
Activision Blizzard filed a lawsuit against outboard company EngineOwning

On January 4, Activision Blizzard's issuer filed a lawsuit in california's central district court, company Initiation, in court for the District of California, seeking damages.

Activision Blizzard filed a lawsuit against outboard company EngineOwning

According to the lawsuit documents, Activision included the German company EnglishOwning UG and numerous other individuals on the list of defendants, accusing them of illegally selling plug-in software, deliberately undermining user agreements and engaging in unfair competition. EngineOwning has numerous cheats for shooters, including perspective, self-aiming, no back seat, bypass detection program, and more. The persecuted games are not only the Call of Duty series, EA's Battlefield series and Overwatch are also the hardest hit areas for its sale of plug-ins.

Activision Blizzard filed a lawsuit against outboard company EngineOwning

Activision said: "Through this lawsuit, we are trying to stop the illegal behavior of this organization. The group profited by distributing and selling a large number of plug-ins that harmed Activision's game, its overall business, and the experience of the Call of Duty player community. "Activision believes the defendants are fully aware that their actions violated Activision's rights, but still ignore these to continue to make money."

For now, a Twitter account belonging to EngineOwning has not responded immediately, and the company has not yet posted information on the lawsuit on the account.

Activision has recently been working hard to combat cheating in Call of Duty games and has focused a lot of its energy on the popular free-to-play game Call of Duty: Warzone. Last December, the company launched a new Richette anti-cheat system worldwide in Warzone. Soon after, the company said it had banned 48,000 "cheating accounts" thanks to the new system. In the lawsuit, Activision said it has been able to identify and ban hundreds of thousands of accounts that used cheating software in the Call of Duty game over the past year.

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