
Bitter melon scrambled eggs are tired of eating, so teach everyone to make a plate of bitter melon stuffed meat, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple

author:Hunan cuisine

Bitter melon is generally a melon dish that is more suitable for eating in summer, but it has now become a home-cooked dish on the dinner table. Although the taste of bitter melon is bitter, it is very popular with the public, and Chinese medicine believes that bitter melon has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying and alleviating summer heat. In addition to stir-frying, stir-frying meat, and boiling soup, bitter melon can also be made with bitter melon stuffed meat, which is hot and detoxifying, simple and easy to do! Today Changsha New Oriental Culinary Institute teaches you the home-cooked method of "bitter melon stuffed meat", meat and vegetarian with good taste, children rush to eat!

Bitter melon scrambled eggs are tired of eating, so teach everyone to make a plate of bitter melon stuffed meat, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple

Ingredients: Bitter melon, pork belly, carrot, green onion, ginger, garlic, goji berries, eggs, sesame oil, cooking wine, soy sauce


1, bitter melon cut into about two centimeters thick bitter melon segments, the middle of the bitter melon dug clean and set aside,

2, pork belly, carrots together into meat filling, add chopped onion, ginger and garlic, cooking wine, sesame oil, eggs and soy sauce, stir evenly and vigorously,

3, the marinated meat filling into the bitter melon segment, one by one to fill in the reserve,

4, steamer add water, after the water boils, put the bitter melon filled with meat filling into the steamer, steam for ten minutes on high heat,

5, steamed bitter melon out, pour the soup into the wok, pour in the soy sauce, add the chopped ginger and garlic,

6: Put out the soup, sprinkle on the bitter melon, and put on the plate.

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