
Yongzheng was the only reliable slave when he was helpless, and after becoming emperor, he treated him like this

In the fifth year of Yongzheng, Dai Duo, who had been Yongzheng's closest confidant in his early years, was executed by Yongzheng on the charge of being a partisan, and this slave who had worked hard to drill the camp and constantly gave Yongzheng ideas did not expect that the master would do this to him when he became emperor.

When his brothers clashed fiercely over the crown prince, Yin Chan the Prince of Kangxi's Fourth Agoyong, he assumed a detached state as if he did not care about himself, and in addition to close contact with religious figures, he also compiled the "Yuexin Collection", and all Yin Chan did was to tell everyone at the time that I was not interested in the throne.

However, this was only a smoke bomb, and his subordinate servant Dai Duo collected information for him everywhere and offered advice, and Dai Duo, who was a lackey under the door, was executed by Yongzheng for the crime after Yongzheng ascended the throne. In Yongzheng's eyes, Dai Duo was different from his later subordinates, who used him because there was no one to use him, and he had to rely on him to report the news.

Yongzheng was the only reliable slave when he was helpless, and after becoming emperor, he treated him like this

Beginning in the fifty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1713), Dai Duo, as the only confidant of Prince Yong, took the initiative to offer advice to Yin Chan and persuade him to actively participate in the competition for the throne: "When the interests of the sub-monarchs and subjects are at stake, and when they are honored and humiliated for life, although the slaves die without a word, they can be less reported than ever. He also wrote down a thousand words to analyze the current situation and how to take the initiative to attack for Prince Yong. Prince Yong only tweeted in his letters that "it is useless to share with me" and that "the emperor is a matter of great suffering."

After Prince Yong helped Dai Duo to release the prefect of Fujian, Dai Duo also said in a letter to him: "In Wuyi Mountain, I saw a person whose whereabouts were very strange, and I talked with them, and the language was very strange, and I waited for the slaves to reveal them in detail. Yin Chan was very interested after receiving the letter, and after the letter, he couldn't wait to ask: "You can write down the words spoken by the Daoist people you encounter." "Literature Series"

After receiving the letter, Dai Duo could be said to have satisfied the appetite of Yin Chan the Prince of Yong, and said in the reply: "To the Daoist people he met, the slave secretly and silently wished the master to ask him, and to buy the master, he said that it was a ten thousand words. The slave was overjoyed to hear this, and everything else was allowed to return to Beijing to see the master. Yin Chan was helpless and replied to him in an envious tone: "You have to meet such people, you are so good at creation." ”

Yongzheng was the only reliable slave when he was helpless, and after becoming emperor, he treated him like this

Dai Duo spat bitterly at Yongzheng, saying how he was dissatisfied with the water and soil in Fujian, and wanted Prince Yong to find a way to get him back to Beijing: "The slave asked himself foolishness, and his ambition for fame was very weak, and he was not satisfied with the water and soil of Fujian, and he was still infected with the disease, and he specially enlightened his master, intending to report to the disease in the future, in order to return to Beijing." After receiving the letter, the fourth brother Yinchen also gave him a big routine and said: "Why do you say that if you say that this illness has no ambition, you will be in the future to be the governor, and you can raise your eyebrows and breathe, if you are under the people, how can you be as you wish?" ”

After that, Dai Duo repeatedly begged Yin Chan to return to Beijing, and Yin Chan became more and more disgusted with him, and in the fifty-sixth year of Kangxi, Dai Duo continued to write to Prince Yong saying that "since he arrived in Fujian, he has been very poor", and Prince Yong was very impatient to reply: "The world is ruthless and rude, except for Brother Dai Jin, I am afraid that even if you are." Once or twice a year, people come to complain about poverty and bitterness, and it is disrespectful to ask for two altars of lychee wine to be sloppy. ”

A few months later, when he heard that Kangxi had decided to select a crown prince among the Brothers, Dai Duo wrote to Yin Chan with a new request, saying, "Taiwan is far away in the middle of the ocean, and the fertile wilderness is thousands of miles, and the Taiwan Dao is also in charge of the money and food of soldiers and horses, so I might as well transfer there and train for the master's son, and I can also plan for the future retreat." The implication is that the fourth brother will definitely not be successfully elected as the prince, and he went to Taiwan to fight for Yin Chan, as if to put Yin Chan on the "rebellion" of the Dao.

