
The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

By light raindrop 269


Tiger skin material:

8 egg yolks

Sugar 40 g

Cornstarch 15 g

Ingredients for Angel Cake:

Egg whites 170 g

Corn oil 45 g

Milk 80 g

Low gluten flour 60 g

Milk powder 15 g

Sugar 50 g

Lemon juice a little

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

1: Make tiger skin rolls: add 40 grams of sugar to 8 egg yolks

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

2, with the electric whisk to send to fluffy lift the whisk to draw the pattern will not disappear immediately as shown in the picture

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

3: Add 15g of cornstarch and mix well

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

4: Pour into a baking dish covered with oil paper, use a spatula to smooth the surface, and then shake twice to remove the bubbles

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

5, put into the preheated oven at 210 degrees to bake for 10-15 minutes (depending on the oven to adjust)

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

6, take out the surface of the tiger skin cake covered with baking paper, tear off the bottom of the oil paper, and then turn over and put it on the net rack to cool (the surface should be covered with baking paper Ha)

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

7: Make angel cake: 80 grams of milk with 45 grams of corn oil and mix well

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

8: Sift in 60 grams of low-gluten powder and 15 grams of milk powder, and mix well with the Z-shaped method

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

9, finally like this state standby

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

10, 170 grams of egg whites add a little lemon juice and 1/3 of the sugar, beat with medium high speed until the fish eye bubbles, and then add another 1/3 of the sugar and continue to beat with medium speed

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

11, beat to this more delicate state to add the last 1/3 of the sugar to continue to hit at medium speed

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

12, to achieve this more delicate state to change low speed to wet foaming

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

13, like this to lift the egg beater meringue tail has a curved hook can be

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

14: Add 1/3 of the meringue to the freshly mixed batter and mix well

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

15: Pour the mixed batter back into the remaining meringin and mix well with the mixture

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

16: Pour the mixed batter into a baking dish covered with oil paper, and then use a spatula to wipe the surface evenly to shake out the bubbles

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

17, put into the preheated oven at 150 degrees to bake for 30 minutes (depending on the oven to adjust)

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

18. Take out the cool operation method of baking the cake like a tiger skin cake just now, and put it on the net rack to cool it to a slightly warm state

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

19. Cut off the cake side obliquely and spread strawberry jam (you can also use other jams you like)

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

20: Use a rolling pin to help lift the baking paper and slowly roll it up

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

21. Set aside for later use

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

22: Take out the tiger skin cake you just made, the surface of the tiger skin is facing down, and spread strawberry jam on it

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

23: Put the freshly rolled egg roll and wrap the tiger skin on the egg roll

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

24: Cut off the excess tiger skin and put it in the refrigerator for a while

The best sweet and sour tiger skin angel cake roll recipe ever made

25, sweet and sour, both adults and children like


The size of the baking tray is 28*28

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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