
Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?

For a long time, MPV in the Chinese market is "two big and small in the middle". That is, on the one hand, there is a low-cost small MPV represented by Wuling Hongguang, and on the other side is a medium and large MPV represented by GL8. In this case, the mystery behind it is inseparable from a "quotient" word. That is to say, for a long time in the Chinese market, MPV is mainly commercial - GL8 needless to say, Hongguang and the like are actually more of the purchasing power formed by small owners as "small surface upgrades".

Why is that? In fact, it is very simple: Chinese consumers, especially those who "pre-80s", have always had a strong sedan complex in the aesthetics of their models. This complex once hindered the popularity of hatchbacks in China. It wasn't until after the popularity of SUVs that mainstream groups began to slowly accept such "no butt" models. For the "noseless" MPV, it is still in a state of "relative rejection".

Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?

It is also based on this that the medium and large MPV market has always been only the Buick GL8. For quite some time, the Buick GL8 was worshipped as a "god car". Is it really the Buick GL8 flawless? Admittedly, Buick, which has been operating this market for many years, understands the needs of its target groups, and the product strength is really not to be said. The more important reason, however, is the lack of strong competitors. The reason for the lack of competitors is not that other manufacturers "have no cards in their hands", but more based on the judgment of this market - the cake is not big enough, and there is not much "deep play" value.

Some changes in the MPV market in 2021, especially the medium and large MPV market, show that the demand growth for such vehicles is beginning to change from "undercurrent" to "choppy". The main support behind this is the rapid growth of household demand.

Phenomenon 1: American Minivan begins to "reunite"

Americans used to turn vans into VAN, and derived the Minivan subdivided variety. Although Minivan literally understands MPV as a large category, due to differences in market, culture and region, some Minivan characteristics have been formed.

And GL8, which has been thriving and lonely in China for many years, is actually a member of the American Minivan.

Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?

The origins of the American Minivan are very early, dating back roughly to 1984's Dodge Collar and Chrysler Township (the predecessor of the Great Jaylon). However, the gradual development and maturity of this market segment is roughly from the mid-to-late 1990s. In addition to the two Chrysler models (Grand Jetlon and Kai Collar), the first generation of GL8 (prototype Chevrolet Venture), Toyota Syna, Kia Garnier and American version of Odyssey were all born in this period (born in 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999, respectively). So far, in addition to GM's withdrawal from the US market because of its cultivation of the Chinese market, the American Minivan still has only these five main products (Dajielong, Kailing, Xena, The American version of Odyssey, and Jiahua).

Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?

You should have noticed. For the reasons mentioned at the beginning of the article, these five cars have hardly been involved in the Chinese market as of the first half of 2021.


Dajielong has been introduced, but the introduction is the old version that was eliminated overseas, coupled with the lack of product strategy and brand marketing, it was eventually short-lived.

Odyssey is one of the main models in the MPV market in China, but this Odyssey is not a Odyssey. The domestic odyssey is a Japanese version, which is a medium-sized MPV, which is different from the American version of the odyssey from level to design to positioning.

The first generation of Jiahua was also introduced, but based on the market atmosphere at that time, it could only be regarded as "playing soy sauce once".

Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?

However, in the second half of 2021, a new generation of Xena and Jawa were introduced into domestic production and listed successively. Different from the "playing soy sauce" strategy introduced before, from the perspective of the introduced version, product strategy and momentum atmosphere, these two cars enter the Chinese market and obviously intend to "make a difference". Uncle Ka has also analyzed this before when their respective models are launched - their meaning is by no means to "challenge the GL8" as many people think, but to share the dividends brought about by the upcoming rapid growth of China's MPV market.

Phenomenon two: independent brands are gradually entering a better state

The Trumpchi M8 is not listed in 2021, but it has undergone a qualitative change in sales in 2021. As of November, the Trumpchi M8 had sold nearly 65,000 units, nearly double the full year 2020 sales. Especially in the past two months, the monthly sales of the Trumpchi M8 have exceeded 7,000 vehicles continuously. Not only is it second only to the Buick GL8 in sales, but it is also one of the few medium-sized SUVs in history that can sell more than 5,000 units a month other than the GL8.

Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?

It's not just sales. The Trumpchi M8 didn't win cheaply. Although the starting price of 179,800 yuan is still significantly lower than that of the joint venture car, its main model price is mostly more than 200,000 yuan. The master series is involved in the range of about 250,000 yuan.

200,000 yuan has always been regarded as the price ceiling of independent brands. This ceiling was not broken by the car, and it was not effectively broken by the SUV, but it was broken by MPV. For Trumpchi itself, the M8 with a higher average price actually sells significantly higher than the SUV GS8 on the same platform, which is also a bit of a "ruined three views".

From the perspective of industry development, Trumpchi M8 is unlikely to become an isolated case. Although products like roewe iMAX8 and Chase G10 cannot shake the status of M8 in the short term, it should only be a matter of time before more and stronger products join the competition of this camp.

Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?
Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?

There is also a phenomenon worth noting, that is, independent brands have begun to focus on pure electricity medium and large MPV. SAIC Maxus' MIFA9 has been launched, and Lantu's Dreamer has also been released. Although the market performance and feedback that these cars will eventually obtain are still unknown, from a theoretical point of view, it may become another power point for autonomous medium and large SUVs (pure electricity can effectively solve the two major pain points of MPV NVH and extreme space expansion).

Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?

Phenomenon three: compact level borrowing medium- and medium-sized counterattacks

There is also a very special car in 2021 - Beijing Hyundai's Kustu. Before it went public, many people regarded Kustu as a medium-sized MPV, and some even mistakenly thought it was Kahua's sister car. If you look at the size alone, this is true – the wheelbase of the Kustu is 3055mm long, almost the same as the Xena. However, after the listing of Kustu, everyone found that it was not a car of this level at all - the main push 1.5T power, the curb weight was only 1.6 tons + (other medium and large MPV including Trumpchi M8 are about 2 tons), and the price seems to be cheaper than Tuan.

Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?

The reasons behind Uncle Ka have analyzed. Quite simply, it is an MPV based on the compact platform scale-up development. In terms of size space, it can indeed be comparable to medium and large MPV, but in terms of basic quality, it is closer to a compact MPV such as Tuan.

However, this particular combination has yielded good results – Koostu's november sales have climbed to 3,158 units, and this growth trend is continuing.

Another example is Wuling Capgemini – it is even more famous than Kustu, because it does present a dark horse image after listing. Capgemini's path to success is similar – with a compact base and power, corresponding to the space and size of a mid-size MPV. It turns out that Capgemini is more popular than standard compact MPV such as Song MAX and Jiaji.

Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?

In contrast, almost all compact MPV have been "folded" in 2021. Including Song MAX, which once sold 10,000 vehicles a month, the current monthly sales have been less than 1,000 vehicles. A few years ago, the only hot-selling joint venture compact MPV Touran, the average monthly sales volume in 2021 has been only more than 300 vehicles.

Market logic: just need + resonance of cognitive transformation

In fact, the undercurrent of the MPV market began as early as a few years ago. You can pay attention to the sales change of GL8: after the launch of Lu Zun, sales have almost doubled. One of the important reasons for this is that some families have chosen gl8 when buying a car. After the launch of the Trumpchi M8 (early called GM8), although it did not have the current considerable sales, it has been selling well, and there are also many family buyers.

At the same time, whether it is Capgemini or Kustu, this type of car can never be temporarily launched to feel the growth of the MPV market in 2021. Including the introduction of Xena and Jawa, it will not be a "temporary intention" of the two joint venture factories. They are obviously all manufacturers who see the "undercurrent" of China's (medium and large) MPV market and layout in advance.

Why is there such a change? In particular, why is the change more reflected in the growth of medium and large MPVs (rather than compact MPV)? Among them, "just need" is still the first reason.

Looking back at 2021丨 What does it mean that the medium and large MPV "Warring States Era" officially opened?

Consumers around the world buy MPV have only one core appeal: space. This also explains why the market for medium- and large-sized MPVs is growing faster – only its space is unsurpassed by other models (the space for compact MPVs can be achieved with a seven-seat mid-size SUV).

As for why this just need has grown in recent years, it is also easy to understand: the opening of the two-child and even three-child policies. Families with two or three children need not be said. Even if there are no two or three children, due to policy support, a considerable number of them will consider "precautions" when buying a car.

Another reason is that the "traditional ideas" mentioned at the beginning of the article are changing. This change is mainly a change in the car buying group, not a change in cognition. That is, the car buying group of MPV is changing from post-70s and post-80s to post-85s and post-90s. Although the latter does not "like" MPV much, at least it does not "reject" MPV as the former.

It is the superposition of these two factors that has contributed to the rapid growth of the domestic large space (medium-sized, medium-sized) MPV market. Judging from the situation in 2021, this growth should still be just beginning.


Chinese consumers demand more space in their cars than most markets around the world (so there will be all sorts of lengths). The model with the most space in the same size is undoubtedly the MPV. It is reasonable to say that MPV should be able to resonate with the Chinese market. Or rather, the Chinese market should become the largest market for MPV. However, it is precisely because of the Preference of Chinese Consumers for "Vans" that MPV once became the most exclusive object of Chinese families.

However, with the increasingly strong demand, as well as the changes in the birth and growth years of the car buyer group, the supply and demand of this segment is reversing. Fewer and fewer groups are "rejecting" MPVs, and more and more are finding the advantages of MPV space. This situation is rare in markets outside of China. This also indicates that China's MPV, especially the medium and large MPV market, will have a long-term, large capacity of development space.

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