
Love is the purity of "snow on the mountain", and the depth of "how sentient is ruthless"!

Love is the purity of "snow on the mountain", and the depth of "how sentient is ruthless"!

Love is not only an emotion, but also a belief.

Love is the purity of "snow on the mountain, like the moon between the clouds", and it is also the depth of "seeing each other and arguing as if not seeing, how emotion is ruthless"!

If the love of youth is green and astringent, it is the soul and the soul, then the love of middle age is probably more in the search for knowledge, in the exploration of the possibility of life and love, and the love of the elderly is righteous.

The original intention of love is beautiful, but the ending is always unsatisfactory. Perfect love may only exist in the human heart and in the lives that have passed.

The most helpless thing is that when the soul is scattered, the love has passed away, the intention is difficult to stay, people go to the empty building, and the tragic and earnest love and hatred have long been extinguished by the wind, and the clouds are sinking.

Although love is often so sad, so difficult to control, so distressing, so helpless, the ending is always a sigh, contrary to one's own vision.

But whether in the book or in real life, we all feel the greatness of love, the sweetness of love, and the intoxication of love. This may be the true meaning of everyone's yearning for love.

Love is the purity of "snow on the mountain", and the depth of "how sentient is ruthless"!

Love is the lingering regret and hesitation of many people's souls, and how many people are willing to be like a spring breeze;

Love is overwhelmed and unrepentant stumbling, and love is a rock-solid and tough human love;

Love is hurried and unexplained ignorance and exploration, and love is unparalleled in the world for many people without complaint or regret;

Love is the fierce heat of how many people moths put out fires, and how many people are pained by the loneliness and sadness of the world;

Love is a sincere outpouring of vigorous and heartfelt feelings, and love is the silent despair of how many people have suffering words to sink into the heavens and the earth;

Love is "holding hands and looking at each other with tears in our eyes speechless... In addition to the ultimate fantasy that Wushan is not a cloud, love is the year after year of chai rice oil and salt thinking day and night;

Love is the collision and lighting of electric light and flint, and love is the eternal waiting and hope of the sea and the dead stone.

Love is the purity of "snow on the mountain", and the depth of "how sentient is ruthless"!

1, love is not only an emotion, but also a faith.

The love described in Garcia Márquez's book can span decades of ups and downs, without fading, and the male protagonist in the book can be loyal from beginning to end, and finally become a family member with his lover, but he can only let this love exist in the loneliness that is not accepted by the world, until the last moment of life.

A first-class lover will never be lost, because love is your own, what does it have to do with others?

This male protagonist can be said to be a first-class lover. Even if the other party marries someone else, he can wait for her for a lifetime, in order to maintain the perfection of the love in his heart.

For him, love is not only an emotion, but also a belief.

Love is the purity of "snow on the mountain", and the depth of "how sentient is ruthless"!

2) Without love, there is no life.

Sanmao and Jose's deep love for each other, after one person left this world, the other person lost his spiritual pillar, has no longer the dependence and support to continue to survive, the lonely Sanmao chose to commit suicide.

The spirit determines a person's living state, and love is the source of spiritual vitality and vividness.

This embodies the greatness of love, the power of love.

Without love, it can be said that there is no life.

Love is the purity of "snow on the mountain", and the depth of "how sentient is ruthless"!

3, deep love is forbearance and restraint, is in the faint light to walk together for a long time.

Although the male and female protagonists in "Zhou Sheng Is Like Ever" know that there is no possibility of being together, they silently love each other, so deep and persistent love, so forbearance that does not cross the thunder pool, but they cannot withstand the cruelty of reality.

In the end, one married a human wife, and one died in battle. This love is forever frozen in the sighs and sentimentality of the audience.

If liking may only be expressed as possession and control, then love is forbearance and restraint, it is obvious that the heart is happy on the side, but it can only put love in the heart, so that this love will always exist in the faint light.

The love of two people, if it can be in a faint light, can also walk together for a long time, go far and far. This may be the real deep love.

