
When making bitter melon stuffed meat, add this step, and the bitter melon made is bright green and delicious

author:The vegetable guard

Since the summer, the weather has become unusually hot. In this hot summer, it is the harvest season of bitter melon, and it is also like this, bitter melon has become the standard in summer, becoming one of the indispensable delicacies on the summer table. Bitter melon is a very good ingredient, rich in fiber, is our fitness and weight loss of the favorite of small partners, because the bitter melon's cellulose can prevent fat absorption, while the calories of bitter melon is also very small, eat more is not afraid. It is also rich in vitamins, and eating more will not only not cause harm to our body, but also help us to be healthy!

When making bitter melon stuffed meat, add this step, and the bitter melon made is bright green and delicious

So bitter melon is so good, little friends, how do you usually eat bitter melon? There are many ways to make bitter melon, such as you can use bitter melon to make cold bitter melon, you can use bitter melon to fry with eggs, and use bitter melon and pork bones to cook soup together, and so on. However, the favorite method of small dishes is to brew bitter melon, because brewing bitter melon is the simplest in small dishes, just need to handle the meat filling well, and the brewed bitter melon will be green and delicious. But many small partners have doubts, they are making brewed bitter melon, the bitter melon made has become yellow, look at it at all will not look, how can you brew the bitter melon out of the emerald green? In fact, because the small partner does one less step, add more steps, steamed bitter melon not only will not turn yellow, but also keep emerald green. Next, the small dish will share the correct method of bitter melon stuffed meat to the small partners, and the interested small partners may wish to learn it with the small dish!

When making bitter melon stuffed meat, add this step, and the bitter melon made is bright green and delicious

Bitter melon stuffed meat

raw materials:

One bitter melon, three hundred grams of pork, four or five shiitake mushrooms, a handful of small shrimp, a tablespoon of chicken concentrate powder, a tablespoon of oyster sauce, a tablespoon of soy sauce, a little cooking oil

Specific steps:

In the first step, put the purchased pork on the board, chop it into a meat paste with a knife, and put it in the prepared bowl for later.

When making bitter melon stuffed meat, add this step, and the bitter melon made is bright green and delicious

In the second step, the purchased shiitake mushrooms are washed with water, placed on a board, cut into small portions with a knife, and placed in a bowl filled with meat paste.

When making bitter melon stuffed meat, add this step, and the bitter melon made is bright green and delicious

The third step is to put a small handful of dried shrimp into a bowl filled with meat paste, then pour a soup spoonful of chicken essence powder, a soup spoon of oyster sauce, a soup spoon of soy sauce, a tablespoon of cooking oil, stir it well with chopsticks, and put it aside for half an hour.

When making bitter melon stuffed meat, add this step, and the bitter melon made is bright green and delicious

In the fourth step, the bitter melon bought back, wash it with water, put it on the board, use a knife to cut it into bitter melon pieces of the same size, and set aside.

When making bitter melon stuffed meat, add this step, and the bitter melon made is bright green and delicious

In the fifth step, after all the cuts, use a spoon to get out along the edge of the bitter melon in the bitter melon section, and then put it aside for later.

When making bitter melon stuffed meat, add this step, and the bitter melon made is bright green and delicious

Step 6: Take out a steamer. Pour the right amount of water into the pot, bring it to a boil on high heat, after boiling, put the treated bitter melon segments into the pot, cook until eight ripe, you can fish it out, put it aside to cool.

When making bitter melon stuffed meat, add this step, and the bitter melon made is bright green and delicious

In the seventh step, after cooling, the marinated meat filling is stuffed with a spoon into the bitter melon segment and placed on the plate.

When making bitter melon stuffed meat, add this step, and the bitter melon made is bright green and delicious

Step 8, put the basin containing the bitter melon into the steamer, steam it for ten minutes on high heat to take it out, pour the juice from the plate into the wok, add some starch, cook until it is viscous and drizzle on the bitter melon, and a bitter melon stuffed meat is done.

When making bitter melon stuffed meat, add this step, and the bitter melon made is bright green and delicious


1, if you want to steam the bitter melon not to be yellow, you need to cook the bitter melon until it is eight minutes cooked, so that the steamed bitter melon will be emerald green.

2, the meat filling can be added according to your own preferences, and the side dishes are already very fragrant.

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