
Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

author:Yangyang Chef's Food Notes

Spring is here and everything is revived. If you have children at home, you must seize the spring season and eat more food to help your child grow, such as fresh vegetables, milk and eggs to eat every day, and lean meat. Generally speaking, the child is not interested in directly stir-frying and eating meat, but if it is made into a food he likes, then he can accept it.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

Today I come to share a "gold and silver pearl ball", not only look at it with appetite, but also add some ingredients, so that this ball is particularly delicious, it is not greasy to eat, and it is tender and smooth, and the more you chew, the more fragrant.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

Among them, the ingredient wrapped in the outer layer of "silver balls" is glutinous rice. It should be noted that glutinous rice must be soaked in advance to be more soft and sticky to eat, adding points to the taste.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

Among them, the "golden balls" are wrapped in millet, millet can also be slightly soaked, for the family who can not eat glutinous rice at home, this millet balls, is the best choice.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

The most important balls, the meat used, we are best to choose lean meat, or 9 points of lean meat, do not just do too fat, although the taste is fragrant, but the intake of too much fat meat is not a good choice for the body, and especially for children, meat is still based on lean meat.

Ball filling is best to add another thing, that is, lotus root, add this, let the balls eat, have a slightly crispy feeling, will not be greasy, and the more chewy the more fragrant. Once the ingredients are ready, let's start making them.

【Ingredients】400 grams of lean pork, 1 lotus root (small), 10 ml light soy sauce, 30 ml dark soy sauce, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp of five-spice powder, 3 tsp of corn starch, white onion, ginger slices, water, green radish.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

【Production steps】 1, first of all, after the meat is soaked in blood water, cut into small pieces, put into the meat grinder, no meat grinder can also be chopped into meat paste, the more delicate the balls, the more tender, of course, the meat grinder is the first choice, because as long as about 30 seconds, the meat is particularly delicate.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

2, I used the Del mar meat grinder, wireless is also quite convenient, and not only grinding meat, but also supporting the garlic peeler, egg whites, cream, a machine three functions, to meet most of the daily cooking needs. If you like it, you can click to see the details.

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Del Mar Meat Grinder ¥499 Purchase

Play several times with 2 gears, according to your own situation, whether you need to play more delicately, you can check at any time, grind meat at any time.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

3. After the meat filling is beaten, you can use chopsticks to scrape the meat on the wall of the container.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

4. Add soy sauce, soy sauce and five-spice powder. Beat for another 5 or 6 seconds and mix well.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

5, after the meat filling part, it is beaten, we take out the meat filling, first put it in a container for later.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

6, now process the lotus root, the lotus root also cut into small pieces, put it in the bowl just beaten meat filling, add ginger slices, and green onion white. Salt is also put in here.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

7, the same twist several times, if there are large grains of lotus on the wall, remember to scrape down, and then beat, all cut into small lotus, so as to ensure the unity of taste.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

8, and then pour the meat stuffing into the beaten lotus bowl, put in some corn starch, use the meat grinder, beat for a few seconds, it will be mixed, this time when mixing, if you feel that the filling is a little dry, you have to add some water, until the filling is more tender, you can. Do a good job of meat filling, do not rush to the balls, it is best to put them in the refrigerator for a while, so that when the balls are made, they are relatively hard, not too soft, not formed.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

9: Soak glutinous rice and millet in advance and drain.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

10: Put the balls in a rice bowl with your hands, roll them around, and stick the rice.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

11, Xiaomi's also operates in this way. Do all this, put it in a container, if you do too much, you can put it in the freezing and steam it again next time.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

12, now to eat, when we are best steamed, with a radish, green radish, carrot can be, not only can increase nutrition, but also with meatballs, more will not be tired. We can slice the turnips. For those who have children, you can come to some tricks, he will prefer to eat.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

13: Place in a steamed container and lay a layer.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

14: Put on, roll the glutinous rice, millet balls.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages

15: Put into the steamer and steam for about 15 minutes. When eating, you can also top with a little spring onion, millet spicy, etc., tender meatballs, and soft glutinous rice grains on the outside, eat a bite, especially fragrant, and the crisp taste of lotus root grains, a plate will be eaten.

Teach you to make sleek, gold and silver pearl balls, add this ingredient, delicious and not greasy for all ages


1, meat selection, lean meat, or 9 points lean. A little corn starch and water are added to the meat filling to ensure the freshness of the meat.

2, the added lotus root is also chopped as much as possible, there is a slight crunchy feeling.

3, glutinous rice, millet needs to be soaked in advance, otherwise it is easy to harden and affect the taste.

4, can not eat the "gold and silver glutinous rice balls" can be put in the container, frozen.

Thank you for watching, I am Yangyang small chef, like baking, making desserts, but also like to make some home-cooked delicacies, if you like my sharing, or have the same interest in friends, please pay attention to me, more communication. If you have any questions, you can also leave a message below.

(The pictures and texts of this article are @ Yangyang Chef's food record original production, all rights reserved, please do not reprint, violators will be investigated)

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