
Delicious method recommended, dry fried fresh mushrooms, wood ear stewed potato chips, vegetarian pot stickers, tomato braised fish fillets

author:Splendid v Shandong

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am the creator of the food field Splendid V Shandong: "Focus on food, make life more flavorful." "Today I bring you a few home-cooked delicacies, which are also loved by everyone and are very common. Every day, we use ordinary ingredients to make the most delicious meals. I also hope that today's cuisine can bring you a whole day of happiness.

Dried fried mushrooms are a dish made with fresh mushrooms as the main ingredient, and fried with salt, monosodium glutamate, egg white, starch, green onion and ginger as the seasonings, and the taste is home-style.

Delicious method recommended, dry fried fresh mushrooms, wood ear stewed potato chips, vegetarian pot stickers, tomato braised fish fillets

Dry fried mushrooms

Ingredients: 500 g oyster mushrooms, 1 egg, oil and salt, pepper and salt, 1\2 teaspoons of thirteen spices, 3 tablespoons of starch


1, oyster mushrooms cut off the roots, wash, tear into strips by hand and set aside;

2, add water to the pot to boil, put in the oyster mushroom blanched water, blanch the oyster mushroom until it becomes soft, fish out the oyster mushroom, and use your hand to clean the water;

3, put the mushrooms in a large bowl, knock the eggs into the bowl, add a little salt, thirteen spices, starch, stir well;

4, the pot is added, burned to 50% hot, one by one into the mushroom fried, with chopsticks gently turned, the mushroom fried into shape, fished out;

5, increase the oil temperature, down into the mushroom re-frying, the appearance of the mushroom fried golden crisp, fish out the control oil, sprinkle with the right amount of pepper salt, like to eat spicy can also sprinkle some chili powder and cumin powder.

Wood ear fungus has tonic qi and nourish blood; Moisturizing the lungs and suppressing cough; Hemostasis; Buck; Anti-cancer effects. Potatoes are rich in starch, protein, dietary fiber and vitamins.

Delicious method recommended, dry fried fresh mushrooms, wood ear stewed potato chips, vegetarian pot stickers, tomato braised fish fillets

Wood ear mushrooms toss potato chips

Ingredients: a few dried fungus, two potatoes, chicken essence, a little mustard oil, half a spoon of old dry mother, two spoons of light soy sauce, a little rapeseed oil, half a spoon of rice vinegar, a little cooked white sesame seeds, a few dried peppers, a little pepper oil, a little homemade red oil pepper, a few garlic cloves, a few shallots, a little salt, sugar

Method: 1, soaked black fungus, rinse and rub several times with water, drain the water for later, peel and wash the potatoes, pay attention to the sprouted potatoes are not edible. Wash the shallots, peel the garlic and wash them, and wash the dried peppers for later

2, sit in a pot to boil water, wait for the water to boil, the water is boiling, put in the fungus, blanch for about two minutes, boil the water, put in the potato chips, blanch for two or three minutes

3. Soak the well-washed fungus and tear it into small flowers by hand for later

4: Cut the potatoes into thin slices, soak the sliced potatoes in water, rinse several times, wash off the surface starch, and set aside

6: Remove the blanched fungus from cold water and drain for later

7.: Prepare the next ingredients when cooking potatoes, cut the green onion into small pieces, cut the garlic into small pieces and pound into garlic paste, and put the minced shallots and garlic juice into a small bowl together

8: Add two spoonfuls of light soy sauce to the bowl, a little sugar and half a spoon of rice vinegar, half a spoon of lao dry mother, a little pepper oil, a little mustard oil, a little chili red oil, a spoonful of water, taste salty, add a little salt and chicken essence, stir well

9: Remove the blanched potato chips from the cold water, drain the water and put it into a deep bowl for later

10: Add the blanched fungus to the potato chips, pour in the sauce, stir well, refrigerate for 20 minutes, let it fully taste

11: Sprinkle a little white sesame seeds evenly on potato chips and fungus, wash the dried peppers, cut them into small pieces with scissors, and sprinkle on the vegetables. Add a little rapeseed oil to a small spoon, heat to 80%, cool for five seconds, and pour the oil evenly over the dried peppers

Vegetarian pot sticker is a kind of egg and starch as the main raw material using the frying method to make mature, do a good vegetarian pot helmet appearance golden yellow, looks very appetizing, bite a bite of goba fragrant crisp, is a very casual food, eat very refreshing, will eat and want to eat, can not stop at all, but the vegetarian pot sticker must be eaten while hot to eat delicious.

