it is to examine history to shoot the main drama! Even if the crew may think that they have done enough information, they can still be seen to have a lot of omissions.

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