
Old Wu YinQi and Old Jiu Yin Yu were both born to Concubine Yi, so why didn't the elder Fifth participate in the conquest?

Speaking of Yin Qi, it is estimated that many people do not know, in fact, in the "Biography of Zhen Huan", the Prince of Heng who questioned Zhen Huan in various ways at the funeral of the Yongzheng Emperor, his birth mother, was Guo Luoluoshi, the concubine of the Kangxi Emperor.

It is quite strange to say, Concubine Yi has three sons, the eldest son is Yin Qi, and the second son Yin Yu is one of the key figures involved in the nine sons of the concubine, helping the old eight to deal with Yin Chan, and finally playing with it and putting himself in.

However, as Yin Yu's half-brother, Yin Qi did not participate in the conquest of the ninth son of that year, and was also relatively kind to him after the Yongzheng Emperor succeeded to the throne, becoming one of the few older but had a good death among the many brothers of the Yongzheng Emperor.

Old Wu YinQi and Old Jiu Yin Yu were both born to Concubine Yi, so why didn't the elder Fifth participate in the conquest?

Speaking of the Kangxi Emperor's concubine Guo Luoluoshi, that can be regarded as a more famous one, she gave birth to the fifth prince Yin Qi, the ninth prince Yin Yu and the eleventh prince Yin Yu for the Kangxi Emperor, but the younger son died when he was a teenager.

When Yin Qi was born, his birth mother Guo Luo Luoshi was still a concubine, but only two years later, Guo Luo Luoshi was named the sixth palace of Yi Concubine's pet crown, second only to Huifei among the four concubines, and the birth mother was like this, Yin Qi was naturally also favored.

Not only was her birth mother favored, but Yin Qi was also raised for a period of time by Empress Xiaoyiren tong Jia, who was still a noble concubine at the time, and Empress Dowager Renxian, that is, Empress Xiaohuizhang.

Empress Xiaoyiren also had an adopted son, that is, the later Yongzheng Emperor Yinchen, her brother was Longkeduo, and Empress Renxian was the concubine of the Kangxi Emperor, because the Kangxi Emperor's biological mother died early and was brought up by the concubine, so the feelings were also very close.

Old Wu YinQi and Old Jiu Yin Yu were both born to Concubine Yi, so why didn't the elder Fifth participate in the conquest?

There is a passage in the Records of the Ancestors of the Qing Dynasty that reads:

Five Brothers Yin Qi Song Yun: The subject was raised by the emperor's grandmother since childhood, and the emperor's father's eucharist violated the peace, and the affairs of the minister could be taken care of.

The relationship between the Kangxi Emperor and Empress Renxian was very deep, and later when Empress Renxian died, the Kangxi Emperor, who was over sixty years old, was not very good, but he still insisted on guarding the soul of his mother-in-law.

At this time, the fifth prince Yin Qi came forward, saying that he had been raised by his grandmother, so he hoped to be able to do the work for his father and do filial piety in front of his grandmother's spirit, which also showed that Yin Qi and Empress Renxian's ancestral love was also very deep.

Whether it is the birth mother or the adoptive mother, they are not ordinary people, and they have also been raised by the empress dowager, which has become a plus for Yin Qi in the future, and this has also cultivated the character of Yin Qi.

Old Wu YinQi and Old Jiu Yin Yu were both born to Concubine Yi, so why didn't the elder Fifth participate in the conquest?

When the Kangxi Emperor Xuan Ye conquered Gardan for the second time, he took the sixteen-year-old Yin Qi with him.

After the end of the conquest, the Kangxi Emperor chose Concubine Fujin for his son, and finally chose the daughter of the not very tall yuanwailang, Tatara, which made many people feel very strange.

Yin Qi was so favored, why did the Kangxi Emperor not choose a noble Fu Jin for him, but chose a small door and a small household.

Perhaps, in the heart of the Kangxi Emperor, he thought that Yin Qi was a prince with a pure heart and a generous heart, and did not need to marry any high-ranking nobleman, and chose Fujin for him, completely only looking at the woman's character, and did not need to look at other aspects.

However, it is also more strange, because Yin Qi has thirteen children, none of them are born to The Concubine Fujin Tatara clan, and the most favored side Fujin Guarjia clan has given birth to five, Yin Qi is not satisfied with this marriage in the end, then say another.

Old Wu YinQi and Old Jiu Yin Yu were both born to Concubine Yi, so why didn't the elder Fifth participate in the conquest?

In the forty-eighth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Yin Qi was given the title of Prince of The county along with his elder brother Yin Chan and two younger brothers, and the two older brothers were made the Prince of the County, and eleven years later, together with Yin Chan, they were given the title of "Heng".

Whether it was the Kangxi Emperor or the Yongzheng Emperor, the evaluation of Yin Qi was very good.

The Yongzheng Emperor was notoriously harsh on his brothers, even his mother's younger brother, but for Yin Qi, his evaluation was peaceful and humble, and he felt that this person was consistent in appearance and very generous.

Yin Qi was raised by Empress Xiaoyiren and Empress Renxian when he was a child, while his younger brother Yin Yu was raised by his birth mother, Concubine Guo Luoluo, so that the different growth environments also created the brothers' completely different personalities.

According to Yin Qi's personality, he did not care to participate in the struggle for the throne at all, not that he did not have that strength.

Old Wu YinQi and Old Jiu Yin Yu were both born to Concubine Yi, so why didn't the elder Fifth participate in the conquest?

Yin Qi's half-brother Yin Yu,he did not participate in the power of the concubine, his choice was to fall to the eighth prince Yin?, help Yin? Deal with the fourth prince Yin Chan, but unfortunately in the end it fell short.

The final result of the Nine Kings' conquest was that Yin Chan won, and all those who opposed Yin Chan in that year were all settled by Yin Chan after autumn.

As we all know, Yin Chan had a heavy hand on all the eight princes, and he also disliked Yifei Guo Luoluoshi very much, and even openly embarrassed Yifei before the Kangxi Emperor's spirit, but he did not do much to Yifei's son Yinqi.

Although Yin Qi was born to Concubine Yi, after all, he did not participate in the conquest of concubines, did not make enemies with Yin Chan, and the two were raised by Empress Xiaoyiren at the same time, coupled with the relationship between Empress Dowager Renxian and Yin Qi's own personality, so that they were not involved.

From the attitude towards Yin Qi, it can also be seen that the Yongzheng Emperor was not a person who was cold and desperate for his brothers.

Old Wu YinQi and Old Jiu Yin Yu were both born to Concubine Yi, so why didn't the elder Fifth participate in the conquest?

After the Yongzheng Emperor ascended the throne, Yin Yu was imprisoned, stripped of his clan membership, renamed Seth Hei, and tortured to death.

And Yin Yu's brother Yin Qi still retained the title of prince, not only that, he was also treated extra favorably by the Yongzheng Emperor, although it was not as good as Yin Xiang, the Prince of Yi, but it was not much worse.

Although the Yongzheng Emperor did not like Concubine Yi very much, he still gave her dignity and let Concubine Yi go out of the palace to the residence of Yin Qi to raise her for a long time, compared to other brothers, Yin Qi's life was very happy.

Obviously, Yin Qi did not participate in the conquest of concubines like his brother, because of the different temperaments, the emperor said what he did, and he would not take sides without authorization, so he was so generous and obedient, naturally he would not be dealt with, yin Yu was the opposite.

It is not that there is no such strength, but the innate personality is different from the environment in which they grew up, which finally led to the end of yin qi yin and yin yu, which also proves the importance of people's growth environment and personality for life.

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