
A follow-up check-up 42 days after giving birth is important! 7 test items to help mothers rule out "confinement disease"

Wen | Jingma

A follow-up check-up 42 days after giving birth is important! 7 test items to help mothers rule out "confinement disease"

When Qingfeng was pregnant, it could be described as a wild horse, when the doctor said that the transparent layer behind the neck was just three millimeters thick when she did the NT examination in the first trimester, the child may have the risk of deformity, and after the amniocentesis was carried out nervously, a false alarm was found!

When I did glucose tolerance screening at 25 weeks of pregnancy, I found that my blood sugar was slightly higher one hour after the meal, and I began to eat coarse grains every day and eat less and eat more meals.

When the ultrasound examination at 32 weeks of pregnancy was found that the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck for two weeks, Qingfeng was very worried that the child would lack oxygen, fortunately, later re-examination found that there was no umbilical cord around the neck, and the doctor said that the child came out on his own.

It wasn't until Shun gave birth to a 6-pound, 7-fold son, that Qingfeng was relieved and had the feeling of being a mother!

A follow-up check-up 42 days after giving birth is important! 7 test items to help mothers rule out "confinement disease"

When he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor told Qingfeng and his mother-in-law that his mother would come back to the hospital for re-examination 42 days after giving birth!

When I came home with my child in my arms, my mother-in-law said that the children were all born, and there was nothing to check, and these doctors just wanted you to spend more money.

At first, Qingfeng also felt that the children were born to themselves and did not need to check anything, as long as the children were healthy.

However, when confinement, Qingfeng often searches for confinement recipes, baby feeding, baby feces and other knowledge on the Internet, and often brushes up on some professional knowledge.

Qingfeng was eager to learn all kinds of parenting knowledge on the Internet, and saw the project of the confinement examination from an article, which mentioned the postpartum examination project, and Qingfeng knew that the original postpartum examination was very scientifically based, and it was not that the hospital wanted to make money.

A follow-up check-up 42 days after giving birth is important! 7 test items to help mothers rule out "confinement disease"

What is a 42-day postpartum check-up? 7 items to understand the recovery of the mother's body

Item 1: Uterine recovery

The doctor will understand the recovery of the postpartum uterus through finger compressions and ultrasound examinations, and generally the mother's uterus will return to the size of the pre-pregnancy 42 days after childbirth.

Item 2: Blood pressure

During the obstetric examination, every time the mother goes to the obstetric examination, the doctor will ask the mother to measure the blood pressure, and the blood pressure should also be measured after the birth. If the mother's blood pressure is high when she is pregnant, it is necessary to understand whether the postpartum blood pressure has returned to normal, or if the mother's blood pressure is normal when she is pregnant, then it is also necessary to understand whether the blood pressure fluctuates after childbirth.

A follow-up check-up 42 days after giving birth is important! 7 test items to help mothers rule out "confinement disease"

Item 3: Pelvic floor examination

Pregnancy and childbirth can put a lot of stress on the pelvic floor muscles, causing the elasticity and tone of the pelvic floor muscles to deteriorate!

In the popular "Female Psychologist" some time ago, zhan lu, a second-born mother, wore white pants when sending her daughter to school, but suddenly could not control the leakage of urine, and was seen by a little boy, pointing at her and saying that she was so big and peeing her pants.

This scene makes many postpartum mothers feel empathy, and they want to cry because childbirth will affect the mother's pelvic floor muscles, and the pelvic floor muscle relaxation is prone to postpartum leakage.

A follow-up check-up 42 days after giving birth is important! 7 test items to help mothers rule out "confinement disease"

Then the mother performs a pelvic floor muscle examination and if the muscle strength is too poor, rehabilitation treatment is recommended.

Item 4: Weight change

We recommend that the mother gain about 20 pounds when she is pregnant, give birth to a 6-pound child, and add placenta amniotic fluid, the mother's weight is estimated to lose nearly 10 pounds.

When confinement, the previous increase in blood volume will decrease, coupled with the mother to breastfeed, the body fat will also consume a part, so after the confinement mother can lose a few pounds, slowly closer to the weight before pregnancy.

If the mother does not change much in weight after giving birth, it means that the diet is not appropriate, and it is necessary to adjust it in time.

Item five, hematuria routine

The blood routine is mainly to understand whether the mother has some physical infections after giving birth, or whether there is anemia.

Item 6: Examination of wound recovery

If the mother had a caesarean section, there was a wound on the stomach, and generally the flesh of the wound had grown well. If the mother is in a vaginal birth, it may be necessary to make a lateral incision or have a slight laceration, which is also a wound, and the doctor will also check to see how the wound heals.

A follow-up check-up 42 days after giving birth is important! 7 test items to help mothers rule out "confinement disease"

Item 7: Breast examination

Most mothers will breastfeed after giving birth, and in the process of breastfeeding, if the mother's milk is secreted too much, the baby can not eat so much at once, it is easy to lead to mastitis.

So 42 days after giving birth, the doctor will also perform a breast examination and give the mother guidance on breastfeeding.

A follow-up check-up 42 days after giving birth is important! 7 test items to help mothers rule out "confinement disease"

Therefore, the 42 days after childbirth inspection is mainly to see if the mother's confinement is sitting well, and whether there is a confinement disease because the confinement is not sitting well, and the mothers must pay attention to it. Don't miss the best period of correction for postpartum problems in order to save a little money

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