Delicious method recommended, dry fried fresh mushrooms, wood ear stewed potato chips, vegetarian pot stickers, tomato braised fish fillets

Vegetarian pot stickers

【Ingredients】: 1 zucchini, 3 eggs, 1/2 green onion, a little allspice powder, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 6 grams of salt, 300 grams of ordinary flour, about 210 grams of boiling water.

【Specific method】:

1: Put the flour into the basin, prepare boiling water, and stir it with chopsticks while pouring water into a flocculent shape until there is no obvious dry flour in the basin.

2, start, put the dough and into a dough, the dough does not have to be too smooth, into a ball.

3: Cover with a damp cloth or lid and let the dough relax for 10 minutes. Then you can go and prepare the filling of the pot stickers.

4, wash the zucchini, rub into filaments, the skin of the zucchini does not have to be removed, the skin is also very tender. Then add 6 grams of salt, no more, otherwise the filling will be salty. Stir well and let it sit for about 20 minutes.

5: The dough and zucchini are left to stand, we beat the eggs and stir well.

6, wok oil heat, pour in the egg liquid, immediately use chopsticks to stir non-stop, fried into small pieces, so scrambled eggs, fried out are just enough to fill the egg pieces, do not have to cut or chop into small pieces. After that, let the eggs cool.

7, after the eggs are scrambled, knead the dough three or five times, continue to cover the pot and let it stand; zucchini has been pickled at this time a lot of water, this water we do not want.

8: Use your hands to remove the water from the zucchini shreds and put them into a large bowl of stuffing.

9: Add the cooled eggs and chopped shallots, then add the five-spice powder and drizzle with sesame oil. Zucchini is salted when pickled, so there is no need to add salt at this time.

10, stir well, the filling of the pot paste will be adjusted, people with heavy taste can add some oyster sauce into it.

11, put the dough on the board, and then knead a few times, do not over-knead, after relaxation, the dough has been particularly delicate.

12, roll it into long strips, roll it round, cut into small agents, about the size of the agent for dumplings, and then roll out into a dough.

13: Put in the mixed filling, and pinch the middle part, as shown in the picture. If it is a meat pot sticker, it will be fine at this point.

14, but we are vegetarian pot stickers, in order to prevent the pot stickers from flowing soup in the process of frying, so we must pinch both ends of it, as shown in the picture.

15, the pan brush a little oil, while wrapping the pot stickers directly into the pot, so that it is convenient.

16, then fry on low heat for 1-2 minutes, when the oil begins to sound, you can pour water, pour into a small half bowl of water, the amount of water is just past the bottom of the pot. Cover the pot and fry on low heat for two or three minutes, be sure to fry on low heat, the heat is very critical.

17: Then heat slightly, drain the soup and turn off the heat. In fact, I fried three pots back and forth, or I could fry two pots at the same time.

18, with the hot noodles fried out of the pot sticker is particularly delicious, the bottom of the golden crisp, soft and good bite, the filling is tender and nutritious, better than dumplings, eat not enough.

Don't scramble eggs with tomatoes, throw them into the fish fillets and simmer them, and the delicate and delicious soup is not left.

Delicious method recommended, dry fried fresh mushrooms, wood ear stewed potato chips, vegetarian pot stickers, tomato braised fish fillets

Tomato risotto fillets

Ingredients: two tomatoes; half a piece of grass carp; green onion; ginger; coriander; tomato paste; sugar; salt; pepper;


1: Wash and dice the tomatoes, remove the fish bones and cut into thin slices of grass carp, cut the green onion into sections and slice the ginger.

