
The child has changed from "small grinding" to self-discipline, only because after school, the mother has done one more thing

You can never imagine what kind of share you can force your parents to write homework with your baby.

A few days ago, a couple competed for "performance" in order not to accompany their children to write homework:

"You tutor the kids, I wash the dishes, I clean up the kitchen, plus drag it out again."

"No, I can clean the bathroom again."

"Or I'll wash my clothes again..."

I would rather do more housework than accompany my children to write homework, this picture also made many netizens laugh, and they said that this is definitely the "truth of the world".

The child has changed from "small grinding" to self-discipline, only because after school, the mother has done one more thing

Why don't you want to write homework with your child, it's because you don't know how sour it is:

Grinding and procrastinating: before writing homework, you must eat, go to the toilet, drink water, daze, sharpen your pencil... the sense of ceremony is enough to begin. Half an hour of work can drag and drop for an hour or two.

Poor concentration: write for a while to play for a while, the eraser can poke into a sieve, the confetti can be piled up on a table, that is, the homework has not written a few words; or the ears are erect like an antenna, a little bit of wind and grass, the child is attracted to the past.

The more you urge, the more the child not only does not listen, but drags on more and more like no one else. The final result is often that the children cry and cry in the chicken and dog jump, and the parents' blood pressure soars, making the family feel like fighting every day.

Whenever this happens, I fall into deep doubts:

Does the child not understand or is it too stupid? Isn't it fragrant to play without burden after writing homework?

Why do you know it's too late, but don't you hurry up and act?

Why can't even reward motivate children?

The child has changed from "small grinding" to self-discipline, only because after school, the mother has done one more thing

01, why do many children like to rub?

First, let's talk about why children like to rub. Although the situation of each child is different, the factors that cannot be ignored are mainly concentrated in the following 4 points:

Children are born "slow half-beat"

Some children are born chronic, and they are not in a hurry to do anything. Even if they are about to be late, they are still slow and leisurely, going their own way, and it is useless for their parents to be in a hurry.

Demanding Perfection:

Some children are perfectionists who demand the best at everything, so that they spend a long time on one thing, or they don't want to start because they are worried about not doing well.

Use procrastination to express your dissatisfaction indirectly:

Some parents are accustomed to using authority to suppress their children, often scolding and scolding, or assigning their children a lot of extra homework.

In such an unequal environment, children cannot find a way to fight back. Therefore, I can only express my dissatisfaction by procrastination: the more you urge, the more I will not move

Parents themselves have a habit of procrastination:

Parents are the child's first teacher, if the parents themselves have the habit of procrastination, the child will naturally be able to drag it out.

Although procrastination is not a disease, if you continue to let the child go on like this, in the future learning and life, the gap between the child and other classmates will definitely become larger and larger. It is even more difficult to correct it.

The child has changed from "small grinding" to self-discipline, only because after school, the mother has done one more thing

02, "small procrastination" can also become self-disciplined

Since you understand the reasons for the child's procrastination, you must intervene in time to "prescribe the right medicine" for the child's specific situation, help them correct bad problems, and become a self-controlled, self-disciplined, and self-conscious person.

Many parents know that if they want their children to stop rubbing, they must improve their children's time concept, set reasonable goals, improve learning efficiency, and improve their children's concentration.

1. Lower the expectation value and give the child time to buffer

My son has always been a chronic child, and it is impossible for him to be like other children and immediately concentrate on his homework when he comes home.

If at this time, we chase after him to urge and yell, the child will habitually "resist" with avoidance and procrastination. After realizing that part of my child's procrastination was caused by the parents themselves, I changed my approach.

After each school day, set aside a certain amount of time for him to rest, eat snacks, and read extracurricular books. This time is not too long and is usually controlled within half an hour.

Then, ask him to list the assignments to be completed and estimate how long it will take to complete each assignment. The advantage of this is that it allows children to have a general idea of the time it takes to complete their homework, so that they will not play without burden all the time.

After insisting on it for a while, the child is obviously "responsible". Sometimes it's too much, and as soon as we remind him, he can stop in time to write his homework.

In fact, when children begin to have the freedom to dispose of their own time, they are more likely to accept their parents' reminders and instructions.

Many children at the age of 7 or 8 will have the desire to "compete for power" with their parents. That's because they're becoming more and more self-aware and don't like to listen to other people's orders. Proper "decentralization" can solve this problem.

The child has changed from "small grinding" to self-discipline, only because after school, the mother has done one more thing

2. Help children improve their learning efficiency

Many children like to rub because of their homework and slow writing. Therefore, when I think of writing homework, I will habitually resist, I can drag it out for a while, drink water, go to the toilet, eat, stomachache... All kinds of excuses take turns.

If you can help your child improve learning efficiency, and every day's homework can be completed on time, or even in advance, then the child will never delay writing homework as a chore.

So, how to help children improve their learning efficiency?

First of all, you can clean up the desk where the child is studying, except for the necessary books and pens, to eliminate all foreign interference.

Secondly, many children procrastinate because there is too much homework and it is too difficult. At this time, you may wish to divide the homework to be completed into several small goals that are easier to complete. The completion of a small goal makes it easier for children to have a sense of accomplishment.

Third, take the necessary rest according to the length of time the child is focused. Do not feel that rest is a waste of time, children's concentration time is limited, once the time is too long, they are easy to desert, reverse. Instead of that, let your child relax.

You know, successful people are very disciplined.

Only when children learn to manage their time well can they manage themselves well, and no matter what they do in the future, they can achieve something. Don't let procrastination become a roadblock in your child's learning and growth


| La Mama, a multi-platform contracted author, likes to read classic parenting and psychology books, and focuses on scientific parenting and parent-child emotions. If you like my text, please follow me and discuss it together.

Original works, plagiarism must be investigated.

Some of the pictures are from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

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