
List of the most complete surname branches of Zhonghua: See if you are a descendant of Huaxia or a descendant of Xuan You?

Nowadays, everyone has a surname and a name, it does not represent a person's identity symbol, but also through the surname, traced back to their ancestors, and the history of China's surname has been thousands of years, the ancient eight surnames are Ji, Jiang, Yao, Ying, Yue, Concubine, Yao, Yao.

List of the most complete surname branches of Zhonghua: See if you are a descendant of Huaxia or a descendant of Xuan You?

In the period of the matrilineal clan system, surnames have already appeared, so many ancient surnames in China are next to or at the bottom of the female character, of which the Ji surname has the title of "ancestor of ten thousand surnames", because the surnames directly performed by the Ji surname, such as Zhou, Wu, Zheng, Wang, Lu, etc., are as many as 411, accounting for 82% of the total number of "Hundred Family Names".

The ancestor of the surname Ji was the Yellow Emperor of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and the Yellow Emperor was originally surnamed Gongsun, and later took Ji as his surname because he lived in Jishui for a long time. According to historical records, the Yellow Emperor had a total of 25 sons, of which 14 received a total of twelve surnames, namely Ji, You, Qi, Ji, Teng, Huan, Ren, Xun, Xun, Jiao, Yi, yi.

List of the most complete surname branches of Zhonghua: See if you are a descendant of Huaxia or a descendant of Xuan You?

It can be seen that tracing the roots of our surnames, the Yellow Emperor is at the top of the list. However, the Fuxi clan is the earliest documented creation god in China, is the earliest recorded king in ancient books, the wind surname, according to the literature, in the Spring and Autumn Period, there are Ren, Su, Su, Sentence, And Zhen surnames, are all descendants of Fu Xi.

List of the most complete surname branches of Zhonghua: See if you are a descendant of Huaxia or a descendant of Xuan You?

And we call ourselves "descendants of Yan Huang", so what are the surnames of the descendants of Yan Di? Emperor Yan took Jiang as his surname because he lived in Jiangshui, and according to the Shiben, the Jiang surname alone occupied 16 places, including 247 clans such as Lie(Lie) Shan, Jinyun, Sanwu, Fengfu, Gonggong and their branches Shen, Xu, Qi, Gao, Jiang, Lü, and Lai.

List of the most complete surname branches of Zhonghua: See if you are a descendant of Huaxia or a descendant of Xuan You?

Each clan developed into a surname, so there are 247 surnames, and some scholars have researched that the ancient "Four Yi" were mostly descendants of Emperor Yan.

List of the most complete surname branches of Zhonghua: See if you are a descendant of Huaxia or a descendant of Xuan You?

Xuan You, the chief of the Jiuli Tribal Alliance in the ancient times, originally belonged to the same farming tribal alliance as The Yan Emperor, developed from the Shennong clan, but later because of discord, Xuan You left the Yan Emperor tribe to develop his own power, and Xuan You belonged to the militant, known as the "God of War", and the surname branch of Xuan You had the surname of "Tu" and the surname of "Zou".

List of the most complete surname branches of Zhonghua: See if you are a descendant of Huaxia or a descendant of Xuan You?

Emperor Yao, one of the Five Emperors, was regarded as the "most ideal monarch" by the historian Sima Qian, who was also the leader of the tribal alliance in ancient China, and unified the Chinese tribes in the chaotic era of the struggle for supremacy in all countries. Yao Fu's surname was "Yi Qi", so the descendants took Yi and Qi as surnames, and his sons also took the fiefdom as surnames, and there were Tang surnames, Liu surnames, Fang surnames, Yi surnames, etc.

List of the most complete surname branches of Zhonghua: See if you are a descendant of Huaxia or a descendant of Xuan You?

When Yao was old, he ceded the throne to Shun, who was also the originator of Chinese moral culture, and the "Records of History" recorded: "The mingde under the heavens began with Yu Shun. "Shun is the surname of Yao, the name is Chonghua, and the Tongzhi Clan Strategy is more detailed, indicating: Yu (Shun) has two surnames, known as Yao Yuefei. Because of Yao Xu's birth, his surname is Yao, and his surname is Yao because of his residence in The Water.

List of the most complete surname branches of Zhonghua: See if you are a descendant of Huaxia or a descendant of Xuan You?

In addition, Emperor Huan and Emperor Zhao were the second and third emperors in the "Five Emperors" in the ancient period, and Emperor Huan and Emperor Zhao were the grandsons and great-grandsons of the Yellow Emperor, respectively, and it is also mentioned in the Compendium of General History of China that before the Han Dynasty, people believed that the Yellow Emperor, Emperor Huan, and Emperor Zhao were the ancestors of the Chinese people.

List of the most complete surname branches of Zhonghua: See if you are a descendant of Huaxia or a descendant of Xuan You?

Both Zhao and Di Zhao are also surnamed Ji, and their descendants can be imagined, the fifteenth grandson of Emperor Zhao is Shang Tang, the founding emperor of the Shang Dynasty, and Confucius of the Liufang Hundred Generations is also a descendant of Shang Tang, and the Yin Zheng who completed the great unification is the descendant of Gao Tao, who is later revered as the "ancestor of Chinese justice", Gao Tao has gone through the three eras of Yao, Shun, and Xia, which was originally a Yan surname, and the pre-Qin period of Yan and Wei was a turn of the voice, and the Surname of Ying came from this.

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