2, onion and ginger water: green onion + ginger slices + water, wear gloves and rub out the liquid of the onion and ginger itself with your hands, wait until the water becomes turbid and has a shallot and ginger flavor.

3, pickled fish fillets: add pepper, egg white, salt, appropriate amount of green onion and ginger water to the fillets, and then add starch to mix completely, so that the fillets hang on a thin paddle and then place marinate for 10 minutes.

4: Stir-fry the diced tomatoes in a hot pan until soft, add tomato sauce, sugar and salt to taste, add an appropriate amount of water (not tomatoes can be) and bring to a boil.

5: Add the fillets and stir-fry gently so that the fillets do not stick to one piece. Cover and cook for two minutes, then add a little pepper and parsley.

6, fish fillets are fragile after maturity, so it is not advisable to stir-fry repeatedly after just being gently stir-fried in the pot!

Pork rib stewed bean carob is a home-cooked dish with ribs and beans as the main ingredients, onion, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, peppercorns, pepper as accessories, belonging to the Northeast cuisine, salty and fresh taste, rich in nutritional value.

Delicious method recommended, dry fried fresh mushrooms, wood ear stewed potato chips, vegetarian pot stickers, tomato braised fish fillets

To prepare the pork ribs stewed beans

Ingredients that need to be prepared in advance: ribs, beans, potatoes, dried chili peppers, green onions, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, star anise, peppercorns, salt, chicken essence, vegetable oil;

Procedure steps:

In the first step, the beans are stripped of the silk at both ends, broken into segments, the potatoes are peeled, washed and cut into pieces, and the ribs are cut into segments for later;

In the second step, slice the green onion, cut into sections, ginger and garlic, cut the dried chili pepper into pieces and put them in a bowl for later;

The third step, boil water in the pot, put in the ribs, boil the blood foam and fish out the empty water for later;

In the fourth step, add vegetable oil to the pot, the oil temperature to 60% heat, add the beans, fry until the color changes and fish out the oil control;

In the fifth step, fry the potatoes until the surface is slightly yellow, and the oil control is fished out, and the ribs are fried until the surface is golden brown;

Step 6, leave a little oil in the pot, next time the onion, ginger, garlic stir-fry out of the aroma, add the ribs to add star anise, dried pepper, peppercorns, soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, stir-fry evenly;

Step 7: Add the water that has not yet passed the ribs, simmer for 15 minutes over medium heat, add the beans and potatoes, add salt and continue to simmer for 15 minutes;

In the eighth step, collect the juice on high heat, add the appropriate amount of chicken essence, stir-fry evenly and enjoy the meal.

Spicy ribs, home cooking. The ingredients are mainly original pork ribs, accessories: oil chili, soybean paste, oil spicy seeds, seasoning: garlic paste, ginger, rock sugar, light soy sauce.

Delicious method recommended, dry fried fresh mushrooms, wood ear stewed potato chips, vegetarian pot stickers, tomato braised fish fillets

Spicy ribs

The most popular dishes for children, meat and vegetarian with double nutrition, children are no longer picky eaters

Ingredients: small steaks, millet spicy, bean paste, dark soy sauce, chicken powder, cooking wine, ginger, star anise, peppercorns, garlic cloves

1. Soak the ribs in water to create excess blood.

2. Boil water, add the ribs, blanch until discolored, remove and wash and set aside.

3. Prepare garlic cloves, ginger slices, peppercorns, star anise, millet rings.

4. Stir in oil, add ginger, star anise, peppercorns, cloves, garlic cloves, millet spicy and stir-fry.

5. Add the ribs and sauté with a spoonful of old soy sauce until colored.

6. Add the water that has not been ribs, bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to medium and cover the pot.

7. Cook until the broth is about to dry, add chicken powder to taste.

8. Turn the heat to high, dry the broth and sprinkle with green onions.

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