
The longest-lived person in the Qing Dynasty was born during the Kangxi Dynasty, and he is still alive after the death of the Qing Dynasty!

Health and longevity are the eternal topics of mankind, from the Qin Shi Huang sent Xu Fudongdu to find the elixir of immortality, to the Yongzheng Emperor's violent death due to the alchemy of Dan Dan, the successive kings have been pursuing bitterly, they have also enjoyed the best medical treatment and quality of life, but no one has achieved what they want. The average life expectancy of the Qing Dynasty was under 50 years old, but there was a strange person in the Qing Dynasty, who lived for 5 50 years, and this person was Li Qingyun.

The longest-lived person in the Qing Dynasty was born during the Kangxi Dynasty, and he is still alive after the death of the Qing Dynasty!

Li Qingyun, also known as Li Qingyuan, was born in 1677 according to his own account, and at the age of 100 (Qianlong forty-two years), he also received awards from the Qing government because of his outstanding contributions to the application of traditional Chinese medicine, and at the age of 200 (the third year of Guangxu), the Qing government began to set up a new-style school, and he often went to the school to teach research experience, which lasted until the fall of the Qing Dynasty, and he began to live in seclusion.

The longest-lived person in the Qing Dynasty was born during the Kangxi Dynasty, and he is still alive after the death of the Qing Dynasty!

According to Li Qingyun's own account, if he was born in 1677, that is, in the 16th year of The Qing Kangxi, then he has gone through the nine dynasties of Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, Guangxu, and Xuantong to the Republic of China. At first, some people expressed doubts, but he went around promoting his own way of immortality and using his own habits to dispel the doubts of others.

The longest-lived person in the Qing Dynasty was born during the Kangxi Dynasty, and he is still alive after the death of the Qing Dynasty!

Li Qingyun is usually silent, and when others ask about his age, he answers that he is more than two hundred years old. As for why he can live a long life, Li Qingyun claims that it is related to his living habits, he eats regularly and quantitatively, goes to bed early and gets up early, does not drink alcohol, does not smoke, does not drink tea; in his spare time, he holds his head high, closes his eyes and sits quietly, puts his hands on his knees, and sits for several hours without moving. He also proved his age with his fingernails from years of collection, and he cut them to 6 inches and put them in a wooden box, and his nails filled a small box.

The longest-lived person in the Qing Dynasty was born during the Kangxi Dynasty, and he is still alive after the death of the Qing Dynasty!

Relevant reports in domestic newspapers in 1933

According to legend, Li Qingyun married 24 wives in his lifetime and had 180 children. During the Republic of China period, the warlord Yang Sen did not know where to hear from Li Qingyun, so he told Jiang about this matter to Jiang, who had just set the capital nanjing, and also gave Jiang a generous gift with the photo of the "Immortal Immortal" birthday star and the title of "Prosperous Renrui". Jiang was also very happy to receive this news, and asked Yang Sen to find a way to escort Li Shenxian to Nanjing at once, with the words "to enable Chinese and foreign people to see our people together." When Li Qingyun arrived in Nanjing, he was also received by Jiang, and Jiang also instructed the matter to be forwarded to the American "Time" magazine, which was also published, but Li Qingyun died of illness after returning home in 1933.

The longest-lived person in the Qing Dynasty was born during the Kangxi Dynasty, and he is still alive after the death of the Qing Dynasty!

The 1933 report on Li Qingyun was found on the official website of Time magazine in the United States

In the seventeenth century, the statistics of Chinese mouth were not perfect, saying that they could not be found out how long they lived, and the biggest possibility about Li Qingyun's age was that Yang Sen was a fraud, and in order to please Jiang, he deliberately fabricated "birthday stars" and "renrui". The reason why Time magazine reported Li Qingyun in 1933 was because Chiang Kai-shek submitted a "longevity report." Li Qingyun returned home without illness, which may be that Yang Sen was afraid that the situation would continue to expand and could not end, so he laid down a black hand.

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