After Yin Chan received the letter, he was so angry that he didn't know how to scold: "If you are a person in Beijing, I will never treat you like this." You are such a person, I treat you as a national soldier, you are worse than scolding me, if you are so deliberate, there is no disaster, you will be punished by heaven", Dai Duo became the Prince of Yong", "pig-like teammates". However, at this moment, prince Yin Chan of Yong was the only one who could ventilate outside, and he had to use it, and had to perfunctorily prevaricate about it, facing Dai Duo's chattering mouth, the fourth brother could only resign himself to it.

Dai Duo continued to show loyalty. Later, he wrote a letter to Yin Chan the Prince of Yong, saying: "Slaves have always been blessed by Long, and they have burned and prayed from time to time, thinking day and night, and being ashamed of their retribution. Recently, li Guangdi, a university scholar, returned to Fujian on leave, and now he was taken ill to Beijing by special instructions, and he was secretly discussed by the Department of Hearing about the matter of Li Chu. The slave was shocked to hear this, and especially probed the clouds in the other place, such as "The kings are the most virtuous, the eight kings are the wisest". The slave Cai Secretly said to Pi Yun: "The Eight Kings are cowardly and inactive, not as clever as my Four Princes, who are both talented and virtuous, and who are both graceful and powerful, and who have done a great job." If the adults are willing to do it, they will be rich and noble in the future', and he also agrees. ”

Dai Duo took the initiative to inquire about the secret Yaochen beside Kangxi, and Yin Chan, who grew up in a political family, was fully aware that Dai Duo was talking nonsense and fooling himself, and it was completely impossible for the political strategy of the university scholar Li Guangdi to express any true views on him, not to mention that It was another matter whether Dai Duo's official rank could see Li Guangdi or not. So in his reply, he scolded him again: "When you were in Beijing, you said such a thing, why did I ever say a word to you?" You are so small out there, dare to be so bold! Your life and death are as light as a feather, and my name is related to eternity. I am your master, and I am in a past life! It can be seen that Prince Yin chan of Yong is disgusted with him and has no choice but to wear this piece of dog skin plaster.

Yongzheng was the only reliable slave when he was helpless, and after becoming emperor, he treated him like this

After Dai Duo sent Yin Chan a few fans a year later, Yin Chan still coldly and warned him everywhere: "Look at your fan and your post at home, you don't know what I am." Let go of you, you will fold four times in the future please. ”

In the sixty years of the Kangxi Dynasty, Yin Chan transferred him to Sichuan as an envoy, and on the eve of his inauguration, Yin Chan warned him again: "When you go here, you are encouraged, but if you want to cure your heart, and if your heart is right, then the gods of heaven and earth will bless themselves." This kind of explicitness has already shown that in Yin Chan's heart, Dai Duo belongs to the immodest people such as villains, with crooked thoughts everywhere, and the pattern and techniques are not big enough or high enough to be his real hand.

Sure enough, when Yin Chan succeeded to the throne and became emperor, it was not long before he was executed for the crime of being a partisan. If you only kill Dai Duo, it is obviously not accurate, because The level of Dai Duo is at most a piece of information that can find out a little bit of truth and falsity outside, which is not of much help to Yin Chan at that time, and the degree of secrecy of the directly subordinate governor Li Fu who was ordered to execute The Eight Brothers is not at the same level, but it makes Yongzheng constantly disgusted with his villainous face and his incitement everywhere. Although he was his own subordinate, Dai Duo had always been disgusted by him, and after becoming emperor, in order not to let him continue to add chaos, he was put to death by his friends to relieve the hatred that he hated in the past years and could not be discarded.

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