
Are three generations of test tubes more successful at once? How to increase the success rate

Regarding the success rate of test tubes, in general, the success rate of young women is higher, after all, the ovarian function is good, the uterine environment is excellent, and the possibility of intimal destruction is also relatively low. According to clinical findings, under normal circumstances, the probability of success of female patients with better physical fitness will be greatly increased. Moreover, at present, the IVF technology is becoming more and more mature, and the success rate of domestic IVF can reach 40%, and the success rate of foreign IVF can reach 65%-70%.

Are three generations of test tubes more successful at once? How to increase the success rate

Hengjian Overseas said that doing IVF means based on pregnancy or other fertility needs. They desperately want to get pregnant, preferably in one go, but they also wonder, is this more likely? The test tube success rate is more of a data, for everyone, there are only two possibilities, success or failure, success is 100%, failure is 0%.

IVF technology, also known as "in vitro fertilization combined embryo transfer technology (IVF)", is to take out the eggs in the female body and the sperm in the male body, respectively, place them in the test tube for fertilization, and then transfer the embryo precursor "fertilized egg" back to the mother's womb to develop into a fetus and give birth to a baby. It is a major innovation in human reproductive technology.

The success of IVF requires success at every step of the procedure in order for the baby to arrive smoothly. The operation links include: taking eggs from the female body, taking sperm from the male body, letting the eggs and J form embryos in vitro, transferring the embryos into the female body, female pregnancy, female childbirth, whether the baby can be successfully delivered depends on the conditions of both men and women, and after the embryo transfer, it is similar to the success rate of naturally fertilized children.

Before IVF surgery, it is necessary to let the woman release more eggs through the egg induction needle so that there are more options and the success rate of IVF is improved. Usually, after the egg-inducing effect, there are about ten eggs taken from the woman's body, and sometimes up to twenty or thirty eggs. These eggs are used to immediately combine with sperm to form embryos for the purpose of freezing and surviving.

Are three generations of test tubes more successful at once? How to increase the success rate

How to increase the success rate of test tubes? There are ways to do it.

Before doing test tubes, it is recommended to carry out three months of physical exercise, up to nine months after pregnancy without getting sick will provide health protection for the baby, and at the same time, you can see if you need to drink some zhongY to adjust the body, improve the pregnancy environment, and sisters with better physique can be ignored. Drinking fresh soy milk every day and supplementing with more protein is also beneficial.

Before the test tube, the doctor will prescribe various examination lists for both husband and wife, waiting for the next menstruation, and basically enter the test tube cycle through the B ultrasound examination. The doctor will formulate a suitable induction plan according to the individual situation. In general, a long regimen with good ovarian function is recommended for younger people, and micro-stimulation is recommended for poor ovarian function at older ages.

Are three generations of test tubes more successful at once? How to increase the success rate

Doctors each time through the results of blood checks, such as estradiol, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, progesterone and other blood value indicators to develop the dosage of pro-ovulation drugs, originally each month each woman only one follicle can grow and mature, after drug stimulation, there will be multiple follicles grow and mature together, each woman's physical condition is different, the reaction with Y is also different, some people use less follicles but grow well, some people use more drugs, but grow very slowly, so the cost will also be different. Do not exercise a lot during the promotion period, and eat more foods with high protein.

Hengjian Overseas said that after planting, it is possible to return home to rest properly, and those who work easily can also go to work, do not have to lie all day, lie down all day until night, they are not comfortable, do not do strenuous exercise, normal diet. Some sisters lie inactive all day, constipated, and lying down has nothing to do with success or failure. Friends on the fifth day of the stomach has a pinprick-like feeling, it is estimated that it is a signal of the baby to get into bed, some sisters do not have any feelings and become, but some people are sensitive and some people are not sensitive.

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