Love is the purity of "snow on the mountain", and the depth of "how sentient is ruthless"!

4) Is there perfect love in the world?

Love is the most beautiful gift the world gives to mankind, but in many loves, there is often more bitterness than sweetness, separation more than reunion, even more suspicion than trust, sadness more than happiness, nightmares more than dreams;

Or a love is in front of us, but we let it slip away, invisible, and cannot be found.

How many people who have to give up the pain of love can be unforgettablely experienced, but how many people can firmly grasp love, seize luck, seize fate and time, and seize happiness. Make it eternal.

Whether the two people who once loved deeply have always waited and accompanied each other, whether each person has maintained a free and independent personality in love, and whether this love has always been intact and rooted in the heart, indelible.

If all of the above points are available, then this is already a relatively perfect deep love. But such love is still out of reach.

Love is the purity of "snow on the mountain", and the depth of "how sentient is ruthless"!

5. What is deep love?

What exactly is deep love? Can't see the bottom, can't see through it? Or are we together in this life and in this life, never changing our minds and not separating? Or is it so deep that it can never be forgotten, and it will always be faintly painful in the bottom of the heart?

Can unseen love be called deep love?

Love should be unreserved sincerity, the self and trust that is never afraid to expose one's greatest shortcomings and faults to the other party. A person who cannot be himself in love and always wears a mask of hypocrisy loses the true meaning of love.

Love that is too subtle and aesthetic often does not lead to a positive result, because relationships cannot be maintained or continued by speculation.

Then, not to leave or abandon it should be deep love.

But history tells us that human nature determines that there is no perfect love, love is not a ticket that will never expire, it is limited and limited, it is impossible to keep fresh forever, and it is rare to be able to trust and imprint on the heart forever.

Even the few perfect loves that have once flourished, there are chicken feathers that we can't see, and there are broken and broken feelings that are incomplete.

We know that Shen Congwen loves Zhang Zhaohe, and Shen Congwen is desperate to pursue him to hold the beauty, but the good times are not long, Shen Congwen fell in love with his student Gao Qingzi in the blink of an eye, and the goddess Zhang Zhaohe could not forgive Shen Congwen's betrayal all his life.

Xu Beihong is also a lover, but because he fell in love with 18-year-old student Sun Duoci, he failed and abandoned Jiang Biwei, who eloped with him and did not even want to go home.

Xu Zhimo's wife Lu Xiaoman stayed in love with the doctor Weng Duanwu for 30 years after Xu Zhimo's death, while Weng Duanwu, who has always loved Lu Xiaoman, fell in love with a young girl in his 70s and betrayed this love.

Even Jose, who had vowed to marry Sanmao since he was a teenager, met and fell in love with a girl in the days of separation from Sanmao, until later he told Sanmao that if it were not for Sanmao's existence, he would marry the girl.

The beauty of human nature is not nothing, but the essence of love may be that it is easy to deteriorate and easy to be overwhelmed by the world.

Not abandoning it seems to be just a castle in the air, passing through the clouds, and sometimes it is just wishful thinking.

Love is the purity of "snow on the mountain", and the depth of "how sentient is ruthless"!

So even if you have been separated, you can't forget the love that you can't forget.

But even if you don't forget it, it has not been divided by reality for a long time, a love, two people, two cities, has long been the end of their own world, such love, in addition to bitterness and pain, what meaning can it have.

Love is so elusive, it is a feeling, this feeling needs time to implement, it needs to be watered with the heart, it needs to be guarded with life.

Unforgettable and long-lasting love is probably everyone's ideal love. But reality is often missing from the ideal, sometimes a little bit worse, maybe more.

Love is the purity of "snow on the mountain", and the depth of "how sentient is ruthless"!

No matter what, it is always impossible to reach that realm, to reach that depth and that height.

Perhaps human nature can only be countered by faith. Only faith can make love eternal.

I hope that all the love in the world can maintain the sincerity and persistence of "death and life, and talk to the son", and can hold the hand of the son and grow old with the son!

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