
Li Sidou defeated Lü Buwei and became the chancellor of Great Qin, but why did he lose to Zhao Gao in his later years?

Compared with the other six princely states, the Qin state showed an ambition to unify the world that several other countries did not have, so many able ministers and celebrities were optimistic about the Qin state, and they arrived in Great Qin to show their ambitions, including many people who had made great military contributions to the unification of the Qin state.

Li Sidou defeated Lü Buwei and became the chancellor of Great Qin, but why did he lose to Zhao Gao in his later years?

Lees's schooling experience

The most famous of these people should be Li Si, who was the apprentice of Xun Zi, a famous Confucian representative figure in the Warring States period, who had studied at the Jixia Xuegong of the State of Qi, and at first Li Si wanted to help the Six Kingdoms to unite against the Qin State, but after following the Qin envoys to meet the people of the Qin State, Li Si changed his initial thoughts.

He wanted to help Qin Wang Yingzheng unify the six kingdoms and realize the great cause that Yingzheng wanted to establish, but in front of him there was an insurmountable obstacle, Lü Buwei, the elder of the Three Dynasties of the Qin State, who had a vast network of contacts and great power in the Qin State, and Li Si had to pass through him first if he wanted to lobby the Qin King.

Li Sidou defeated Lü Buwei and became the chancellor of Great Qin, but why did he lose to Zhao Gao in his later years?

The reason for Lis's success

If Li Si was just a man of inaction, perhaps there was nothing wrong with mixing an official and a half-post in the Qin Kingdom, but the difficulty was that he was a man with ideals and talents, he was unwilling to bow down in front of Lü Buwei, and there was a great difference between lü Buwei's way in the general direction of unifying the six kingdoms.

Therefore, Li Si was not reused for a long time after entering Qin, and even Lü Buwei still felt that he was particularly frivolous, but in the end, Li Si defeated Lü Buwei and became the chancellor of Great Qin, all because Li Si knew how to observe the color and received the support and acquiescence of the King of Qin.

Li Sidou defeated Lü Buwei and became the chancellor of Great Qin, but why did he lose to Zhao Gao in his later years?

Although Lü Buwei had monstrous power in the Qin State, he was not the King of Qin himself after all, and there was no way to make decisions for the King of Qin in many things, and his restrictions caused great dissatisfaction from Yingzheng, so After some temptation, Yingzheng decided to cooperate with Li Si, and the two of them joined forces to overthrow Lü Buwei.

Li Si was responsible for confronting Lü Buwei in the general direction, and Yingzheng supported his actions behind him, and the two people cooperated very tacitly, and finally took back all of Lü Buwei's power, and Li Si became a righteous minister.

Li Sidou defeated Lü Buwei and became the chancellor of Great Qin, but why did he lose to Zhao Gao in his later years?

The struggle for power with Zhao Gao ended in a fiasco

However, when he fought with Zhao Gao in his later years, the situation was very different, first of all, Hu Hai had studied with Zhao Gao since he was a child, and he had always had relatively good feelings for Zhao Gao, so it was difficult for Li Si to suppress Zhao Gao's forces, so that he was originally just a eunuch and slowly controlled the center of power.

Under such circumstances, Li Si also constantly wanted to implement some policies favorable to the Qin state, and there was a huge conflict with Hu Hai's interests, so Li Si was taken down and imprisoned by Hu Hai. At this time, Zhao Gao took the opportunity to fall into the well and gave Li Si a reputation for rebellion, and Hu Hai pushed the boat along the water and executed Li Si. This is the same way that Li Si helped Ying zheng deal with Lü Buwei.

Li Sidou defeated Lü Buwei and became the chancellor of Great Qin, but why did he lose to Zhao Gao in his later years?

brief summary

It's just that in the two struggles to seize power, Li Si played two different roles, one was the helper of the King of Qin, the other was the opponent of the King of Qin, without the support of the righteous, even if Li Si had the greatest power, he would be punished for a little mistake, even if Li Si was extremely clever, he could not think of a way to fight against the King of Qin, and perhaps before he died, he would have the same idea as Lü Buwei in his heart, that is, "there is no excuse for wanting to add to the crime." Perhaps at this moment he understood the suffering of his predecessors.

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