
Eat more bitter vegetables on three days, teach you a bitter melon stuffed meat, bitter taste light oil smoke less, summer eating is very suitable

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Eat more bitter vegetables on three days, teach you a bitter melon stuffed meat, bitter taste light oil smoke less, summer eating is very appropriate

Time passes quickly, the head is almost over, is about to usher in the second volt day, the weather will be more hot, for this kind of weather, we must actively adjust the diet, do not eat wrong, eat less spicy and greasy food, try to eat lighter, but also eat more cool food, but also eat more bitter vegetables, such as bitter melon, bitter chrysanthemum, etc., although these dishes have a bitter taste, but they all have the effect of clearing heat and relieving the heat, eating in the summer is no better, often eat these can be smooth summer. Eat more bitter vegetables on three days, teach you a bitter melon stuffed meat, bitter taste light oil smoke less, summer eating is very suitable!

Eat more bitter vegetables on three days, teach you a bitter melon stuffed meat, bitter taste light oil smoke less, summer eating is very suitable

Bitter melon is the most bitter ingredient in bitter vegetables, many people can feel the bitter taste when they hear this name, but in order to live a good three-volt day, it is recommended that friends eat more. Bitter melon has a variety of ways to eat, can be cold mixed, can also do loofah fried meat shredded, loofah scrambled eggs, but also can do bitter melon stuffed meat, I don't know if you have eaten?

Bitter melon stuffed meat this dish is very simple, eat bitter taste is small, many people can accept the degree, to have not eaten can try once, and the use of steaming method, do not need to fry and stew, oil smoke is very little, cooking is not hard and not hot.

Eat more bitter vegetables on three days, teach you a bitter melon stuffed meat, bitter taste light oil smoke less, summer eating is very suitable

The preparation of this dish is shared with you, so let's do it.

Steps to make bitter melon stuffed meat:

Prepare a bitter melon, choose the kind of surface of the shallow, relatively speaking bitter melon bitter taste is lighter, if you can eat bitter, you can buy it casually. Prepare a small piece of pork belly, which is much more delicious than pure lean meat.

Eat more bitter vegetables on three days, teach you a bitter melon stuffed meat, bitter taste light oil smoke less, summer eating is very suitable

Let's deal with the minced meat first, because it is more delicious to marinate, so make it in advance.

After mincing the pork belly into minced meat filling, put it in a bowl and add salt, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white pepper, chicken essence, minced ginger and green onion, stir well.

Stir vigorously and then add a little water to stir, after the water is completely absorbed, add a little corn starch and some cooking oil to stir, put aside and marinate for ten minutes, you can also put it in the refrigerator to marinate.

Eat more bitter vegetables on three days, teach you a bitter melon stuffed meat, bitter taste light oil smoke less, summer eating is very suitable

Then deal with the bitter melon, first clean, remove the two ends, and then cut the bitter melon into small pieces, some friends themselves do not like to eat bitter melon, you can cut the bitter melon shorter, love to eat bitter melon can cut long segments, so that you can stuff more meat, eat more enjoyable.

After cutting, then use a smaller knife to remove the inner part of the bitter melon, remove it and then slowly scrape off the white film inside, this layer of film is very bitter, and friends who can't eat it can handle it.

Eat more bitter vegetables on three days, teach you a bitter melon stuffed meat, bitter taste light oil smoke less, summer eating is very suitable

After processing, add water to the pot to boil, then add salt and cooking oil, pour the bitter melon into the pot, blanch the water on high heat, blanch the water and put it into the cool water basin to cool, after this operation, the taste of bitter melon is better.

The bitter melon is fished out of the controlled water, the meat filling is stuffed into the bitter melon, stuffed and plated.

Eat more bitter vegetables on three days, teach you a bitter melon stuffed meat, bitter taste light oil smoke less, summer eating is very suitable

After processing them one by one, add water to the steamer, put the steaming tray into the steaming drawer, cover the lid and steam for ten minutes, so that the bitter melon stuffed meat is ready.

After steaming, take it out directly and eat it, you can also cook a little more sauce and pour it on the bitter melon stuffed meat, but when seasoning, it should be lighter, and don't make it too salty.

Eat more bitter vegetables on three days, teach you a bitter melon stuffed meat, bitter taste light oil smoke less, summer eating is very suitable

Did you learn this dish? There are two things to note as you do it:

First, after the inner part of the bitter melon is removed, the white film should be removed, which can reduce the bitter taste, of course, friends who can suffer do not have to do this.

Second, before the bitter melon is steamed, blanch a water in the pot, which can make the bitter melon taste better, and the blanching water can also reduce the bitterness.

Eat more bitter vegetables on three days, teach you a bitter melon stuffed meat, bitter taste light oil smoke less, summer eating is very suitable

Eating more bitter vegetables on three days, this bitter melon stuffed meat is both clear and cool, but also very relieving, very perfect, have a chance to try it. Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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