
Carrying "Travel +" to the end, Jietu released a new strategy, and the hardcore off-road T-X was unveiled simultaneously

Foreword: With the theme of "Our New Journey", China's first Travel + Conference & Jietu Automobile Brand Night event was held as scheduled on January 10, and Jietu Automobile officially released a new product strategic plan at this conference, that is, 4+3+N product matrix. At the same time, Jetway brought a hardcore SUV concept car T-X, which is the first product of the Travel +2.0, and is expected to be officially mass-produced and marketed in 2022.

In addition, Jietu Automobile also brings together many elements of different industries, covering different travel scenarios of users, and comprehensively constructing a "travel +" travel ecology, which also indicates that Jietu's "new journey" has officially entered a new stage of development.

Carrying "Travel +" to the end, Jietu released a new strategy, and the hardcore off-road T-X was unveiled simultaneously

The "Travel +" strategy has been upgraded again

"As chery Group's innovation pioneer, Jetway Automobile will meet market challenges with continuous brand innovation, product innovation and marketing innovation, and build the 'Travel +' ecosystem into a new benchmark for user experience in the automotive industry." Yin Tongyue, chairman of Chery Holding Group, said at the scene.

Carrying "Travel +" to the end, Jietu released a new strategy, and the hardcore off-road T-X was unveiled simultaneously

According to Yin Tongyue, in 2021, Jietu Automobile sold 154077 vehicles in the whole year, an increase of 17.9% year-on-year, and sold more than 10,000 for 12 consecutive months. As of the end of December 2021, the cumulative sales volume has reached 463814 vehicles, and the development momentum is strong.

In fact, the success of Jietu is not accidental, which is inseparable from its precise positioning.

According to the car review agency, since its establishment in 2018, Jetway Automobile has been committed to the construction of the "Travel +" ecosystem, such as the establishment of smart showrooms, online 4S stores, and multi-channel reach users; In terms of user experience in the "Travel +" ecosystem, up to now, the number of Jietu APP users has reached 340,000, nearly 200 travel peripheral products, and 1,800+ travel experience activities have been held, making "Jietu users" become "Users' Jietu" through novel and interesting activities.

Through online and offline methods, Jetway Auto will fully integrate auto services, tourism industry, catering, entertainment, hotels, etc., and build the "Travel +" ecosystem into a new benchmark in the automotive industry, so that users can obtain corresponding preferential rights and interests throughout the life cycle of the car.

Carrying "Travel +" to the end, Jietu released a new strategy, and the hardcore off-road T-X was unveiled simultaneously

In order to match the Kunlun architecture of Jietu Automobile, which was created for "Travel +", we continued to create "Travel +" scenes and product labels. According to the layout planning of the four major product sequences of X, T, P and V, the Jietu brand will launch 1-2 new cars every year, including urban SUV series, cross-border products (T-X series, pickup series, MPV series), and hybrid series products to achieve the vision of 4+3+N full-scenario travel.

Carrying "Travel +" to the end, Jietu released a new strategy, and the hardcore off-road T-X was unveiled simultaneously

The Jetway T-X concept car was unveiled

At the launch, the Jietu brand officially released a new hardcore SUV - The concept car of the Jietu T-X, which will be the first model under the Travel +2.0, which will be built based on the Kunlun chassis architecture.

Carrying "Travel +" to the end, Jietu released a new strategy, and the hardcore off-road T-X was unveiled simultaneously

From the outside, the Jetway T-X adopts the usual styling design of hard-hitting SUVs, in the same style as the Land Rover Defender, Tank 300 and Ford Bronco, adding retro and modern design elements under the tough appearance. At the same time, the new car will also adopt a fairly tough design at the rear surround, which can form a good echo with the front surround design. In addition, the accessories on the roof indicate that in the future, manufacturers may launch more products in the surrounding areas.

From the side of the body, the Jetway T-X also adopts the boxy design of the hard-hitting SUV, which looks very tough. As a hardcore SUV, the car uses larger ground clearance, approach angles, and departure angles to cope with tougher roads.

Carrying "Travel +" to the end, Jietu released a new strategy, and the hardcore off-road T-X was unveiled simultaneously

In terms of intelligent configuration, a central computing architecture will also be adopted, providing unlimited expansion capabilities for intelligent applications through powerful computing power, high-bandwidth 5G communication and OTA-iterative software and hardware separation architecture. According to the official introduction of Jietu, the car also adopts a modular roof setting, and the roof is equipped with a drone platform, and more possibilities can be achieved by replacing the roof.

In terms of power, the T product series will include 1.0T, 2.0T, 3.0T fuel version and hybrid, pure electric and other options in terms of power, at the same time, the use of four-wheel drive system equipped with differential lock, including mechanical four-wheel drive and electric four-wheel drive version, and its body also includes two kinds of body structure, bearing or non-load-bearing.

Carrying "Travel +" to the end, Jietu released a new strategy, and the hardcore off-road T-X was unveiled simultaneously

It is worth mentioning that in the future, the product sequence will launch a variety of models such as hardcore off-road, intelligent off-road, luxury off-road, etc., with vehicle lengths ranging from 4.6-5.1 meters, covering a price range of 150,000-300,000 yuan to meet the off-road travel needs of different consumers.

Carrying "Travel +" to the end, Jietu released a new strategy, and the hardcore off-road T-X was unveiled simultaneously

Write at the end

With the release of the new product strategic plan of Jietu Automobile and the appearance of the T-X concept car, the "travel +" travel ecology will also be more perfect, and a Jietu automobile that understands the market and understands users better will be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

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